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Offline Motorman

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« on: January 29, 2018, 08:45:38 PM »
« Last Edit: December 05, 2021, 09:25:53 AM by Motorman »
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Online Dan McEntee

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Re: Sig Banshee for N30 and Profile
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2018, 09:32:29 PM »
    Well, that could get into splitting hairs. For profile, no problem as anything goes as far as moments and such, but for N-30, depends on what the rules say. For Classic, you can't change moments or airfoils, and if the same holds true for N-30, then a true sportsman would abide by the rules and build it as the original plans present it. Moving the wing forward changes two moments, nose and tail. If you build it as presented, but cut an inch off the nose, that may get a passing nod, as that is what was done typically back in the day. Again, a true sportsman would build it as presented and a Fox .35 for power, as the design was intended for. If you can't do that, pick another design that you think you can.
   Type at you later,
    Dan McEntee
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Offline Dennis Adamisin

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Re: Sig Banshee for N30 and Profile
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2018, 07:57:55 AM »
Most folks have heard about the Fancherized Twister.  Less famous are the Jack Sheeks mods to the Banshee, subsequently nicknamed the "Bansheek - a search on SH will find a couple references.  Here are the mods as described by Clancy Arnold in another post from a few years back:

Per Clancy:

"Ask Jack Sheeks if a profile can fly as good as a built up body.  His answer is Mr. Ugly could.  Mr. Ugly was a SIG Banshee I built to the plans as marked up by Jack plus a couple of my personal changes.

Jack test flew it on it's first flight.  After take off Jack did a couple of loops then held it flat at 5 feet for 4 or 5 laps.  By this time I assumed it needed a lot of fixes but Jack then proceeded to put it through a complete pattern. After he landed it Jack said I could NOT fly my own plane until I learned the pattern.  Jack took it to the SIG contest that summer and won with it.  The next year he again took it and was the winner by two judges but the third judge had him marked way down.  After the contest he asked that judge what was wrong with his flight.  The answer Jack got was "Jack, you know that a profile cannot turn like a built up body model."  Jacks reply was "That one can."

I think that tells the reason this type of question keeps coming up.

The mods to the Banshee to make it a Bansheeks are:

Per Jack Sheeks,
1. Shorten the nose 3/4 inch.
2. Enlarge the stab and elevator to 22 inch span, 3 inch cord each at the center and 2 inch cord each at the tips.
3. Set up the controls for 30 degrees maximum up and down on the flaps and elevators.
4. Cut away a portion of the flap to clear the flap to elevator pushrod.

Per me,
1. Replace the 3/8 x 1/2 x 6 inch motor mounts with 3/8 x 1/2 x 12 inch motor mounts.
2. Extend the cutout in the profile body to allow the new motor mounts to touch the wing spars!
3. Sheet the wing leading edge with 1/16 balsa from the leading edge to the wing spars. Notch the wing sheeting to clear the new motor mounts.
4. Starting 1/2 inch behind the engine, cut out the profile body and right side doubler to allow the fuel tank to recess into the body and rest against the inside of the left side doubler between the motor mounts.
5. Place 1/16 balsa shear webs between the spars with the grain running vertical.
WARNING That wing had better be dead straight when you add the shear webs or any warps are now permanent!
6. Assemble the wing ready to cover then assemble the parts for the profile body around the wing and glue with epoxy.  When the epoxy has cured the wing and body are interlocked by the motor mounts and wing sheeting.


Denny Adamisin
Fort Wayne, IN

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Offline MikeyPratt

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Re: Sig Banshee for N30 and Profile
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2018, 12:52:49 PM »
Most folks have heard about the Fancherized Twister.  Less famous are the Jack Sheeks mods to the Banshee, subsequently nicknamed the "Bansheek - a search on SH will find a couple references.  Here are the mods as described by Clancy Arnold in another post from a few years back:

Per Clancy:

"Ask Jack Sheeks if a profile can fly as good as a built up body.  His answer is Mr. Ugly could.  Mr. Ugly was a SIG Banshee I built to the plans as marked up by Jack plus a couple of my personal changes.

Jack test flew it on it's first flight.  After take off Jack did a couple of loops then held it flat at 5 feet for 4 or 5 laps.  By this time I assumed it needed a lot of fixes but Jack then proceeded to put it through a complete pattern. After he landed it Jack said I could NOT fly my own plane until I learned the pattern.  Jack took it to the SIG contest that summer and won with it.  The next year he again took it and was the winner by two judges but the third judge had him marked way down.  After the contest he asked that judge what was wrong with his flight.  The answer Jack got was "Jack, you know that a profile cannot turn like a built up body model."  Jacks reply was "That one can."

I think that tells the reason this type of question keeps coming up.

The mods to the Banshee to make it a Bansheeks are:

Per Jack Sheeks,
1. Shorten the nose 3/4 inch.
2. Enlarge the stab and elevator to 22 inch span, 3 inch cord each at the center and 2 inch cord each at the tips.
3. Set up the controls for 30 degrees maximum up and down on the flaps and elevators.
4. Cut away a portion of the flap to clear the flap to elevator pushrod.

Per me,
1. Replace the 3/8 x 1/2 x 6 inch motor mounts with 3/8 x 1/2 x 12 inch motor mounts.
2. Extend the cutout in the profile body to allow the new motor mounts to touch the wing spars!
3. Sheet the wing leading edge with 1/16 balsa from the leading edge to the wing spars. Notch the wing sheeting to clear the new motor mounts.
4. Starting 1/2 inch behind the engine, cut out the profile body and right side doubler to allow the fuel tank to recess into the body and rest against the inside of the left side doubler between the motor mounts.
5. Place 1/16 balsa shear webs between the spars with the grain running vertical.
WARNING That wing had better be dead straight when you add the shear webs or any warps are now permanent!
6. Assemble the wing ready to cover then assemble the parts for the profile body around the wing and glue with epoxy.  When the epoxy has cured the wing and body are interlocked by the motor mounts and wing sheeting.


Jack let me fly Mr Ugly at SIg and it did fly very well indeed.  I did all the tricks (full pattern) with ease.  If remember correctly it was powered with a Fox 35 equipped with a tongue muffler.  It was Jack’s opinion the adding the larger stab & elevators along with the shortened nose, made the CG much easier to obtain.  However, it was balanced farther to the rear than a normal Banshee and that's what attributed to the better flight performance in my opinion.  I was looking into making Jack's change's to the kit at that time but was over ruled by the powers that be.

Mikey Pratt

Offline Jim Mynes

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Re: Sig Banshee for N30 and Profile
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2018, 05:14:40 PM »
I was just reading (again) Clancy’s article in the January 2012 issue of CLW. In the article it says he built one according to Jack Sheeks’ marked up Banshee plans in the Spring of 1988.
It has been 30 years since then, so does that mean a Bansheek, aka Mr. Ugly, is legal for N-30?
I have seen the light, and it’s powered by a lipo.

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Re: Sig Banshee for N30 and Profile
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2018, 08:00:04 PM »
Dumb question but do you have to build it exactly like the plans with the long nose and everything or can you slide the wing forward a bit? :)

Leave it alone and it’s actually classic legal.
