If the annual Ringmaster Fly-A-Thon numbers tell us anything, they say that Matt Kania's 1950's design is alive and well. Several folks - like John Cralley have been electrifying their S-1's too.
This conversion was 50 years in the making! OK that's too dramatic, its been 50 years since I built my first Ringmaster with a McCoy 35RH. My new one is electric powered, using an Arrowind 2810 and a 4Sx2200 pack. I designed a new Electric Conversion Kit (Brodak #BH-1937) so that others can also electrify their Ringmasters - for the next Fly-A-Thon?
This kit was designed for the Brodak S-1 Ringmaster kit. It is believed - but not proven - that it can be adapted to other kit built or scratch buillt Ringmasters. It is not retro-fitable to an existing IC powered Ringmaster, for that look at Universal Bolt on mount #BH-1940.