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Author Topic: Compared to what? - talk of the virus  (Read 9167 times)

Offline Robert Zambelli

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Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« on: March 16, 2020, 09:29:56 PM »
This is an interesting article.

Compared to what?
by Heather Mac Donald

On the misguided response to COVID-19.
Compared to what? That should be the question that every fear-mongering news story on the coronavirus has to start with. So far, the United States has seen forty-one deaths from the infection. Twenty-two of those deaths occurred in one poorly run nursing home outside of Seattle, the Life Care Center. Another nine deaths occurred in the rest of Washington state, leaving ten deaths (four in California, two in Florida, and one in each of Georgia, Kansas, New Jersey, and South Dakota) spread throughout the rest of the approximately 329 million residents of the United States. This represents roughly .000012 percent of the U.S. population.
Much has been made of the “exponential” rate of infection in European and Asian countries—as if the spread of all transmittable diseases did not develop along geometric, as opposed to arithmetic, growth patterns. What actually matters is whether or not the growing “pandemic” overwhelms our ability to ensure the well-being of U.S. residents with efficiency and precision. But fear of the disease, and not the disease itself, has already spoiled that for us. Even if my odds of dying from coronavirus should suddenly jump ten-thousand-fold, from the current rate of .000012 percent across the U.S. population all the way up to .12 percent, I’d happily take those odds over the destruction being wrought on the U.S. and global economy from this unbridled panic.
By comparison, there were 38,800 traffic fatalities in the United States in 2019, the National Safety Council estimates. That represents an average of over one hundred traffic deaths every day; if the press catalogued these in as much painstaking detail as they have deaths from coronavirus, highways nationwide would be as empty as New York subways are now. Even assuming that coronavirus deaths in the United States increase by a factor of one thousand over the year, the resulting deaths would only outnumber annual traffic deaths by 2,200. Shutting down highways would have a much more positive effect on the U.S. mortality rate than shutting down the U.S. economy to try to prevent the spread of the virus.
There have been 5,123 deaths worldwide so far—also a fraction of traffic deaths worldwide. And unlike coronavirus, driving kills indiscriminately, mowing down the young and the old, the sick and the healthy. The coronavirus, by comparison, is targeted in its lethality, overwhelmingly striking the elderly or the already severely sick. As of Monday, approximately 89 percent of Italy’s coronavirus deaths had been over the age of seventy, according to The Wall Street Journal. Sad to say, those victims were already nearing the end of their lifespans. They might have soon died from another illness. No child under the age of nine has died from the illness worldwide. In China, only one individual in the ten-to-nineteen age group has succumbed.
Comparing the relative value of lives makes for grisly calculus, but one is forced to ask: are we missing the forest for the trees? If the measures we undertake to protect a vulnerable few end up exposing them, along with the rest of society, to even more damaging risks—was it worth the cost?
An example: there were 34,200 deaths in the United States during the 2018–19 influenza season estimates the CDC. We did not shut down public events and institutions to try to slow the spread of the flu. Yet we have already destroyed $5 trillion in stock market wealth over the last few weeks in the growing coronavirus panic, reports The New York Times, wiping out retirement savings for many.
The number of cases in most afflicted countries is paltry. As of today, 127 countries had reported some cases, but forty-eight of those countries had fewer than ten cases, according to Worldometer. At this point, more people have recovered from the virus than are still sick. But the damage to people’s livelihoods through the resulting economic contraction is real and widespread. Its health consequences will be more severe than those of the coronavirus, as Steve Malanga shows in City Journal. The people who can least afford to lose jobs will be the hardest hit by the assault on tourism. Small entrepreneurs, whether in manufacturing or the service sector, will struggle to stay afloat. Such unjustified, unpredicted economic havoc undermines government legitimacy.
President Trump has been criticized for not being apocalyptic enough in his press conferences. In fact, he should be even more skeptical of the panic than he has been. He should relentlessly put the coronavirus risk into context with opioid deaths, homicide deaths—about sixteen thousand a year in the United States—flu deaths, and traffic deaths. One might have thought New York governor Andrew Cuomo a voice of reason when, a few days ago, he tried to tamp down the hysteria in a press conference, saying: “This is not Ebola, this is not sars, this is not some science fiction movie come to life. The hysteria here is way out of line with the actuality and the facts.” And yet since then he called a state of emergency in New York, and he and Mayor Bill de Blasio have all but shut down the New York City economy. They, like most all U.S. politicians nowadays, have shown an overwhelming impulse to be irrationally risk-averse.
Rather than indiscriminately shutting down public events and travel, we should target prevention where it is most needed: in nursing homes and hospitals.
It is hard to imagine that the panicked leaders and populace of today would have been able to triumph in the last century’s World Wars. America’s colleges sent off thousands of their young men to fight and die in those wars; those students went off with conviction and courage. Currently, colleges and universities are shutting down with no hint of the virus in their vicinity. Would today’s panicked leaders and populace be able to triumph in the face of a World War, or some other legitimately comparable threat? Let’s hope that we do not have to find out.
Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of The Diversity Delusion (St. Martin’s Press) and The War on Cops (Encounter).

