Went from a Tom Morris to a Kaz.
Line spacing seems the same. The Kaz fits tighter and is slimmer to grip.
Or maybe I just forgot how well the plane flys. She has been hanging up for awhile. 
Any who I’m going to fly it more often. 
The Kaz handle is much less compliant than the Baron-style handle. The difference is where the cable loops from the neutral adjuster though the sliders. When you move the controls those loops tighten up and loosen and soften up the control. What both handles have in common is that you also have to bend the cable when you move the controls, that also creates a curve in the cable that the loads either close up or open up, basically, another springy element. Interestingly, the thicker or stiffer you make the cable, the more compliant it gets, because the stiff cable pulls into a bigger radius curve. Larger cables also fail much sooner, because you put more stress in a large cable when you bend it.
Another big step forward would be a Ted-style or Walker-style hard point handle, same effect to an even greater degree. I went straight from a Baron-style handle with a big old 1/16 7x7 Stainless aircraft cable to a Ted handle and I almost couldn't believe how much different it was.