General control line discussion > The Suggestion Box
John Leidle:
How about we leave that garbage elsewhere ? This board is for model airplanes PA last time I checked. I understand that a lot of people here are grumpy old men without much going on in their lives . So I suggest they go to a politics , hate everyone board and stop smelling this one up.
Ken Culbertson:
Here is a thought. Don't comment on that thread and you won't see it anymore.
hey John
I hear you BUT
you have the channel selector..(mouse)...change the channel if the topic is NOT to your preference
bill bischoff:
We've already selected ESPN, so why are we getting Fox News? I'm with John on this one.
Joseph Patterson:
--- Quote from: John Leidle on November 23, 2019, 09:39:29 AM --- How about we leave that garbage elsewhere ? This board is for model airplanes PA last time I checked. I understand that a lot of people here are grumpy old men without much going on in their lives . So I suggest they go to a politics , hate everyone board and stop smelling this one up.
--- End quote ---
With you on that one John all the way.
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