Offline Dan McEntee

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2020, 09:48:09 PM »
   Excellent article and the truth that no one wants to hear. I do not fear the disease, I fear the alleged "cure." I'm 65 and have dealt with double pneumonia in my life time, so that puts me at some extra "risk." If the virus were to suddenly disappear tomorrow, the ripple effect of actions taken so far would undulate for a long time and reach a long way.
  Type at you later,
  Dan McEntee
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Offline wwwarbird

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2020, 10:19:46 PM »
   I do not fear the disease, I fear the alleged "cure." If the virus were to suddenly disappear tomorrow, the ripple effect of actions taken so far would undulate for a long time and reach a long way.
  Type at you later,
  Dan McEntee


 Yes, it's a problem, but this whole "pandemic" is way more about a political agenda than anything else. Even though there is one on this forum offering excellent explanations and viewpoints on the subject, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the parties behind creating and fueling the panic are. And, those same parties have now lowered themselves to being completely fine with destroying our country's economy. It's hard to imagine anything more disgraceful than what we're all currently getting shoved up our a__es.  D>K
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Wayne Willey
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Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2020, 10:43:26 PM »
Overwhelmed hospitals in Italy. Theatrics. Movie making. Fiction. French shut down. Fakers. All those Europeans. Besides we know about them. China. Inscrutable. Like in those movies of the 1930s. What are they up to?

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Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2020, 10:45:12 PM »
“Compared to What,” is that a jazzbo song?

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Offline Brett Buck

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2020, 10:50:48 PM »
Overwhelmed hospitals in Italy. Theatrics. Movie making. Fiction. French shut down. Fakers. All those Europeans. Besides we know about them. China. Inscrutable.

   But gosh, they all have socialized medicine. I thought that was going to fix everything.

     Instead they are talking about letting anyone >80 die because, you know, they have had a long life and they would take up valuable state resources. Presumably to be decided by some sort of committee, or panel.

   Thanks for adding so much intelligent analysis to this discussion, what we would be do without you to point this stuff out to us?


Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2020, 10:55:27 PM »
Over 65, if you’re diabetic, pre diabetic, heart disease, smoked some, got a pot belly, or whatever health compromise, only a 15 percent chance you’ll shuffle off this mortal coil. What the heck. Chinese statistics.

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Offline Larry Fernandez

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2020, 01:23:01 AM »
Thank you Mr Zambell!!
This post is so on the mark but the problem is that those with any intelligents will understand and believe this, but
the scary thing is, all the lefty liberals with IQs of a dirt clod buying into the BS left agenda.
They will do all they can to trash our economy, and blame it on Trump using this pandemic to get voters to fall for
their twisted, slanted views.
God help this great country.
Thanks again Bob, keep up the good fight

Larry, Buttafucco Stunt Team

Offline John Park

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2020, 03:23:38 AM »
The response here in Britain is aimed at 'flattening the curve' so as to reduce the number of severe cases at any one time to a level with which the hospitals can cope.  As a nation, we tend to be quite good at not losing our heads, and anyway we're not really all that gregarious.  My wife and I (in our 70s, both fit and well) took our usual three-mile walk this morning in our mile-square local park, and passed about half a dozen people.  The initial panic in the shops (people stockpiling toilet paper, of all things!) seems to have died down, and I for one am fairly confident that we'll get through it without the loss of life seen in Italy.  So far, so good, anyway.

You want to make 'em nice, else you get mad lookin' at 'em!

Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2020, 05:00:32 AM »
We are taking these radical measures so our health system doesn’t collapse dragging with it much of the fragile system we depend on to stay alive. We have a month or two lead time. Up to us to use it or fail en mass.

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Offline Dennis Moritz

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Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2020, 05:11:27 AM »
Massimo, I was being ironic, I hope that translated. Thank you for communicating the realties of your situation. It must be very hard to do this. Perhaps it will help. Thank you again.

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Offline Dennis Moritz

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Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2020, 05:33:51 AM »
You’ve heard testimonies now of people experiencing a reality on its way here. Up to you.

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Offline John Hammonds

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2020, 07:28:59 AM »
At this point in time I'm more worried about human nature than the actual virus. :(

I think some people have been watching too many "Walking Dead" episodes.

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Offline Gerald Arana

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2020, 07:52:28 AM »
Thank you Mr Zambell!!
This post is so on the mark but the problem is that those with any intelligents will understand and believe this, but
the scary thing is, all the lefty liberals with IQs of a dirt clod buying into the BS left agenda.
They will do all they can to trash our economy, and blame it on Trump using this pandemic to get voters to fall for
their twisted, slanted views.
God help this great country.
Thanks again Bob, keep up the good fight

Larry, Buttafucco Stunt Team



Offline Jim Mynes

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2020, 08:52:24 AM »
Hoarding toilet paper might seem like a silly thing to many. In fact, I think it’s ludicrous. But the fact remains, the store shelves are empty, and when you get down to your last roll your personal panic may ensue.
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Offline John Hammonds

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2020, 09:11:22 AM »
Hoarding toilet paper might seem like a silly thing to many. In fact, I think it’s ludicrous. But the fact remains, the store shelves are empty, and when you get down to your last roll your personal panic may ensue.

It's probably because 1 person sneezes and 50 people S**t themselves...

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.....
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Tom Vieira

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2020, 09:23:09 AM »
Hoarding toilet paper might seem like a silly thing to many. In fact, I think it’s ludicrous. But the fact remains, the store shelves are empty, and when you get down to your last roll your personal panic may ensue.

that's what towels are for, rinse wash and reuse....

if the power goes out or the water shuts off, that's when you'll see people flip out, not running out of TP...

Offline John Park

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2020, 09:43:18 AM »
Hoarding toilet paper might seem like a silly thing to many. In fact, I think it’s ludicrous. But the fact remains, the store shelves are empty, and when you get down to your last roll your personal panic may ensue.
That's all died down in my neck of the woods - there's more TP on the shelves than you could shake a stick at.  What's short now is the anti-bacterial cleaner you spray on your kitchen worktops etc., and I bet that'll be back in stock tomorrow. I just hope it's anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial!
Just to give an idea of the scale of the problem: in my County in the south of England, with a little over a million people in it, the total number who've so far tested positive for the virus is 25.  As they're only testing hospital admissions, there may of course be very many more who've got it/had it but have not been badly enough affected to need hospital treatment.  The trick seems to be: if you're young, don't worry about getting it but take care not to pass it on.  If you're old, keep your distance from EVERYBODY.
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Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2020, 10:07:11 AM »
Guess some folks will change their talking points now. The message has been revised.

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Offline Steve Helmick

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2020, 10:39:57 AM »
Can somebody please ship me some TP? I need some to blot off excess epoxy on a sheeted foam wing.  ;) Steve
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In 1944 18-20 year old's stormed beaches, and parachuted behind enemy lines to almost certain death.  In 2015 18-20 year old's need safe zones so people don't hurt their feelings.

Offline Lauri Malila

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2020, 11:21:00 AM »
I hope you are safe and well on that side of the Alps, Massimo. L


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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2020, 11:40:09 AM »
All those nice folks on Wall Street, with their automated-computers, which have all created "sell" orders, have depleted my life savings, which were heavily invested .
That money was not or my use, but intended for my grandkids in my estate.  Now, thanks to greedy day-traders, my family is now on their own, and my contribution now has little to offer.
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Tom Vieira

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2020, 12:32:17 PM »
All those nice folks on Wall Street, with their automated-computers, which have all created "sell" orders, have depleted my life savings, which were heavily invested .
That money was not or my use, but intended for my grandkids in my estate.  Now, thanks to greedy day-traders, my family is now on their own, and my contribution now has little to offer.

gotta ride the wave....  unless the company disappears you had money in, it'll come around eventually.  Granted, i'm only 36, but i'm not touching my investments, and considering dropping every penny I have in to the market once it looks like it bottoms out.

man, it'd be nice to be one of those people who have figured out how to make money just if the market moves (doesn't matter up or down, just moves)....

