I will preface this with - I don't think Steve is a bad guy with malicious intent, and I certainly don't know anything to make me assume he is a bad guy - just wildly midirecting is energy....
How is it emotionalism is a cancer to society? Isn't that a bit of a stretch to say? If the left remained quiet, no one spoke up and these events were allowed to just dissipate with time does that solve or accomplish anything?
Because while you are wailing with torment or claiming victimhood from mysterious forces, you *aren't doing anything useful to solve the problem*. If you are angry about some problem, channel that into something effective. No one said you had to remain quiet (and you and the like-minded certainly aren't..) But it accomplishes nothing at all, and it shows you have no interest in a solution to whateveer problem you are talking about.
Of course you *can't* do that, because you have already defined the enemy/problem incorrectly as a matter of faith, and therefore decide on ineffective or counter-productive solutions. For example:
No question I think we are all sick and tired of the same old ranting and wining whether it be police brutality, lack of gun control, mass shootings or events lacking regulation. But what do do you recommend as a solution or an approach? How is it fixed??
Listen to yourself - every one of those "problems" is either incorrectly defined, or *caused by responding to emotionalism*. Your philosophy, wrong, has shaped your view of the world and the forces in it, so it is also wrong. So it is literally impossible for you to see any effective solution.
You have no answers because your philosphy is dedicated to *destroying the fabric of western society* that used to prevent these situations, or limit it. And, you don't even bother with several inconvenient facts - that gun control is literally illegal, mass shootings and violent crime in general are *way down* compared to historical levels over, say, the last 75 years. Except for placed where strict gun control is in place, or claimed - like Chicago.
I am not saying you did it, but people who think similarly were marching down New York streets less than 3 years ago shouting "what do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? NOW!". You have convinced a large segment of the population that the cops are out hunting them and are the enemy - what do you think that does to police encounters? It's a darn good way to get otherwise good kids killed - like the kid in St. Louis who got shot when he tried to assault an officer and take his gun.
Many places greatly reduced police budget, wow, crime skyrocketed. Seattle ceded an entire section of the city and abandoned a police station that had been attacked, and gee, guess what, the CHOP vigilante squads immediately turned it into Soweto.
So, what has been done to date in the service of leftist principles has done nothing but *make these problems worse*. Your solution - do it some more! It's a classic positive feedback loop.
The last 50-60 years have been nothing but an attack on every foundational principle of the USA and Western civilization. You are having an effect (that most people predicted - chaos and degeneracy), and now you are looking for other boogeymen to blame it on, in order to justify redoubling our efforts.
Want to change it? DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! That will take a very fundamental change in the way you view the world and society and an admission that your philosphy has caused it.
You got into this situation because many people have lied to you for all your life, they are manipulating you to create this situation, and are exploiting it for their own ends. That is the first and most important thing to recognize, if you do not, then you will never get past that stumbling block.
Or double down, keep wringing you hands and screaming "won't someone PLEASE think of the children!!!" and blaming everyone else for the situation. And watch it all continue to slide downhill.