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Author Topic: Virus second opion  (Read 15602 times)

Offline Avaiojet

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #150 on: April 22, 2020, 09:16:11 PM »
I just copied and pasted this.   

Yesterday at 7:22 PM
From Trey Gowdy:
I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee(Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all the sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy.
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it(Corona virus)originated in China who we are in a global trade war with brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The corona virus gave them one last hail Mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite disarm the population. Oh, and did anyone notice that while they are mad as hell at Trump for not sending aid to Ukraine, they THEMSELVES voted AGAINST giving ANY emergency aid to all Americans ?
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me.
Copy and paste if you dare.
Trey Gowdy

I said the same thing with less words.
Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS. 
Avaiojet Derangement Syndrome. ADS.
Amazing how ignorance can get in the way of the learning process.
If you're Trolled, you know you're doing something right.  Alpha Mike Foxtrot. "No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else."  Marcus Cordeiro, The "Mark of Excellence," you will not be forgotten. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."- Mark Twain. I look at the Forum as a place to contribute and make friends, some view it as a Realm where they could be King.   Proverb 11.9  "With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor..."  "Perhaps the greatest challenge in modeling is to build a competitive control line stunter that looks like a real airplane." David McCellan, 1980.

Offline Tony Drago

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #151 on: April 22, 2020, 09:25:49 PM »
But you know politicians are not short on words.

Offline Avaiojet

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #152 on: April 23, 2020, 11:07:38 AM »
This Virus is the tip of the iceberg. And no one is learning anything from it until it's too late.

For you Drone lovers or haters.

The NYPD will now be using Drones so will Connecticut, for starters. All states will follow.

Deals are in the process, as I type this, with UPS for drone package delivery. Others will follow.

This means there will eventually be THOUSANDS of these Drones in our skies, mostly for civilian surveillance, and package delivery.

The dumb people doing this are opening the door to possible human annihilation in the US.

I just read similar thoughts on Twitter so I'm not the only one thinking about this.

FOX News guest, they had a guy, there's always a guy, working with UPS.

Drones come from China.

Can you imagine a few thousand Drones delivering a deadly virus to the American population?

We had a cake walk with COVID-19 compared to what could be. And it most certainly would be sooner or later.

Why do they not think of the consequences and public safety, let alone the destruction of the USA.

There is no future that looks sunny.
Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS. 
Avaiojet Derangement Syndrome. ADS.
Amazing how ignorance can get in the way of the learning process.
If you're Trolled, you know you're doing something right.  Alpha Mike Foxtrot. "No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else."  Marcus Cordeiro, The "Mark of Excellence," you will not be forgotten. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."- Mark Twain. I look at the Forum as a place to contribute and make friends, some view it as a Realm where they could be King.   Proverb 11.9  "With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor..."  "Perhaps the greatest challenge in modeling is to build a competitive control line stunter that looks like a real airplane." David McCellan, 1980.

Online RC Storick

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #153 on: April 23, 2020, 02:59:49 PM »
One more Nugget

Here is what I think is going on.

Does anyone remember hearing that Trump was the king of debt? I do. I think he is taking us into the United States of Zimbabwe. Only to re-issue the dollar in the red seal US treasury note and dump the Federal Reserve notes. Thus paying off or debt in 5 years. The interest accrued on the money we borrow from a Private company is Ludacris. This Ponzi scheme can not continue. I wrote a while back how long a Trillion seconds was to put it into perspective it was 37000 + years. Everyone must say no to the digital dollar or mandatory vaccines
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Online RC Storick

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Re: Virus Great news from the Doctors mouth
« Reply #154 on: April 25, 2020, 02:52:18 AM »
Here is some news with no MSM or Youtubers spin. Straight from some frontline Doctor's mouths.

Youtube censored this video. I wonder why is it because they are over the target? I am sick of this BS
« Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 04:09:59 AM by RC Storick »
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Offline Dave Hull

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #155 on: April 25, 2020, 05:10:30 AM »


Kern county is a very rural, agricultural area in the central valley of California. Often called the bread basket. I would speculate that, as such, you are going to find a lot of pragmatic people there. People that farm deal with tough issues every year, I’m sure. Perhaps that shapes outlooks differently. My takeaways from this press conference:

1. They presented no specific methodology to transition from lockdown of the healthy to lockdown of the ill. This particular disease seems to differ in that there is more chance of spreading it before symptoms are sufficient to recognize the illness. Their answer to that was, it is not realistic to test everybody, and there will be spread. We can’t help that. And people will die. It’s just like the flu. People die.

