General control line discussion > The Suggestion Box


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Jim Hoffman:
I'd prefer that politics be left aside on Stunt Hanger.  I come here for CL modeling stuff

Tom Vieira:
+1 on leaving the politics out.

the only politics we should be discussing are those concerning the hobby.  FAA rules, if they want to start putting catalytic converters on our little motors, etc etc....

Ken Culbertson:

--- Quote from: T.J. Vieira on November 26, 2019, 09:01:41 AM ---+1 on leaving the politics out.

the only politics we should be discussing are those concerning the hobby.  FAA rules, if they want to start putting catalytic converters on our little motors, etc etc....

--- End quote ---
Are you implying that there are politics in PA? LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~


RC Storick:
When I started this forum is was during the Brodak War. We are now at a time where Google, Youtube is censoring on a massive scale I think with the 45000 other topics to choose from You can click on a thread that interests you if on is not to your liking. Or you can hang out at Farcebook when they are not selling your info to the Russians or whomever they are selling all your DATA to.

I think we do a pretty good job of keeping this down to a dull roar.

Dennis Leonhardi:
Bravo, Sparky!  Why is it that so many who decry political discourse - which they could easily circumvent - resort to name-calling?  Seems to me "grumpy old men" tend to be those who insist it's their way or the highway.



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