Offline Steve Dwyer

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2020, 12:54:39 PM »
Ready for the next debacle?

As we all know use of wipes has been a sticking point with many wastewater treatment facilities for some time. The nondegradable wipes do not breakdown as does toilet paper and many facilities have posted shots of what they call monster clogs. The wipes become cemented together with oils and fats that were washed down drains.  They are being called “fatbergs”, and costly to remove. Some have been found as large as a bus. Some municipalities have even filed lawsuits with the companies manufacturing the wipes.

So what's to come?  We all know many will be resorting to paper towels and rags in addition to wipes as they remain available for the cleanup task in the absence of TP. The next alternative paper towels are close to wipes, they don't break down quickly and certainly will cause havoc.

Considering how it's only been a little over a week since the TP scarcity surfaced how long will it take before street sewer lines will become restricted with masses of paper towels? Most insurance companies will cover the consequential clean up resulting from the backup but cost to excavate and repair the line out is generally not a covered peril. Will Washington bail us out? I'm gonna chuckle the day a reporter asks Mike and Donald for a Sewer Line Stimulus" in view of the COVID-19 catastrophe.

Gotta have fun somehow!!


Offline Steve Dwyer

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2020, 12:58:18 PM »
T.J. What you are looking for is a guaranteed annuity. As for the market good luck there's no guarantee there.


Tom Vieira

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2020, 12:59:19 PM »

Tom Vieira

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2020, 01:00:57 PM »
T.J. What you are looking for is a guaranteed annuity. As for the market good luck there's no guarantee there.


nope, no guarantees at all.  but, with the way the economy and "civilization" is set up, if it tanks globally, money of any sort won't matter much anyhow.

Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2020, 02:09:44 PM »
So far market is green today

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Offline Brett Buck

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2020, 02:46:26 PM »
Just an FYI:

2503 dead in Italy currently (7.9% of known infected)

    Right. That's what happens when you put the least efficient organization in any country - the government - in charge of something. And when it proves again to not work, then, we have the same people that created the situation weeping and rending their garments over the "tragedy". *That they themselves caused*. And their solution - do it some more! 

    The American left has been doing their level best to destroy out health care system (so they can replace it with their own) for 30+ years, basically so they could make it work like the European system that just killed 2500 people over the flu.

    Well, mission nearly accomplished - that's why the left is practically dancing in the streets and pulling for more people to die, so that they can "prove" that the system needs to get blown up and replaced completely. And not take even a slight responsibility for the results.

     And, as a side effect, put the government in final and ultimate control of everyone's lives - note the many admiring nods toward's China's response, which woudl have made the Nazis blush. Every little Hitler like Newsome, London Breed, etc, will be empowered to tell you where to go, when, how, and have you asking for permission.

     An observation - in the Bay Area, it is now nominally legal to smoke dope, but illegal to go to work. That what you let a bucnh of aging hippies run the world.


Offline john e. holliday

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2020, 03:16:10 PM »
It still amazes me how many can't remember the history of the past.  All the viruses that were to catastrophic and natures helps in getting rid of the human population.   If only the person who stated this mess could be held accountable like the impeachment show that didn't pan out.  Time running out on destroying our President before he is re-elected.   All politicians should be replaced or made tp out of their own pay check for the damage they have done.

Now in my area they are shutting the doors of restaurants, movie theaters and bars.   Any business with drive up or drive through allowed to stay open.  Wife and I went and got stuff we needed for the pets plus ourselves.  Shelves being replenished it was not crowded.  But, it is back to the shop for me and awaiting flying weather. D>K
John E. "DOC" Holliday
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Offline Robert Zambelli

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #31 on: March 17, 2020, 03:47:35 PM »
Well said, Brett   y1   y1

    Right. That's what happens when you put the least efficient organization in any country - the government - in charge of something. And when it proves again to not work, then, we have the same people that created the situation weeping and rending their garments over the "tragedy". *That they themselves caused*. And their solution - do it some more! 

