General control line discussion > The Suggestion Box

New column idea?

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 Maybe there could be a new column added called, "At the Field". It could be specifically for posting photos and captions etc. from a day at the flying field. 


Terry Bolin:
Sounds great, some times we have "Lawn dart" Landings.

i second that .  i take  pictures daily and  would like someone  to share with . you try to show them to your wife and she  says dah!! None of my neighbors want to see a old man flying his last-es project around in circles. see how nice i was LEO i didn't even  mention a name

john e. holliday:

Why another section for that.  Use what we have already.  I like seeing pictures of planes and people.  DOC Holliday

John, I just said IDEA.

Sheez, rough crowd. ;)


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