A recent thread talked about "stunt model numbers". There have been several (numerous?) discussions/compilations about the "numbers" associated with these so called stunt models. Here are three examples: (I hope the tables shown are readable.)
Aeromodeller, January 1960: compiled 16 designs, all American (most are still familiar, including Nats winners) showing span, areas of the wing, stab, flaps, elevators, others and then listed a "Trend". I used these trend numbers in the early 60's to design an elliptical wing/tail design (my airfoil/flap) which for me flew well enough to gain experience in flying contests in Florida. Those same numbers and airfoil went into a semi-scale design (FW Ta 152) that placed 5th twice at the Nats (66, 68) and then the Walker Cup in 70. By today's standards, the flaps and elevators were too small and the tail too short.
Model Airplane News, August 1973: Harry Higley (I think) did the Round and Round column in Model Airplane News and compiled a chart of 24 designs, most had been published and had placed well at the Nats over the years. Chart presented engine and prop info and the dimensions and areas in enough detail that the any model could be duplicated except for the airfoils. Interesting stuff.
Bill Netzeband had a web site that had a number of articles he wrote as well as material from others. I do not know if that web site is still available. Netzeband wrote a paper on "A Summary of Aerodynamic and Geometric Data for 101 C/L Precision Aerobatic or Stunt Designs active between 1946 and 1996". Several charts are dated November 25, 1997. He wrote nine pages explaining the basic measurements using more than 50 parameters. There were 6 pages to show these parameters for all 101 models. Then, he prepared 13 bar charts that compared these 101 designs in different ways including "Line Tension in Level Flight", "Wing Area", "Airplane Dry Weight", "Dry wing Loading", "Level Flight Controllability Coefficient", "Static Pitch Moment Coefficient - defines ability to escape square corners, "Tail Volume Coefficient", "Minimum Turn Radius Path" measured in feet, "Geometric Tail Moment Arm" measured in inches between MACw to MACt, "Ratio of CG Distance from MAC wing to te MAC(X'/C), "ratio of Neutral Point to CB Dimenskion to MAC", "Tail Power Coefficient". All interesting stuff for anyone who wants to take the time to digest all of this.
Netzeband may have included some or all of this in a series of articles that he prepared in the PAMPA Stunt News. Great stuff until he got discouraged by the complaints that his material was too technical. (He got similar complaints when he did the Round and Round column in Model Airplane News.)
(I have not been able to attach the Higley chart.)