Bill, I checked with the PCC committee last night and we have come to the conclusion that participation is the most important thing concerning the basic idea of the PCC. With that we have decided that multiple reports by any given flier will be accepted, with the updated reports received no later than the end of Sept. Perhaps in 2012 (if we still have the contest) we will emphasise monthly winners, something that got dropped in 2010 due to multiple problems on the committee's involvement in other matters.
Also, in the past we have accepted reports (2) sent to us from regularly scheduled contests that also spent some time with the PCC rules for any in interested participant that was not entered in regular Carrier events.
While the committee feels that the PCC should be flexible, it was not intended to be too flexible. In 2009 one well known Carrier/Racing person set up a simple trainer type of profile and had 7 different guys that had never flown Carrier a chance at giving i a try. One of the entrants made the PCC "Winners Circle". Interesting was the very close scores, with the eventual winner taking one of the great prizes over the rest of the group with a score that was only 2 points higher. (must have had a bit more head wind during the slow speed section of that contest, MY OPINION ONLY!)
Hope this helps Bill and others, particularly any "lurkers" on this column. A closing thought....This contest, the Postal Carrier Contest, has been a great deal of fun for guys entering it and for the committee as a whole, particularly ME!
Joe Just
PS Look for this shirt (attachment) at Brodak's this June...HOW THE HECK DO I GET ONE OF THE PICS OFF THIS THREAD? Thanks Mike, also here is a picture of me that shows that sometimes I don't scare kids as they walk by.