2. They presented no effective plan to test to separate the ill from those to be allowed to return to work. All the details are missing.

3. They are championing an immediate, sequential reopening, but are planning to use new rapid tests “…that are just coming out.” In other words, he is railing that isolation of the healthy shouldn’t have been done, but his justification for opening up now depends on new test that is not fully available or deployed. So saying that we should not have been attempting to separate the sick from the healthy by executing a stay at home plan for the well is disingenuous at the very least.

4. Let’s face it, he also undermines his credibility to a degree since he is apparently the head of the medical organization and repeatedly cited his concerns over furloughed staff, open beds, and therefore diminished revenues. In other words, he is including his own bias of financial bottom line for his organization in his overall judgement. It would be unrealistic to expect otherwise, but conversely attacking researchers as “living in ivory towers” is perhaps a bit unfair as well. Who really has the best interests in their patients health? Neither group seems to be standing on superior moral high ground.

5. The bottom line question which no one dares ask and no one dares answer is simply this:  So all the people that were vulnerable in Italy were going to die anyway. And in Spain. And Russia. And….. in the USA, too. It’s a hard message, but really, there is little doctors could do. Right? If the hospitals become overwhelmed, then that’s an outcome we should expect. Except that after the fact, when he has data showing rates that he could not know beforehand, he can with benefit of hindsight point out where maybe less drastic action might have been appropriate.

6. Let’s face it—he didn’t say he was on the front lines in New York city, or New Jersey. Or Los Angeles. He is in rural Kern County. Maybe that gives him the detachment to be more objective, and maybe that’s good. But maybe it means that his personal experience based on his hospital system’s actual data applies pretty much to Kern County. He tried not to comment on what is going on in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. That was probably a wise decision on his part. But he should have left out the innuendo their as well.

I would like to have heard a more nuanced discussion, and some better answers to things that were glossed over or taken as true today but remained unknown for a long time. Hindsight is 20/20—but this discussion didn’t provide any more than a jumping off point for the future. No foresight that I could see except for unsupported claims of a vast new wave of infections (other that coronavirus) to come from sheltering in place and lack of vitamin D. And that would be one of my questions, too. How can you have it both ways? They say the current restrictions are ineffective because people are going to Costco, etc. But still there is going to be a vast wave of new (non-coronavirus) infections after the restrictions are lifted. Which is it? No, I don’t want to trust your twenty years of experience as a practicing physician that this question doesn’t need to be answered. I want your actual answer….

Other than that, it was a good discussion and at least had one reporter asking hard questions, although done in a combative way. No wonder they all get a bad reputation. And it sounded like he was chewing on his face mask....

Thanks for posting the video,

The Divot


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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #156 on: April 25, 2020, 07:34:06 PM »
I don't believe in all the conspiracy theories going around.  I don't believe that blaming anyone or any country is going to solve anything.

What I do believe in is; I'm going to bust a gut trying to keep from getting the virus. Nothing else matters.
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Offline Dennis Toth

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #157 on: April 25, 2020, 07:41:28 PM »
I agree with you. We need to get through this an doing common sense things washing, covering, distance doesn't cost anything and is simple to do. We will get through this.

Best,   DennisT

Offline Fredvon4

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #158 on: April 26, 2020, 10:32:58 AM »
And then there is my rural county with a boat load of old folks nursing homes, 19~21K population ( lots of undocumented), 7500 in the big town, most ranchers, farmers, our just country folk.

To Date only 2 tested positive and survived

Yet we got shut down and except for a couple of businesses the county is decimated economically,,,totally FUBAR and paltry fed handouts will not replace a very thriving rural community

you all talk crap about how bad IT COULD BE...but I can read and apply sense, common sense and a well trained Army career of critical thinking....

