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Author Topic: Flapless Wing Drag  (Read 16501 times)

Offline Kim Mortimore

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Flapless Wing Drag
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:49:32 PM »

If you have two flapless wings that both produce the same maximum lift (I assume that would be in a square corner), one has an 18% airfoil and less wing area, the other a 14% airfoil (same approximate shape, just thinner) and more wing area, would they both generate the same total drag (including all categories of drag that apply to a wing), or would one produce more drag than the other?

Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 09:16:34 PM »

Sorry -- that wasn't very specific, was it?  Yes.  Absolutely.

I suspect that in a square corner the two biggest contributors to drag are going to be induced drag and turbulence.  Induced drag is mostly a function of wing span, speed, and lift.  I'm not smart enough to reduce turbulence down to a "function of".

Toss into the mix the fact that the higher area wing will have more wetted area (and thus more parasitic drag), and the lower area wing will tend to show turbulence effects earlier and the answer to your question is...

You could build two wings and try them out, but then some smarta** would come along and point out that you weren't using turbulator spars on the thick one, or you hadn't polished them the same, or whatever.  Then you'd have to build some more.  Then someone would bring up elliptical lift distribution, and someone else would ask if you cleaned off all the bugs, and someone else would remember that their step-dad's sister's aunt's second husband was an aerodynamicist who always felt that winglets were just the bee's knees in cases like this...
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 01:38:21 AM »
That's a good question, and Bob Hunt has a Stunt News article written by Igor explaining it.  Either you or I could use XFoil to figure out the aero part.  I'll see if I can do it tomorrow.  Then there's the wing weight, but all that is calculable.  If it's for a stunt plane, there are a couple other considerations, both of which favor the thicker wing for stunt:

The thinner wing will be slapped around by turbulence more than the thicker wing because of its lighter wing loading.

The thinner wing will have a higher ratio of drag in maneuvers to drag in level flight than the thicker wing.

For combat planes, which have different design requirements than stunt planes, the optimal thickness seems to be about halfway between those.  `

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Offline Kim Mortimore

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 09:58:21 AM »
That's a good question, and Bob Hunt has a Stunt News article written by Igor explaining it.  Either you or I could use XFoil to figure out the aero part.  I'll see if I can do it tomorrow.  Then there's the wing weight, but all that is calculable.  If it's for a stunt plane, there are a couple other considerations, both of which favor the thicker wing for stunt:

The thinner wing will be slapped around by turbulence more than the thicker wing because of its lighter wing loading.

The thinner wing will have a higher ratio of drag in maneuvers to drag in level flight than the thicker wing.

For combat planes, which have different design requirements than stunt planes, the optimal thickness seems to be about halfway between those. 

For stunt.  I'm interested in reading the article by Igor the Brilliant.  Do you recall the date of the SN issue?

This question came up when I flew a Teosawki for the first time.  (I know you object to planes of this type, and your objections were addressed in the Sakitumi: scratch or kit built with stunt wing construction replacing the combat-style wing, a very attractive fuselage shape and conventional finish---all weighing in at about the same weight as a Teosawki, due to the use of 4 lb wood.  There is a full-fuselage version in the queue with the same weight goal, thus eliminating the objection to profiles).

The first time I flew the Teo, I was amazed that such a thin wing could fly so well.  All the thin wings I had flown before had much higher wing loadings, and I believed that thinner wings can't fly stunt at all.  The feel of the Teo was different from Flight Streaks and Skyrays (I had trouble getting several Skyrays to track in level flight*): graceful and effortless are the best words I can think of to describe it.  The very large TVC probably had a lot to do with it, as well as the larger overall size of the Teo and its engine (LA46).  And of course these are subjective impressions, so do not constitute evidence. 

*Possibly a neurological limitation on my part since inverted level was even less stable than upright level.

I became curious whether the thin, double-tapered Teo wing was part of the successful formula, or whether a scaled-to-match total lift 18% airfoil would perform as well (or maybe better).  Also constant chord or tapered.  I had no idea how to calculate the area required for an 18 percenter to generate equivalent lift.  Perhaps XFoil can answer that question.

The thinner wing will be slapped around by turbulence more than the thicker wing because of its lighter wing loading.

