The gap between the outer elevator and the fuselage provides space for the adjustable rudder pushrod.
Here are the mechanical detail drawings for Replica 23:
Dimensions are in metric millimeters. Divide by 25.4 to get inches
My German isn't adequate to figure out which .pdf files to open, so that didn't go well!
When I worked (machinist), I much preferred to multiply millimeters by .03937 to convert to inches. Gets the same answer, but it sort of reinforces the fact that 1mm is awful close to .040". I converted metric drawings enough that the .03937 is something I'll never least until I can't remember my own name.
The last time we had a push to adopt the metric system was in the early 1980's, and while I was in favor of it, industry here quashed it as too costly. I was working at Boeing at the time. If it came up now, I'm pretty sure the political machine in Washington DC would write a law and jam it through anyway. And probably make it a criminal offense to use inches or mph.
