New member for Stunt Hangar but not new to C/L, I started back in the late 50's when a phone company lineman would fly at the highschool a block from home. He started me on his Ringmaster Jr. with a Fox .15 and ended up giving it to me. That poor thing was repaired so much it had to gain weight. Matter of fact, my mom asked me if I was sniffing the glue (that had just hit the news). I showed her the damage and never heard about it again. I still have the engine and the last time i tried it I could still get one good flight out of it. Like many of us I tried the Cox P-40 and, like many of us, it didn't last very long. Difficult to fly as we all know. I moved a lot for work and didn't do much flying until I moved to Quincy in 1980. There I hooked up with Tom Liebig, Bruce Shipp, Jeff Hoebing, and several others that were a ball to be around. No jobs sent all the youngsters to the service and Tom had to move for work so, after 10 years of stunt and combat contests, we closed up shop. Not much fun doing this alone. I'm 30 miles East of STL now in our 10th home. Work just wouldn't stay put.
I haven't had a handle in my hand for over 20 years but I intend to fly at the Mike Gretz Memorial Fun Fly at Antique Airfield outside Blakesburg, Iowa, the home of the Antique Airplane Association. The fun fly is October 15th and 16th. Come and join the fun!
I read the section on those who have Gone West in the sport. Bill Zimmer, Bill Calkins, Gary Hajak, Bob Beardon, Glenn Lee, Gary Frost and so many more. They and their wives were all super people and are what made the contests so much fun for me and my wife. I have to add her to the list of the departed and tell you that we could not have put on those 10 contests in Quincy without her and my kids. Also, folks came from far and wide to help run and judge the contest on that day. There aren't enough words to thank them all.
Well, I have my Fox .35 unstuck and ready to back on the Skyray for Blakesburg. Whether it makes it home or not, I'm going to have fun. Hope to see some of you there.