I guess this is the final rock v. hard place for flapless planes.  The light loading is needed for cornering performance, but leaves the plane vulnerable to wind and turbulence.  Not that this is anything like news!  I'm just attracted to flapless planes for some unknown reason (nostalgia?) and ways to optimitize their performance interest me.
Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

Offline Russell Shaffer

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 10:25:46 AM »
This is from Ted Fancher and does at least address some of the questions here:

As I mentioned in the Doctor article in Stunt News, flaps pretty much only do a few things. First and most importantly, by changing the airfoil from an uncambered section to a cambered one they inherently increase the lift per unit of total area (assuming the gap between the main plane and the flap isn't so excessive as to allow the value of the flaps to be largely defeated); second, they increase the induced drag and, therefore, the total drag (induced plus all others ); third, they produce a negative pitching moment (the cambered wing which results from deflected flaps has a natural desire to rotate about itself in the direction opposite to the camber).

With the above understanding and the realization that turning high g maneuvers in the pitch axis requires abundant lift, it becomes obvious that if we eliminate the flaps we need to achieve the necessary lift in another manner. Lift produced is the result of air density (we've no control over that), surface area (we can make a wing any size we wish), the effectiveness of the airfoil (co-efficient of lift), angle of attack and the wing planform (aspect ratio), and, importantly, the square of the airspeed.

Thus, if we eliminate the use of an airfoil which can be variously cambered (via flap deflection) we must re-manage the other aspects to regain the necessary lift. We can; A. increase the area thus reducing the wing loading; B. devise a more efficient airfoil for the unflapped configuration; C. utilize a more efficient planform (a higher aspect ratio develops more lift at a lower angle of attack and less drag than does a lower aspect ratio of the same area. Both can produce the same approximate maximum lift but the lower aspect ratio will require a higher angle of attack and produce more drag in doing so.); D. fly faster.

Thus, as has been suggested, it is factually obvious that a very lightly loaded, high aspect ratio flapless airplane flown at very high speeds and with sufficient tail authority can indeed turn in the pitch axis at very high rates…certainly higher than a slower, higher loaded, low aspect ratio ship encumbered by an airfoil which fights the very thought of a tight pitching maneuver in opposition to its natural desire. So, “Yup” a well-designed combat ship can turn on a dime…and does every day.

Despite the suggestion in the rule book that we are supposed to be flying five foot radius corners, the fact are that we both don’t and (before the nay-sayers jump on the apparent dichotomy) can’t do so in a competitive fashion in a stunt pattern. The reason is simple. We simply don’t have the reflexes to do so in a precise fashion. Thus, the event has evolved into the development of aircraft which can turn reasonably “tightly” but can do so with precision and consistency. Heck, even nose heavy toads have won the Nats by flying “reasonably” tightly and very consistently.

Now, where does the foregoing leave us in terms of designing a flapless ship competitive enough to compete at the highest levels?

At first blush it would seem that we need only make the wing big enough to produce the lift we need and forget about the flaps. This isn’t far wrong, actually. Put a decent airfoil on a large enough wing (keep the leading edge reasonably blunt and the high point fairly well forward), provide decent tail authority and an outstanding engine run (<80% percent of ANY otherwise competitive package>) and you can fly pretty dang good patterns. The basic DOCTOR can fly 500 points plus flight after flight in the hands of a good pilot when the engine runs right (sometimes a problem).

However, conditions are seldom perfect and it is under less than perfect conditions that the shortcoming of the flapless ship begin to manifest themselves. Once again, we have to look at what exactly flaps do which we will regret not having under those conditions. In addition, what negative things happen when we pursue high lift through simply enlarging the area of the wing?

Two of the answers go hand in hand. One of the predictable bad conditions we encounter is high winds. High winds make the airplane accelerate in consecutive maneuvers. The greater the area (lighter the wing loading) the greater the acceleration. Thus our flapped ship with its greater drag for a given amount of lift will resist acceleration better. The unflapped ship will, conversely, make matters worse because of its larger “sail” area. It will accelerate at a much greater rate. In addition, pitch rate for a given control deflection will vary more since the lift produced by the tail increases as the square of speed also, ergo, the tail gets more effective as the ship accelerates.

There is, however, a flip side to this coin. In calm air (another dreaded competition condition) the unflapped ship has it all over the flapped one in that wake turbulence is significantly less without flaps (especially flaps deflected large amounts for unnecessary reasons) thus reducing the hazard of turbulence encounters and simplifying the flyer’s task by minimizing the need to maneuver in and out to try to avoid the wake. This advantage comes very near worth putting up with the high wind disadvantage above.

