Dennis is correct. Too small of an ESC is bad. I have never had an ESC cooling problem because I always go big on the amps. I fly 35 amps on the 23xx motors, 50 amps on the 28xx and 65 amps on the 35xx motors. Yes it is $$$ but in a full body it is really cramped and having to cool the esc means positioning it in airflow. My planes are drag queens, no not that kind, and use a lot of battery. I put too much time into building a plane to lose it to an overheated esc shutting me off.
Another thing to look for is a dead spot in your airflow. I just had a lesson from an expert in engine cowling coaching me on how to keep the air moving through the fuselage. We build these tunnels then fill them up and still expect the air to flow. Draw up a cross section where all of you junk is, battery, esc, timer wires, etc. and see just how mush free space there is for air to flow. That becomes the maximum size of your intake (scoop, etc.). The exit for the air needs to be as far behind that spot as feasible and at least 2x the intake area. 3x is better. If you are getting more air in than can get past the obstacles, you build up a stagnant area around the ESC and battery and the heat is not being carried off.