A question occurred to me in relation to Ted's famous (and very interesting to me) experiment. If it were possible to produce a scaled-up 60-size version of Ted's Tucker in which all else is identical: balsa density, number of dope coats, proportionally higher engine weight, etc. is it likely that the same need for extra weight would occur?
NO ,
The thing would weigh a Ton in the first place .
Going 1.15 x -> from 57 to 66 span , = 1.35 the area !
But the VOLUME or DISPLACEMENT -> If you lay in the bath , filled it to the brim , then got the aeroplane & got somebody to stand on it untill it was submerged ( bung all the holes first )
You could pretend you were gGaleleo , or Was it Archimedes ? . EUREKA was the word , as it was .
If you catch all the water thats spilt , thats how much aeroplane you have .
Then theres the TIMBER , the olde Square rule , or is it Cube .
If you stuck to the Original Timber Size - DIDNT Enlarge any thickness - you might just get away with it .
The big dunger , Er Folkerts , when we threw some Horsepower in it , It Started to GO . As did the elbow & shoulder .
I think it was 57 Ounce - to something around / over 80 . The Windage when it was blowing mayve required a anchor for the Pilot .
Threw a prop blade & Self demolished the fuse in 1/4 lap . Rear snapped then nose flew off . Luckilly the first junk to depart was the tank & cowl , So engine was dead when it departed .
So Some Thought is Required . The NOSE needs some of this carbon stuff and sufficent glue , so likey wants to be a nudge shorter for correct C. G.
If reassembled the Fuse Remains & patched , to use as a plug / mould . BUT HAVELS Fuse is Way Lighter ( Half the wood ) or a P. M. ish Goon Fuse would be a Box Section - ish heavy weight replacement .
The SIDE AREA in it , for WIND FLYING has me undecided so far . So Throw it in the Photocopier ( A3 ) enlarged . Tape together . Ink in outlines with Felt , Hang on wall afar . Observe upright inverted downward etc.
Probably simpler to move ' cut out ' that to stand on the head and lay sideways etc .
Id go for it - Cut out a True Size cardboard profile & stand off , up to line length , and start pondering ramifications .
( The Big Mewgull at first , you thought you were on 35 foot lines , Took a few flights to adjust to the proportions . I think over 2 Kilo is OUT , over Six Foot Span is a bit off too . 2 metre is Just Workable .
but youll want Real Power , not a ' soft ' engine . How was Windy after a early Sweeeper ( the Blue One F. M . ) flight . )