Lampasas County county west of largest military base in North America Ft Hood

2020 to date two confirmed cases, zero hospitalization, zero deaths
2020 to date (not aug~dec last year) 135 cases of Annual flu, 87 hospitalized, 35 deaths

things that make you go hummmmmm
"A good scare teaches more than good advice"

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Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #159 on: May 01, 2020, 02:23:33 PM »
It's a miracle. We seem to have found a new way to treat pneumonia and influenza.
This is from the CDC site. Only a sheep would continue to believe what we are being told.

Online RC Storick

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #160 on: May 01, 2020, 03:02:18 PM »
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Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #161 on: May 01, 2020, 06:16:25 PM »
Thank God for people like him.
He took an oath for life.
Keep your powder dry.
This may be what the release of this virus is about.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 09:40:31 PM by Arlan McKee »

Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #162 on: May 01, 2020, 06:25:52 PM »
Go to James Comey''s twitter page.
He is tweeting pictures of a rose saying spring has come to his garden.
For anyone out there with any sense, how many roses bloom north of I-40 in April?
Who is he trying to communicate with?
Don't be a sheep.

Online RC Storick

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #163 on: May 01, 2020, 08:14:59 PM »
Thank God for people like him.
He took an oath for life.
Keep your powder dry.
This may be what the release of this virus is about.


AMA 12366

Offline Tony Drago

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #164 on: May 01, 2020, 09:22:10 PM »
This is a pge and a half of 9 pages If you would like i can post all 9 pages.

How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds

 As you read this work and put its principles into practice, there are two basic axioms you never want to forget. They are the rock upon which all your actions are based. 1. Nobody, anywhere or any time and under any circumstances has the right or power in this country to immunize you or your children against your will and conviction. If they attempt to do so, you can legally charge them with "assault with a deadly weapon" and have the full resources of our laws behind you. 2. At all times in attempting to avoid unwanted immunization, you have the Law of the Land behind you. Those who would try to vaccinate you against your will are on very shaky ground. Into every compulsory immunization law in America are written legal exceptions and waivers which are there specifically to protect you from the attempted tyranny of officialdom. It is not only your right, but your obligation to use them, if this is what your conscience tells you.
Article I In all your contacts with any member of the school, public health, or legal establishment, always remain calm, courteous, and humbly reverent toward their position. You are only asking of them that which the law duty binds them to give you. There is no reason, or advantage, to be gained by antagonizing them.
Most of these officials believe they are discharging their trust as outlined by law. If they are overstepping the law, then you must very diplomatically bring the true facts to their attention, but without attempting to belittle them.
The more you can preserve their ego, the more easily and quickly you are likely to get what you desire - a waiver of immunization.
Rule No. 1: Do not harass, belittle, or antagonize officials unnecessarily.
Article 2 All compulsory laws concerning vaccination (including the military) contain exceptions and waivers. It is these protections placed in the laws that you may legally use to exclude yourself and your children. Surprisingly, these exceptions were placed there, not for your sake (although you may take advantage of them), but for the protection of
30795003How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds
Page 2 of 9
not for your sake (although you may take advantage of them), but for the protection of the establishment.
How is this? Let us assume that these exceptions were not there and everyone was actually forced to be immunized. Should a child die or become mentally or physically disabled, the parent would have the perfect case to sue the doctor, the school, the health department, and even the state legislature for enormous damages.
Since they allowed no exceptions, they must accept full responsibility for all the adverse consequences of the law.
However, if exception waivers are placed in the law, the responsibility is then transferred back to the parent. If a child should be injured by immunization, the officials can say, "Well, the parent should have exempted him if they thought there was any danger."
Therefore, there is in truth no such thing as a compulsory vaccination law in this country. They are ALL, in essence, voluntary. The problem is that practically no one in authority will let you know this fact.
Rule No. 2: There are no compulsory vaccination laws. All are voluntary, and you are held responsible for the adverse results upon you or your children.
Article 3 While all immunization laws have exceptions you can use, the wording in each state differs, and you must know the exact wording for your state to make the proper request of waiver. This information can be obtained in one of two ways. 1. Go to the reference section of your local library- look in the State Statute Revised Law Book under Public Health Law or Communicable Disease sections. The list of immunization requirements will appear first and then the exemptions will be given. Usually one or two provisions will be listed: either on religious or medical grounds or both. 2. You may call or write your state representative and ask for a copy of the immunization laws in your state. Making this available is part of his job, and it will be sent promptly.
Rule No. 3: Know your own state law so that you can conform to its exact requirements for exemption.