    The American left has been doing their level best to destroy out health care system (so they can replace it with their own) for 30+ years, basically so they could make it work like the European system that just killed 2500 people over the flu.

    Well, mission nearly accomplished - that's why the left is practically dancing in the streets and pulling for more people to die, so that they can "prove" that the system needs to get blown up and replaced completely. And not take even a slight responsibility for the results.

     And, as a side effect, put the government in final and ultimate control of everyone's lives - note the many admiring nods toward's China's response, which woudl have made the Nazis blush. Every little Hitler like Newsome, London Breed, etc, will be empowered to tell you where to go, when, how, and have you asking for permission.

     An observation - in the Bay Area, it is now nominally legal to smoke dope, but illegal to go to work. That what you let a bucnh of aging hippies run the world.


Offline Dennis Moritz

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Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #32 on: March 17, 2020, 04:35:12 PM »
What happened to it’s a hoax? Apparently conservatives can whip 180 degrees, a backwards, without a blink. How do you swivel that fast? Without embarrassment? Well trained seals. Or. Lemmings. What’s the sound seals make. Arff. Arff. Dogs do that.

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Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2020, 04:55:35 PM »
Happy to see HIM finally, way late, take some positive steps to benefit the other 99 percent. Us.

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Offline Dan Berry

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #34 on: March 17, 2020, 05:07:04 PM »
Happy to see HIM finally, way late, take some positive steps to benefit the other 99 percent. Us.

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No, you aren't.

Offline Dennis Moritz

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2020, 05:12:01 PM »
Relieved. Thank you. Better word. He’ll f-up. Again. And again. Putin will order him to step up the chaos and confusion in a day or two.

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Offline Dennis Leonhardi

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2020, 05:29:59 PM »
What happened to it’s a hoax? Apparently conservatives can whip 180 degrees, a backwards, without a blink. How do you swivel that fast? Without embarrassment?

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Moritz, who said it's a hoax?  I hope you have more intelligence than to quote a badly edited Biden commercial!

I believe reality is somewhere between the extremes ... 24/7 news and numbers isn't curing anything.  I try to focus on things I can exercise control over, and not worry too much about those things I can't control.  Think about it - people walking out of supermarkets with every roll of toilet paper they can find are simply reacting to the feeling of not having control over the virus, no matter how misguided they may be.

Those of us who are - dare I say "elderly"? - can avoid crowds yada yada, but I'm not going to crawl under a rock.  And doctors tell us letting stress govern us is a sure way to weaken our immune system.

I'm told Yellowstone experienced something like 330 tremors during the month of February, most coming in a group of 3 "waves".  One scientist actually stated it might erupt within a week.  Anyone here making feverish preparations for that?

Since I have absolutely zip control over Yellowstone, I'm going to spend absolutely zip time worrying about it - my son and I hope to visit it again this summer, in fact.

I really do feel tremendous animosity towards those using this crisis to make political hay - like the Progressive who remarked the virus is actually useful in that it mostly kills the elderly, the group most resistant to climate change theories.

"Never let a serious crisis go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel, Obama's first Chief of Staff, later Mayor of Chicago


PS: My good friend & high school flying buddy Tom showing how he copes ...
Think for yourself !  XXX might win the Nats, be an expert on designing, building, finishing, flying, tuning engines - but you might not wanna take tax advice from him.  Or consider his views on the climate to be fact ...

Offline John Leidle

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #37 on: March 17, 2020, 05:33:25 PM »
   Has anyone noticed the traffic in Seattle ?  It's  4:30 PDT and all highways & freeways are wide open. I found myself going 80 MPH on the way home from flying this  noon.  This traffic is like I found my time machine & set it to 1970........
               John L.

Offline Dennis Moritz

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Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2020, 05:38:06 PM »
HE said it was a hoax. Freedom Fighter Rush said it was a hoax. (Not Howard) Apoplectic baby boy Sean said it was a hoax. Your orange bag of lies, deception, incompetence and recriminations over and over, said it was a hoax. That mean, destructive devastator, conservatives put in office. HIM. Hoax, hoax, hoax. The conservative alter-ego. Hoax, hoax, hoax. Makes me think of Karma. .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Bob Heywood

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #40 on: March 17, 2020, 06:50:38 PM »
"The King of Cool" would know what to do...
"Clockwise Forever..."

