Vendors Corner > U/Tronics Control

How much interest is there in U/Tronics Controls


Clancy Arnold:
I have been monitoring the number of views on the most active threads:

U/Tronics Song - originally posted on 9/16/2013 has had 3646 Views with 571 in the last 40 days, a 14 Views per day average.

U/Tronics is Reviewed in AMI / Aeromodeller - Originally posted on 4/27/2012 has had 7870 Views with 119 in the last 40 days, a 3 Views per day average.

Universal U/Tronics Control Handle - originally posted on 12/19/2009 has had 9303 Views with 380 in the last 40 days, a 9.5 Views per day average.

The averages are based on View counts from 5/9/2014 and 6/20/2014.



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