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #165 on: May 01, 2020, 11:51:52 PM »
Valid questions being raised, IMHO:

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Offline Jaco Pass

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #166 on: May 03, 2020, 02:05:57 AM »
Kills Covid in one minute, kills you in 2 minutes.

Online RC Storick

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #167 on: May 03, 2020, 04:46:08 AM »
Kills Covid in one minute, kills you in 2 minutes.

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Offline Perry Rose

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #168 on: May 03, 2020, 06:08:50 AM »
Kills Covid in one minute, kills you in 2 minutes.
And this "pull the wool over your eyes moment" doesn't say that this is exactly what chemo therapy does. They inject poison into you that kills it's intended target and then gets it out before it kills you. Don't forget sunlight kills the virus too. Go and fly your planes.
I may be wrong but I doubt it.
I wouldn't take her to a dog fight even if she had a chance to win.
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Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #169 on: May 03, 2020, 08:15:02 AM »
Watch this Pentagon briefing from 15 years ago. Bill Gates is laying out the plan. Pay close attention after the 3 minute mark.

Edit: On closer inspection I don't think that's Bill Gates but someone with the same stupid looking haircut.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 09:59:27 AM by Arlan McKee »

Offline Dwayne Donnelly

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #170 on: May 03, 2020, 08:27:23 AM »
Watch this Pentagon briefing from 15 years ago. Bill Gates is laying out the plan. Pay close attention after the 3 minute mark.

Wow that is some seriuosly messed up s**t.
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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #171 on: May 03, 2020, 01:33:58 PM »
You guys probably won't like this, but snopes says "fake", with lots of detail about why and who faked it.
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Offline Avaiojet

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #172 on: May 03, 2020, 03:05:27 PM »
You guys probably won't like this, but snopes says "fake", with lots of detail about why and who faked it.

Interesting read, reminds me of my dream last night.

I went to sleep thinking about Pushy Galore, as you can imagine, but somehow or because of something I can just remember bits and pieces.

I do remember being pushed and shoved into a long line I didn't want to be in, bad enough, and with people I knew didn't like me. Imagine.

The line moved quickly you could hear voices and the uneasiness from everyone, but I could only see the back of heads. Yes, I was last in line and frightened just as much as all others but I knew my reasons and didn't know theirs. "Why is this happening," I thought.

The line began to more much more rapidly, twice as fast now. It was dark, cold and all I could hear now was the sound of compressed air. Fast rapid short bursts!

Suddenly, two guys, there's always a guy, they grabbed me, one on each side to keep me from moving. Finally I realized the noise I heard was the sound of being vaccinated! BAM!! BAM!! Both arms, like when I was in the military, but this time I couldn't feel it.

All of a sudden how strange, everything became bright like sunshine and colorful all multi colors everywhere. I felt good, really good. I saw the others, everyone was happy and gathering around each other for company and friendship. They came to me to shake my hand.

I saw a hand extended, it was real, I know it was real, it must be real, another hand was about to pat me on the back, am I in heaven? So I reached for the extended hand, I was just about ready to take hold, then I woke up. It was just a dream.

Typical normal morning though, but when I was shaving I noticed my upper arms, both of them had deep red marks and were tender to the touch. Red marks from what?

Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS. 
Avaiojet Derangement Syndrome. ADS.
Amazing how ignorance can get in the way of the learning process.
If you're Trolled, you know you're doing something right.  Alpha Mike Foxtrot. "No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else."  Marcus Cordeiro, The "Mark of Excellence," you will not be forgotten. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."- Mark Twain. I look at the Forum as a place to contribute and make friends, some view it as a Realm where they could be King.   Proverb 11.9  "With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor..."  "Perhaps the greatest challenge in modeling is to build a competitive control line stunter that looks like a real airplane." David McCellan, 1980.

Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #173 on: May 03, 2020, 04:19:29 PM »
You guys probably won't like this, but snopes says "fake", with lots of detail about why and who faked it.
Yeah, Snopes is the standard of truth. It is run by Trump hating leftists.

Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #174 on: May 03, 2020, 04:26:46 PM »
They also said fake when Trump said that Obama tapped his wires at Trump Tower. Y'all hide and watch and see what happens on that front over the next few months.