Offline Larry Renger

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2020, 07:48:01 PM »
You can talk about statistics but let’s get personal I am 77 have high blood pressure and respond badly to illness. If this thing gets me I could be dead.
Think S.M.A.L.L. y'all and, it's all good, CL, FF and RC!

 BTW, Dracula Sucks!  A closed mouth gathers no feet!

Offline Dennis Leonhardi

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2020, 08:17:02 PM »
You can talk about statistics but let’s get personal I am 77 have high blood pressure and respond badly to illness. If this thing gets me I could be dead.

Larry, I've enjoyed your designs, much appreciated advice & information you've offered through private messages and email, think you're one of the "good guys", and hope you'll share with us for many more years.

Please don't let worry diminish your quality of life, remember you're "An Army of One".  And please appreciate all the years we've been given!  Any one of us could be hit by a truck tomorrow.  The last people on earth I'd want to suffer are the children who haven't had our opportunities.

Think for yourself !  XXX might win the Nats, be an expert on designing, building, finishing, flying, tuning engines - but you might not wanna take tax advice from him.  Or consider his views on the climate to be fact ...

Offline Steve Dwyer

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #44 on: March 17, 2020, 10:29:53 PM »
A hoax? Isn’t it all we really wanted at the onset was to see empathy for the possible loss of people and assurance our best interest was being considered and not the personal impact it would have on our leader’s election?  What is a country to do if it lacks the equipment to save everyone? We shouldn’t be belittling people forced to make such a heartfelt decision. I’d step aside for my kids or grandkids in a heartbeat if it was a life and death situation because of the love I have for them. This is the way we are programmed, there has to be a framework for making a life and death decision and NY tonight is attempting to establish guidelines. How sad we have arrived at such a point. We can only hope the action we are now feverishly attempting isn’t too late to accommodate the needed care that will most certainly be required in the face of overwhelming odds.

We need (must) make a concerted effort here, we need to put aside partisan finger-pointing. This isn’t about one side trying to dump the economy or dancing in the streets. Our leaders have to reach out at this time, stop calling each other names, show some respect and above all sincere compassion. There is no left or right at this point and everyone has to accept this, I think we can, I only hope Washington can. Anyone that believes this was prompted by the left to rid the president is out if their mind. This is a catastrophe, whether more or less serious compared to some prior outbreak what does it matter? This is now.  People in all reality have become frustrated and angry, feeling real fear and reacting accordingly this is normal behavior.

Perhaps people running out to stock up on toilet paper or ammo is an attempt to overcome their fear and attempt to alleviate it. Do we really think this virus will precipitate some form of take over by one faction or another? This is nuts, and yes we probably are going to see our obituaries fill the newspapers as in Italy. Bitterness, frustration, opinionated hatred has no place here it’s time to let it go  People are going to die possibly even some of us, not all of us are not in the best condition to deal with this. We have little control except to take the action our leaders are impressing on us. We do have an option, however, to turn to our faith and believe the people of all parties voted to lead us will have the conscience and clarity to do what is best. What else is there?  I hope this makes some sense.

Best regards,


Offline Brett Buck

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2020, 11:10:35 PM »
What happened to it’s a hoax? Apparently conservatives can whip 180 degrees, a backwards, without a blink. How do you swivel that fast? Without embarrassment? Well trained seals. Or. Lemmings. What’s the sound seals make. Arff. Arff. Dogs do that.

    Who did that? You guys are the ones playing "virus porn" 24-7, practically salivating at your hope that everyone panics. It wont be long before MSNBC posts a counter on the screen, counting off the "Trump Coronavirus Death Count", and talking about "another grim milestone" in grave tones. Dodging your responsibility for the panic and trying to deflect it into a "Trump" issue.

 This thing started in a Communist Country, so now, you can't call it the Wuhan Flu, because that reflects badly on The Party.

    A bad flu is a real problem, but how do you deal with it? Hype it and hype until idiots are stabbing each other over toilet paper because they think this is the end. That is 100% ON YOU AND YOUR ILK, YOU CAUSED IT.


Offline Ken Culbertson

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2020, 11:17:27 PM »
Looks like building season just got extended.  I think this virus may actually save lives.  I drove home from work today at 5:30 and averaged 60mph which is a 50mph cars = no car crashes.

Brett, relax!  Once they are properly brainwashed logic is useless.