It should be noted that other means are now available to help control the wind-up in the wind more effectively than just a few short years ago. High RPM low pitch systems are natural speed controllers and go a long way toward harnessing the wind up and making it controllable. Tuned pipes are one way to go but are handicapped by the high weight involved. I think the current development of four strokes for our purposes should be high on the “must check out” list for anyone seriously contemplating a flapless competition ship. FYI, the DOCTOR is now flying with an OS Surpass .40 and as the system is refined is producing the best combination yet utilized…including a very good Aero Tiger .36. So far this combination includes a 10 X 4 Tornado three blade, conventional 10 percent Sig fuel, and a slightly choked down venturi. Delightful to fly.

Some have postulated that flapless ships by definition have to turn body angle “beyond” the desired pitch track because the symmetrical airfoil must have a positive angle of attack to produce lift. This is technically correct but my experience has been that given adequately low wing loading and enough speed the phenomenon is unobservable.

The center of Gravity is pretty much cast in concrete. Flapless ships pretty much end up at 15% of the average chord. (15% MAC for the technically oriented). With the Aerodynamic Center of a symmetrical wing pretty much fixed at 25% MAC this provides a modest “tension” between the lift and the CG which provides the feedback necessary to the controls for precision changes of direction. The CG can be moved further aft but begins to feel sensitive and tracking in maneuvers may suffer. Further forward and the the arm between lift and weight makes for excessive differences in required control input uphill versus downhill.

Tails needn’t be as large as for flapped ships since they don’t need to overcome the negative pitching moment of the cambered wing (deflected flaps) in maneuvers. Fifteen percent of the wing’s area is probably a minimum and anything over 20% probably more than necessary. Either will provide adequate stability margin for an easy handling ship. I think the current practice of low aspect ratio tails for stability in turns is probably still valid. I’d start with about 4.5 to one.

Modestly higher aspect ratios (for the wing) are probably desirable, say 5.2 to 5.5 to one. The greater the aspect ratio (span/average chord) the less the angle of attack necessary for a given lift requirement. This would mean; 1. a smaller wing area is necessary for a given weight, and; 2. the reduced necessary angle of attack required in hard corners would result in less of the theoretical need for body angles in excess of the track change desired, i.e. it wouldn’t seem to have turned “inside” the desired track.

The wing should be tapered so as to approximate the “ideal” elliptical lift distribution. A simple taper should suffice with probably a minimum of a 75% tip/root ratio and a minimum of 65-70%. Chords at the tip of less than nine inches or so are likely to be less effective than they should be. I’m guessing that the taper should be distributed between the leading and trailing edges so as to result in a quarter chord line perpendicular to the fuse. I’m really open on this and would be interested in divergent points of view. I doubt very much that a swept forward quarter chord is desirable but a slightly swept one could be stabilizing in roll.

The resulting airplane should be flown slightly faster than an equivalent flapped ship, using a power train which produces airspeeds as consistent as possible in all attitudes. The compromise of a slightly higher speed and the therefore slightly smaller useable wing area should produce a very flyable airplane even under adverse conditions.

Anything else….hmmm? I’ll have to think about it.

Russell Shaffer
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Just North of the California border

Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 11:29:40 AM »
A lot of that is wrong.  Ted knows a lot about stunt, but he has a habit of making up theory to explain it. 
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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2012, 12:09:51 PM »
A lot of that is wrong.  Ted knows a lot about stunt, but he has a habit of making up theory to explain it. 

The only data points I have is that the Sig Skyray has a 5:1 aspect ratio and a 18% wing, while the Fright Streak has a somewhat thinner wing (15%?) and a 4:1 aspect ratio -- and the Skyray, in particular, seems to be well-regarded as a practice plane for beginners.

So, do you think that these planes could be -- size for size -- significantly improved?
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Kim Mortimore

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2012, 08:04:56 PM »
A lot of that is wrong.  Ted knows a lot about stunt, but he has a habit of making up theory to explain it. 

Would you be willing to point out the errors?  I've been following Ted's aireodynamikul posts fairly closely (along with your lyric poetry), and specifics would be appreciated.  No pot-stirring at all intended on my part.  Purely educational.  Thanks.   
Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

Offline Ted Fancher

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 02:41:14 PM »
A lot of that is wrong.  Well, Howard,  I guess if you say it's wrong it must be since, as you frequently point out, you're smarter than the rest of us all put together.