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #175 on: May 03, 2020, 04:29:45 PM »
The storm is coming
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Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #176 on: May 03, 2020, 04:32:55 PM »
The storm is coming
The Great Awakening

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #177 on: May 03, 2020, 04:33:34 PM »
Yeah, Snopes is the standard of truth. It is run by Trump hating leftists.

   I actually have interacted with Barb Mikkelson (who, with her husband, started Snopes as a "Urban Legend" site - associated with their domination of the old USENET group), and she is not the sort of person who should be trusted to be unbiased. Generally an unpleasant person, they ran the USENET group, and I quote, "like their living room" and tried to run people off they didn't like or approve of. USENET was at the best of times egalitarian, but confusing a group with your personal space is about like claiming a Greyhound bus station waiting room at 3 AM is a sovereign country - both delusional, and megalomaniacal. Comply or they would attempt to use their snark - which they substituted for critical reasoning skills - to drive you out. It didn't happen to me, but they did it to a lot of other people that didn't comply with their vision. Sort of like a short-bus version of the Algonquin Round Table (when even the REAL "round table" participants later said they did it to compensate for the fact they couldn't do anything else, and that it wasted all of their time).

    Snopes is a unbiased arbiter of truth in the same sense that Dan Rather is an "objective reporter". They *actually believe it", and thus have a closed, internally-consistent but self-referential loop of reasoning to support that theory.


Offline Perry Rose

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #178 on: May 04, 2020, 06:09:19 AM »
In order to make going back to work look bad the local paper "The Advocate" said that loosening some rules caused a up turn in cases. Page two at Banner headline, top of the page. The article is mentions other countries. What I glean from it is relaxing restrictions in the US is causing a spike in infections in other countries. I thought it took at least two weeks for symptoms to show up. Silly me, it really takes two days.
 I have been doing the same stuff I always do, except eating out. That proves I don't have a life.
 Feck it, I'm going flying.
I may be wrong but I doubt it.
I wouldn't take her to a dog fight even if she had a chance to win.
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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #179 on: May 04, 2020, 11:32:28 AM »
Yes it is amazing that a virus can show up so quick when an area is getting relaxed in the suggested rules.   I still say if a person feels sick stay home.   Now how many people were killed in accidents in the past week?   Also how many of the deaths from sickness are attributed to the virus when the person who died did not have it? S?P
John E. "DOC" Holliday
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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #180 on: May 04, 2020, 03:17:35 PM »
Think we are not being lied to check out the links here on the CARES act.

**UPDATE** (5-4-2020 1:35pm CST) One of the things I hate in this world more than anything is to be misled.  One of the thing that frightens me more than anything is the thought that I might be the one DOING the misleading.  I got A HUGE part of this video wrong.... and I need to set the record straight.  Thanks to Region 1 Resistance,  SirBudrick, InTruthbyGrace, Salpertia, DTown214 North...LAKE LADY and others.... it has been brought to my attention that the title of H.R. 748 before it was changed to the C.A.R.E.S Act:  It was the "Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2019" It stated: "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage."  -- I'm looking into the actual body of the 1-24-2020 text before it was altered. 
Dear YouTube: here's the Documented proof from the Government's Own websites.  If you take this video down, you're hiding VITAL information the public NEEDS to see, which your "authorized sources" are suppressing!
- Trump Signs HR 748:
- White House Transcript:
- WHO Indicates start of "pandemic":
- Proof HR 748 was introduced a YEAR and TWO months BEFORE anyone heard of C...Vi...Rus:
- Track the Bill as it passed through Congress:
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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #181 on: May 04, 2020, 03:28:00 PM »

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Offline pmackenzie

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #182 on: May 04, 2020, 03:53:46 PM »
I am not going to pretend I fully understand how your house/senate works, but I suspect this is an example of tactic used to make passage of a bill faster.
Take something the house already passed, then strip it out and replace it with new legislation.
The Senate passes that, then the house passes that version.

Otherwise it has to go House- Senate- House.
In this case, since the party of the president contrlos the Senate they want to have more control of the final bill.

