Mine came yesterday. Two day delivery. It looks like new, save for a sticker saying it was refurbished by Dremel. Heck of a tool for the money. Still, I wonder why Dremel got out of the scroll saw market.
There must have been quite a few returns in order to be able to offer them like that.
I am also curious if motor failure was the reason. I have read reports about different types of small hobby machines with variable speed motors experiencing failures. The reason, from what I have read, is that the motor should be started at zero rpm and then the speed control rotated to give the desired speed. Probably the reverse should be done in shutting down.
In retrospect, I had one of the old gray crackle finish Dremel scroll saws back in the late 60's/early 70's. It had a power take-off, a buffing wheel, a grinding wheel and a live flexible shaft with a spindle nose that would accept a couple of collets for chucking burrs or sanding drums. It had a lot of flex in the arm and you had to be careful or the cut would walk all over. Still, for what I used it for, it was fine. My son took it years ago and he still has it, running it as required. But this new saw is 10 times the machine. I am very pleased. Hats off to the OP who put me on the trail. I had planned on buying a $100 Ryobi from Home Depot, but this saw is much better.