Ted knows a lot about stunt, Thanks, I guess, for the back handed compliment.
but he has a habit of making up theory to explain it.  This--if I may quote a much smarter man-"is [just plain] wrong."


If you had been sitting over my shoulder for the last fifty odd years or so (you weren't...I checked)  you would have seen that everything I've done in terms of stunt model design since I was a teenager was specifically intended to address things I'd learned about flying machines of every conceivable size from hand launched gliders and indoor stuff to full size Boeing 747s and most everything in between.  Every such design was intended to utilize what I had learned to make it better than the one that preceded it.

No I can't punch a calculator, point at the results and "declare" to you or anyone else that it means anything.  I have, however, experienced things in aviation, read about the principles involved, witnessed how they affected the vehicles I fly (whether in the cockpit and/or standing on the ground with a handle in my hand).  I realize that engineers feel that such "experiential" knowledge is worthless but, believe it or not, those who have experienced such things don't always agree with you.

What I've experienced--combined with a modest amount of intelligent understanding of aerodynamics and consideration of what I thought could have a positive effect on the performance of those aircraft--I've utilized to design and fly aircraft that are more than competent and, in the case of stunt models, competitive with pretty much anything else that people have designed, built and flown regardless of their pedigree or learned degrees.   I may be "wrong" but all that wrongness has accumulated a lot of plastic hardware over the last five or six decades flying those poorly conceived craft about one flight for every hundred you fly and every several hundred that Paul, David, Orestes and others who "pound 'em in" fly.  I guess I must have fallen into a string of dumb luck.

I'm not for a minute saying any "tweaks on George's Nobler" I may have come up with were magic breakthroughs; but neither were any of them dismal failures.  Every stunt ship I've taken from pencil, paper and eraser to the competition circle was not only built to fly competitively but also to experiment with things that I believed (due to my real world exposure to things that fly) might have a positive effect on the performance of the stunt pattern. Not once in my stunt flying life did I simply build an airplane, find it somehow "magic" and "make up a theory" to support the magic.  First of all, there never was "magic".  Most of the airplanes I designed and competed with were competent but none were magic.  That is why I continued to design more airplanes trying out different things I felt might make them better.  (It is also why I bemoan the likely takeover of our event by buy and fly adherents who will declare a "Shark" or something similar to be as good as it gets and, therefore, stop trying to make something a tiny bit better since doing so would take some thought and effort.) 

You might also want to read some of my articles and note that I regularly make it clear that the sources of many of the things I espouse came not from me but from the mind of or are the fruit of the labor of others...not the least recipient of which has been your very successful flying buddy.  I have willingly over the years (and with no small amount of effort) shared what I believe to be valuable information for use by others who share my fascination with stunt but have "never" pretended to be the "oracle" from which those thoughts were borne anew.  Nobody--wherever or from whomever those thoughts came from--is/was forced to either read it or utilize it.  As a result I'm not inclined to apologize for having taken the time for sharing.  I think most of it was of more value to budding stunt fliers than "...most of (what Ted said) is wrong."

IOW, theory (right or wrong from my point of view, yours or anyone else's) has always preceded everything I've done with with respect to stunt model design.  I make no apology for developing some of those theories on my own.  The evidence of their pragmatic value is reasonably substantial even if not substantiated to multiple decimal places.

Bottom line, Howard, if it makes you feel good to think of Ted as a backwoods lout who throws balsa wood and hot stuff up against the wall to see what sticks, go right ahead.  But if you think no thought, or study, or hands on experience, or experimentation or intelligence with regard to what makes a stunt ship work well went into their development you're just flat "wrong"...once again, to quote.

If you think your note pissed me off, I expect you're right.


« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 07:03:31 PM by Ted Fancher »

Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2012, 11:46:15 PM »
Ted, you know more about stunt than I do, you have done more for stunt than most anybody, and you have won more than I ever hope to.  I shouldn't have made such a generalization.  I'm sorry.  Repainting my new stunter is making me grouchy, but that's no excuse.

Most everything is, to my knowledge, correct, in that piece above.  The stuff I'd pick on is:

Flaps, per se, don't make induced drag.  For a given corner radius, induced drag (by my ciphering) is proportional to the square of span loading.  Airplanes with flaps tend to weigh more than airplanes that don't, which would lead to more induced drag.

