#1 I have had trouble while replying to a previous post. I write my reply, I go to post and there is a message that says that someone has posted and do I want to look at it before I post my reply? "NO", I don't want to read it because I'm replying to the post that I had read already not the one that came in while I was typing my reply. 9 time out of 10 my reply then gets lost or disappears and I'm never able to post it?
#2 Then there is the message that says my reply is to big to post (usually involves picture size) and below it is "BACK" so I hit back thinking I can go back and do something to my post so I can post it again and then find that my post is gone, disappeared, blank, and I look for it and can never find it?
With #1, I would like to never see that warning and just have my reply posted. I'm replying to a particular post, not one that I have never seen.
With #2, I usually check my pictures to make sure I don't go over and my posts are OK but ever once in a while I screw up. I'm sure there must be some way to go back and remove material so the size is OK but I don't know what it is other than hit "BACK" and that sure didn't work for me. I'm a little windy on my reply's and when there wiped out many time I just through up my arms and don't reply.
Maybe I'll just have to live with #2 but I would hope that maybe you could just get rid of the message on #1 and let the reply's go through. Why would I not want my work of art not go through (jest). Eric