Our REJECT peacemaker , The Aeromudler one , had too quick cut rejects . SOMETIMES . Dont think we were sucked in more than once ! .
However , with a no nitrate Yin Yan , if you whipped it hugely for five laps , clibing in the last two , then dived -
You Might get a loop. If you kept whipping !
If you didnt you didnt .
The Field was three football fields , with 80 foot 45 degree banks , between levels . ( all remodelled now
A outside loop from level , it'd PULL Somewhat . Unexpectedly . On a good day you might get it back up to ' ground level ' again .
At least once or twice I DID .
SO , Dont use a Yin Yan ! other than that , im not sure Its entirely Relevant , HOWEVER . Some current dwelling on WINGS might help .
The old YARDSTICK undercarrage mounts . A PINE Stick across , to ' catch the loads ' .
You might figure the Center of Area , on a side . And run a fancy Caron Backed or somesuch , cross spar . Anchored securely in the fuselage .
This'd sort of ' get ' the thing evenerish stressed - and you can put the wings on the other way round , if it dosnt work backward !
ACTUALLY , This could look darned good .
Hunt Thunderchiefish or that blokes MURAT ish , if you went sorta scale . STYLE .