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Offline katana

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2020, 04:36:33 AM »
A hoax? Isn’t it all we really wanted at the onset was to see empathy for the possible loss of people and assurance our best interest was being considered and not the personal impact it would have on our leader’s election?  What is a country to do if it lacks the equipment to save everyone? We shouldn’t be belittling people forced to make such a heartfelt decision. I’d step aside for my kids or grandkids in a heartbeat if it was a life and death situation because of the love I have for them. This is the way we are programmed, there has to be a framework for making a life and death decision and NY tonight is attempting to establish guidelines. How sad we have arrived at such a point. We can only hope the action we are now feverishly attempting isn’t too late to accommodate the needed care that will most certainly be required in the face of overwhelming odds.

We need (must) make a concerted effort here, we need to put aside partisan finger-pointing. This isn’t about one side trying to dump the economy or dancing in the streets. Our leaders have to reach out at this time, stop calling each other names, show some respect and above all sincere compassion. There is no left or right at this point and everyone has to accept this, I think we can, I only hope Washington can. Anyone that believes this was prompted by the left to rid the president is out if their mind. This is a catastrophe, whether more or less serious compared to some prior outbreak what does it matter? This is now.  People in all reality have become frustrated and angry, feeling real fear and reacting accordingly this is normal behavior.

Perhaps people running out to stock up on toilet paper or ammo is an attempt to overcome their fear and attempt to alleviate it. Do we really think this virus will precipitate some form of take over by one faction or another? This is nuts, and yes we probably are going to see our obituaries fill the newspapers as in Italy. Bitterness, frustration, opinionated hatred has no place here it’s time to let it go  People are going to die possibly even some of us, not all of us are not in the best condition to deal with this. We have little control except to take the action our leaders are impressing on us. We do have an option, however, to turn to our faith and believe the people of all parties voted to lead us will have the conscience and clarity to do what is best. What else is there?  I hope this makes some sense.

Best regards,


Well that was a somewhat less xenophobic / paranoid post that so far i've read! Well done for speaking sense!  y1

Offline Dick Byron

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2020, 08:50:52 AM »
Toilet paper on line from a company called "MAYORWELL"  $65.98 "BEWARE" google says "BEWARE".

Offline Mike Griffin

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Re: Compared to what? - talk of the virus
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2020, 02:31:13 PM »
Ok, everyone wants to talk Corona virus... let's talk about it. Let's talk about how China was fighting against the Hong Kong protesters that were waving American flags and praising Trump.... gone. Let's discuss how Trump has been tough on China and trade and theft of intellectual property. Now china threatens to withhold the ingredients for medicines. Let's talk about how the democrats and main stream media have blamed Trump for everything since he was elected and have come out and said they hoped the stock market would crash to make him look bad. Let's talk about how we had a Harvard professor of bio chem working secretly for the Chinese and getting paid really well, while lying about his connections. We all have seen what these leftist college professors have indoctrinated our young people and how nasty they've been towards anyone that supports Trump. We've all seen how far the left and dems are willing to go to regain power and how the media has been used to promote their fake stories. Now we see them blame Trump for a Chinese virus and use the dem media to scare people and destabilize our markets. Let's talk about the Chinese girl that they're looking for, that they think is now back in china , that had access to our defense department and military. How about the chinese guy they busted at the airport with vials of bio materials hidden in his sock! How about the Chinese driver that was discovered working for Fienstein? Let's talk about how there's not more talk about protests in Venezuela. How about the fact that there's a bio lab in Wuhan, near that market they blamed and the professor had ties to that lab. Now China is trying to blame the virus on our military... makes no sense...since when do we have troops in China? How about Nancy Pelosi trying to sneak in abortion funding into the funding bill for the virus. Let's talk about all the scandals that aren't being talked about now.... like Hunter and Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine or how Nancy and Schiff abused power in congress to continue this never ending witch hunt against our President. So all you sheeple...go ahead and beat eachother over toilet paper. You're now getting a taste of socialism at it's finest. Lack of supplies, waiting in line, media scaring everyone while screwing the economy and only telling you what they think you should know. Let's look at Italy where they're not going to treat the elderly because it's too much and they want to treat the young people.. there's your socialized death squad medicine for you. Go ahead and panic like dems want. The rest of us that are still sane and are the last bastions of common sense aren't going to panic, We're not falling for the BS and yes, we will still vote Trump!

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