Foe example, here is one I found on Google:

Perhaps there are some users on here who do understand this, who could explain?
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Offline Dennis Toth

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #183 on: May 04, 2020, 04:26:23 PM »
This guy is looking to build a following on YouTube and eventually sell stuff. He has no proof just FAKE science and for a Doctor to do this seems like he must not be very successful. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. NO PROOF OF ANYTHING HE SAYS.

Is he saying that the MAG gang led by the president is not doing things for our best interests, how does this help him?

Best,    DennisT

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #184 on: May 04, 2020, 04:42:26 PM »
FWIW, he is not a medical doctor, he is an Osteopath.
Not the same thing at all, more like a chiropractor.
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Offline Jaco Pass

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #185 on: May 04, 2020, 08:43:29 PM »
From an average joe:

"The real issue Americans should be concerned with is what actions will Mr. Trump take to prevent the current death toll of 68 thousand and 1.2 million infections from doubling every two months.  The published number of deaths and infections is clear evidence that enough was not done to prevent this carnage. 

Americans need to know what will the President do to get produce, now rotting in the fields from farms to Americans needing food.  What will the President do to ensure that American workers have the personal protective equipment and testing necessary to safely return to work.

There is no debate that the virus causing the pandemic started in China. While there are efforts by the Trump administration to focus attention on what the Chinese government knew, when did they know it and when did they share the information with the world.  However, the Chinese issue is secondary to what will the Trump administration do to stop the continuation of the "American carnage" the virus has unleashed on an unprepared nation."

This is what she/he said:

"Trump compares himself to Lincoln on treatment. Lincoln saved the Country. Lincoln gave his life. Lincoln was genius. Maybe the reason you are treated so bad Mr. "President" is because this Country knows what a great President is and isn't. A great President doesn't mull over preposterous notions live on TV and then deny. To not know a Lincoln comparison is way out of their league is beyond yeah--come up with a Gettysburg Address of your own, Mr. Trump, and we'll reconsider the comparison....."

Offline Avaiojet

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #186 on: May 04, 2020, 09:51:00 PM »

Do you know what propaganda is and how it's used?
Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS. 
Avaiojet Derangement Syndrome. ADS.
Amazing how ignorance can get in the way of the learning process.
If you're Trolled, you know you're doing something right.  Alpha Mike Foxtrot. "No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else."  Marcus Cordeiro, The "Mark of Excellence," you will not be forgotten. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."- Mark Twain. I look at the Forum as a place to contribute and make friends, some view it as a Realm where they could be King.   Proverb 11.9  "With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor..."  "Perhaps the greatest challenge in modeling is to build a competitive control line stunter that looks like a real airplane." David McCellan, 1980.

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #187 on: May 05, 2020, 04:21:08 AM »
I am not going to pretend I fully understand how your house/senate works, but I suspect this is an example of tactic used to make passage of a bill faster.
Take something the house already passed, then strip it out and replace it with new legislation.
The Senate passes that, then the house passes that version.

This sounds plausible but what is alarming is the name of the Bill and intent and the timing makes it questionable. Along with the fact, Dr. Fauci said a pandemic was going to hit this administration in 2017. It's on video. How did he know? This is why some are calling this a PLANDEMIC.
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Offline John Lindberg

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #188 on: May 05, 2020, 07:18:14 AM »
I heard the "sainted" Dr. Fauci helped set up the labs in China where the virus probably originated, using US dollars. The Maryland Governor, a "RINO" shut down virtually everything, but the abortion clinics stayed open. Makes sense if you are a "liberal". Fauci became famous because of his work with the aids epidemic, you know the one that largely originated with the homosexual bath houses in San Francisco, the local politicians refused to shut them down, the same politicians are now screaming at President Trump not to open up because they want the economy to tank before the next election. Today, nearly 37 million people have aids, and about 2 million new cases are reported every year. This is success according to Fauci, I guess.

Offline Andre Ming

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #189 on: May 05, 2020, 09:51:29 AM »
I'm beginning to feel like I've been played like a violin. Wife and I bought into the narrative at first and complied to the best of our abilities. As the weeks wore on, around my region it is no where near the doom and destruction levels that were being touted at the start of this. In our region it appears no worse than the typical flu season.

Our economy is being destroyed, and our freedoms usurped.

It is enough.
Searching to find my new place in this hobby!

