General control line discussion > The Suggestion Box

Where are we? And what the heck are "TAGS"?

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Steve Helmick:
Is there someway we can add something to our profile to indicate where we are, without triggering the dreaded weather demon seed software into action? It's really dumb that we can't figure out where somebody is! We might have a newbie a few miles away, that lives on a farm and has a paved circle, for cripes sake!

I thought "tagging" was done with a spraycan in the wee hours of the morning...what the heck are "Tags"? What do they do for us, and why do we want them?  n~ Steve

Mark Scarborough:
it was suggestyed some time ago when the great evil weather demon conspiracy was initiated , that people put there location in their "signature" block that pastes on the end of every post you make. seems to be a good idea, so your signature would be for example

Mark "the Beav" Scarborough
Pullman Wa

by that everyone knows where you are

tags, well those are search keys that make the thread easier to search, for example, if its on say LA 46, then a tag for engines would be appropriate

Steve Helmick:

--- Quote from: Mark Scarborough on March 18, 2008, 09:19:08 PM ---Steve,
it was suggestyed some time ago when the great evil weather demon conspiracy was initiated , that people put there location in their "signature" block that pastes on the end of every post you make. seems to be a good idea, so your signature would be for example

Mark "the Beav" Scarborough
Pullman Wa

by that everyone knows where you are

tags, well those are search keys that make the thread easier to search, for example, if its on say LA 46, then a tag for engines would be appropriate

--- End quote ---

Ok, BUT is that location under your sign added into your profile, and it happens automatically, like over at SSW? Or do you type that in everytime you post?  I'd vote for automatic, yet a lot of folks can't be bothered. I think it's important to know that folks are in whatever various countries, etc. 

As for tags, I guess we add tags before we complete a post? Or is that automatic? Seems to me like that's what a search engine is for.    010!  Steve

"But I could be wrong" (Tim Wilson)

Bill Little:
Hi Steve,

Whatever you put in your *Signature* is automatically in your posts every time.

And, if you change your signature, it will be changed in every post on the board that you have made.

Modify Profile
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Forum Profile Information  <this is the *page* to go to for adding a signature.
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Steve Helmick:
Thanks, Bill. I got the signature all fixed up; pretty much copied yours, 'cept for the name, # and city/state! More info about Tags would be interesting, maybe!  n~ Steve


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