This poor plane has become the ginni pig of my tiny fleet. I was talked into trying spades to relieve handle pressure. So, in the spirit of not discounting anything till I have tried it I put a set that Mark Wood sent me on Trifecta. Guess what, they worked as advertised. I am still far from sold on their benefit, but I won't make that call till I have retrimmed the plane for them and flown a pattern trimmed. I was able to make it through a full pattern on the first flight even with them causing a slight "wings not level" condition. Without the pressure on the flaps, it turns a ridiculous corner and level flight and line tension is unaffected. I found a slight misalignment in the outboard spade that will need fixing before I pass judgment. It will take a lot of flights to get used to the feel, or should I say lack of feel, in corners. I am not sure I want to go there BUT, they do work and offer a real solution for a plane that is heavy on the controls.