If you are going to fly Nostalgia Carrier, and not try to prop hang, the reverse rotation isn't nearly as important. However, if you can find the disc valve parts, they are a bolt in replacement. "Back in the day" when ducted fans were the only choice for flying jet models, I was able to trade "new style" parts to a ducted fan guy for his "old style" parts. You may also find a CL speed guy with some old parts. It is probably also possible to make a new notch for the crankpin in your engine's drum rotor to reverse the intake direction. If you don't fully understand what this means, you should find someone who does to help you.
If you are going to go for "modern" slow flight, the torque from a reverse rotation engine will be a significant asset in keeping the plane out at the end of the lines during slow flight, or any time you "goose" the throttle.
Whatever route you choose, heavy, loud, fast class II models are a rush to fly!