Offline Avaiojet

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #190 on: May 05, 2020, 10:45:53 AM »
I'm beginning to feel like I've been played like a violin. Wife and I bought into the narrative at first and complied to the best of our abilities. As the weeks wore on, around my region it is no where near the doom and destruction levels that were being touted at the start of this. In our region it appears no worse than the typical flu season.

Our economy is being destroyed, and our freedoms usurped.

It is enough.

Do you know what propaganda is and how it's used?

Trump has to rely on the suggestions and direction of what you would call "Experts."

How truthful do you believe some of these so called experts are when they are on the payroll of the "other side?"
Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS. 
Avaiojet Derangement Syndrome. ADS.
Amazing how ignorance can get in the way of the learning process.
If you're Trolled, you know you're doing something right.  Alpha Mike Foxtrot. "No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else."  Marcus Cordeiro, The "Mark of Excellence," you will not be forgotten. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."- Mark Twain. I look at the Forum as a place to contribute and make friends, some view it as a Realm where they could be King.   Proverb 11.9  "With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor..."  "Perhaps the greatest challenge in modeling is to build a competitive control line stunter that looks like a real airplane." David McCellan, 1980.

Offline Andre Ming

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #191 on: May 05, 2020, 11:52:07 AM »
"Do you know what propaganda is and how it's used?"


As for the wife and I: We did what our President asked of us at the start of this. I feel he was making decisions based on the numbers the experts were feeding him. Of course, now we are learning the numbers of Covid deaths have been padded to support the narrative and many other suspicious behaviors and links, such as Fauci and his background.

I suspect our President feels used, too.

It's actually very unsettling when you look at how much power and sway the MSM in conjunction with the DNC wields. The amount of peer fear and buy-in to their narrative is astonishing.

IMHO, this has NOT resulted in the amount of deaths the MSM/DNC were hoping for, so they are already tuning-up to try again with the "Second Wave" narrative they're now pushing.

Lives are being ruined (and lost) because of this. On a personal level: I have a family member that's a veteran. He has been on the waiting list for a kidney for some time. In the meantime a minor complication arose that was going to require remedial surgery. Of course all non-essential surgeries have been canceled, so his was canceled early on in this shutdown to make room for the purported "onslaught" that was to come at the hospitals. His health is now at the point that he may not be able to undergo that surgery. This will mean that he will likely be removed from the list of those waiting for a kidney on account of his heath now makes him a "poor" prospect for a kidney transplant. Then there are the cancer patients that had their surgeries canceled, and on and on.

This is intolerable and we should all be outraged at how we've been manipulated.

Searching to find my new place in this hobby!

Offline John Lindberg

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #192 on: May 05, 2020, 12:27:38 PM »
I agree with you, Andre, sorry to hear about your family member that needs a transplant. I believe they emptied out the hospitals to make room for all the Covid-19 patients that did not show up, at least in the forecasted numbers. I do not believe the "mainstream media" is on the side of the Constitution, (or our freedoms in the Bill of Rights) they would like to see someone like Stalin run the country, actually, destroy it. I guess the people on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC,CBS believe they will not be affected, I don't think so, however. ~^

Offline Tony Drago

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #193 on: May 05, 2020, 12:54:48 PM »
I took a screen shot because it was deleted as soon as it was sent to me and i could not save the picture.
 Sources on bottom text.

Offline Avaiojet

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #194 on: May 05, 2020, 01:14:48 PM »
This is intolerable and we should all be outraged at how we've been manipulated.

More than ever it's important all Americans need to understand propaganda and how it works, especially to have an education directed and focused towards the mindset of those that use it for their self worth/gain or as a cabal with an eventual purpose/goal in mind. Always for the worst, never the better. It's in play all the time, 24/7.

Convincing others to think, feel, decide or to react using "lies/propaganda" is as criminal as it gets. Our freedom of speech taken advantage of, abused, and who pays the price?

In most cases many people don't realize what's happening until it's too late. Many "accomplishments" have succeeded and have been successful using lies or propaganda as a tool/device. Especially when contrived by being well thought out or planned, only to be released in mediums bit by bit over a long period of time. Like that poor frog in a pan of water with an increase in temperature over a slow period of time. Who are the frogs?

Goes on every day and from many directions, even in harmless advertising and general conversations. Is it really harmless?

