Hey Ed;
Is not the difference between a Papoose and Squaw just in flaps? I have Joe Wagner's plan for the Squaw, and it has flaps, and I'm still looking for the Papoose, but I think I remember hearing that from Joe himself. Maybe some one else can fill in some details.
Stay tuned for further developments,
Dan McEntee
Edit to update; I have not found the Papoose plans as yet. I did find a Veco Kit and the assembly sheet shows flaps on that model, so scratch that. I bought a lot of plans directly from Joe Wagner in 2003 and had hims sign and date them. I might not have gotten the Papoose, but still looking. I may be thinking of the Brave and Warrior? They may be the same or similar but one has flaps and the other doesn't?? Part of the fun of the hobby, figgering stuff out!