Depends on what a pack of morons the movers are .
Bob Hunts ' Foam Racks ' to seperate the suckers , would do well .
A peasant can hack foam sheets with a bread knife , easy . Slots for wings & fuselages & so on . But a bit of care and patiance would pay dividends ,.
Having dragged truckloads of planes across the countryside , NOSE DOWN , with a chaff strip under the spinner , and ' seperators ' so they stay apart , help .
Loading & unloadings the dangerous part . AND the smoothness of the road . The odd temptation to do a Ari Vartenan , can be a hindrance to . Getting airborne , sideways , or rough rutted roadsend up as a
' tumbler ' which is good , if you want all the sharp edges knocked off .
For ' other people ' Id find a pellet . Some 2 x 2 at least uprights , a diagonal brace or two , and say a 1/2 ply TOP . So some stoopid flea brained swine
( not to mention W W Freight Dist Net ./ Melb !!!!!Q!!)
" Oh , a load of steel fell through it . I am NOT a half wit )
SO , unless youve guaraNTEES . Hours to replace ! A U Haul Trailer , and keeping it below 90 , would be the go . ALSO , Moving , take a day or two out to recuperate from packing , before heading off .
There must be ' moving containers ' like mini shipping containers ? ?
Bobs Foam dividers & bags of bean bags , cusions from the op shop , old foam matress things , etc . A odd empty cardboard box or two , with the leading edges on it , to keep em level .
Multi layers of newspapers ( 1/2 the local rag - to get some cushion . 10 pages , doubled / folded . The odd bit off tape .
WELL something like that . Combination thereof . Give em a wiggle & twist . Loaded . They should stay put . or you ned more ' packers ' . Cardboard anti puncture ' slips ' on the 20 pointers ! see they cant ' Chaff ' .