Sound familiar?

If permitted, anyone's mind can actually be weak to stimulus of this nature when the stimulus is designed by experts in the field of mind control. Government grants have supported this research for over 70 years.

Written words "text," audio, still photography/art, and now through an abundance of a variety of video, plus on line mediums, some where propaganda is used to instill legitimacy to these mediums, i.e. all the dark side News programs, MSM, and plenty of other communication venues. An endless list.

Does it work? Ask any Liberal.

Trump Derangement Syndrome. TDS. 
Avaiojet Derangement Syndrome. ADS.
Amazing how ignorance can get in the way of the learning process.
If you're Trolled, you know you're doing something right.  Alpha Mike Foxtrot. "No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else."  Marcus Cordeiro, The "Mark of Excellence," you will not be forgotten. "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."- Mark Twain. I look at the Forum as a place to contribute and make friends, some view it as a Realm where they could be King.   Proverb 11.9  "With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor..."  "Perhaps the greatest challenge in modeling is to build a competitive control line stunter that looks like a real airplane." David McCellan, 1980.

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #195 on: May 05, 2020, 01:37:46 PM »
1. I am not going to read each and every post here....
2. What is wrong with getting a vaccine. The biggest issue with this virus is that there is a long time between you get get infected with the virus and can transmit it before your even realize you have it.
3. True that proper testing needs to be done first ad that takes time.
4. While those at risk seem to be those alread comprimised by age and underlying health issues. NONE of that means we should marginalize them.
5. If the virus is danger as IT seems to be. THE it is the governments job to protect us. and social distancing is the bets way.
Sp please Lets hear your facts about conspiricy and whom is doing what ?  I did say facts. NOT wild assertions or conjecture .

Offline Dane Martin

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #196 on: May 05, 2020, 02:09:30 PM »
1. I am not going to read each and every post here....
2. What is wrong with getting a vaccine. The biggest issue with this virus is that there is a long time between you get get infected with the virus and can transmit it before your even realize you have it.
3. True that proper testing needs to be done first ad that takes time.
4. While those at risk seem to be those alread comprimised by age and underlying health issues. NONE of that means we should marginalize them.
5. If the virus is danger as IT seems to be. THE it is the governments job to protect us. and social distancing is the bets way.
Sp please Lets hear your facts about conspiricy and whom is doing what ?  I did say facts. NOT wild assertions or conjecture .

May I also ask.... why?  If someone or a group of someones is already so powerful they can manipulate the entire world into faking a virus together.... wouldn't that literally be the pinnacle of power? What else could be accomplished?
Do I think there's a lot of overreaction for this virus? Maybe so. But is it fake? No. Someone didn't get the whole world together and say let's make a hoax virus.

Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #197 on: May 05, 2020, 02:36:57 PM »

Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #198 on: May 05, 2020, 02:45:37 PM »
70,000 + deaths

And still a lower percentage than your country no matter how you slice it.

Offline Arlan McKee

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Re: Virus second opion
« Reply #199 on: May 05, 2020, 06:46:15 PM »
May I also ask.... why?  If someone or a group of someones is already so powerful they can manipulate the entire world into faking a virus together.... wouldn't that literally be the pinnacle of power? What else could be accomplished?
Do I think there's a lot of overreaction for this virus? Maybe so. But is it fake? No. Someone didn't get the whole world together and say let's make a hoax virus.

I don't know anyone that says the virus is a hoax. The response to it and the projections are the hoax.
The discrediting of Hydroxycloroquine - azithromycin -Zinc as a both palliative and prophylactic treatment is part of that hoax. Doctors and funeral home directors both questioning causes of death is part of the hoax.
Dr. Fouci being responsible for funneling $7,000,000 to the Wu Han laboratory which most likely produced this virus is also part of this hoax that is being foisted upon the American people. The same Doctor that said he hoped to be able to be challenged by a new pandemic. The same Doctor that wrote a paper in 2005 about the effectiveness of HCQ on SARS Cov 1 both palliative and prophylactically.
They now know the point of entry is the same for SARS Cov 2, also known as Covid 19. That's why the same treatment works on both.

HCQ-Zpac-Zn treatment ....... $25

Rimdesavir.......... $1000 per dose

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