Now then, Mr. C'Bert'son, them folk at Aggressive 'Pendage Choppers (APC) have them gray jobs available to everybody, in all kind of wiggly shapes. Same with nuts. Lots of shiny nuts out there.... You can't be defamaging a Slobber on account of a gray prop and shiny nuts!
But the crux of the issue is that if we accept that it's 'lectrick and not a comboostyon en-jine, as the condition of the shirts and especially the pants would indicate, then it just can't be a slob. I suppose we could compromise on that if, before each flight, they squirted an ounce or two of Baker's Grade AA castor ayle onto the fuselage and Dubble wings...? But they gotta spill some on their pants and rub their hands on their shirts, too....
The Divot
PS--And what the Sam Hill is that a pitcher of you sent? Looks like a cross between an Elco and a Raptor, but missing the cow catcher, handrails and mud tires? Still, it looks like some serious gear! And, it must be able to drive itself to the field with a gravity-fed gas tank that big. Mebbe the owner(s) could give some pointers to Elon about the 'tonnonomouse nagivation...?