Indeed lift increases as the square of airspeed, but the lift required for a given loop radius also increases as the square of inertial speed.  Going faster won't enable you to turn tighter, except for the tiny benefit of increased Reynolds number.  Airspeed and inertial speed don't match in the wind, of course, which makes flying in the wind interesting. 

Pitch rate is the number of degrees per second an airplane rotates.  This increases with speed, too.  It's something you need to get around the corner, but you seem to be using the term to mean something else.  Tail effectiveness increases with speed, but so does wing effectiveness, at the same rate.  Everything just happens faster.

Wake turbulence is a function of induced drag.  For a given speed and loop radius, a plane with a lighter span loading will have less wake turbulence, with or without flaps.

Lift curve slope increasing with aspect ratio does not imply that you need less wing for a given weight.  You seem to be saying that wing stall angle of attack is independent of aspect ratio.

The wing should be tapered, but making the lift distribution closer to elliptical isn't as important, I think, as the taper reducing wing bending moment (hence weight), reducing roll turbulence response, and reducing rolling moment due to sideslip.

Wing sweep is stabilizing in roll, if you define stabilizing as having a dihedral effect (dihedral effect multiplied by lift coefficient, actually).  Why would you want that?  I think that a benefit of a no-flap airplane is that you aren't constrained to keeping a straight hinge line, so you can optimize taper and sweep.  The benefit of sweep to a stunter may be in yaw, to keep it from wobbling in square corners.

So although most of the stuff in that piece is valid, enough of it is wrong or irrelevant to make it difficult for the reader to benefit when he sets out to design his own airplane.  Of the virtues you list, I think you have underemphasized hands-on experience, experimentation, and intelligence.  I continue to be in awe of the fruits of these virtues among the Varsity.  This aero stuff is nontrivial.  I think experience and experiment have led the top fliers far beyond the theoretical understanding of most anybody who flies stunt. 
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Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2012, 12:02:26 AM »
For stunt.  I'm interested in reading the article by Igor the Brilliant.  Do you recall the date of the SN issue?

I don't think it's been published yet.  I got a peek at it. 

This question came up when I flew a Teosawki for the first time.  (I know you object to planes of this type, and your objections were addressed in the Sakitumi: scratch or kit built with stunt wing construction replacing the combat-style wing, a very attractive fuselage shape and conventional finish---all weighing in at about the same weight as a Teosawki, due to the use of 4 lb wood.  There is a full-fuselage version in the queue with the same weight goal, thus eliminating the objection to profiles).

The first time I flew the Teo, I was amazed that such a thin wing could fly so well.  All the thin wings I had flown before had much higher wing loadings, and I believed that thinner wings can't fly stunt at all.  The feel of the Teo was different from Flight Streaks and Skyrays (I had trouble getting several Skyrays to track in level flight*): graceful and effortless are the best words I can think of to describe it.  The very large TVC probably had a lot to do with it, as well as the larger overall size of the Teo and its engine (LA46).  And of course these are subjective impressions, so do not constitute evidence. 

*Possibly a neurological limitation on my part since inverted level was even less stable than upright level.

I became curious whether the thin, double-tapered Teo wing was part of the successful formula, or whether a scaled-to-match total lift 18% airfoil would perform as well (or maybe better).  Also constant chord or tapered.  I had no idea how to calculate the area required for an 18 percenter to generate equivalent lift.  Perhaps XFoil can answer that question.

I guess this is the final rock v. hard place for flapless planes.  The light loading is needed for cornering performance, but leaves the plane vulnerable to wind and turbulence.  Not that this is anything like news!  I'm just attracted to flapless planes for some unknown reason (nostalgia?) and ways to optimitize their performance interest me.

My guess is that an 18% airfoil on that airplane would handle the same, but could turn tighter or be built heavier.  I regret that I haven't done any figuring yet.  I've been trying to finish a stunt plane.  I'll also guess that the main reason the Teosawki flies well is because it has a long tail (disregard this guess if it doesn't).  I slapped together an airplane to test fuel systems by putting a couple of half-inch plywood disks on the front of an F2D model and a long aluminum tube for a fuselage, and it flew pretty good stunt.

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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2012, 12:32:06 AM »
Heck, Howard.  Get a paint marker and scrawl your AMA number on the wing of that thing, slap on a couple of wheels, and you'll have this year's ride with no finishing woes!
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Kim Mortimore

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2012, 11:41:27 AM »

I appreciate your taking time to respond to each of the points in my posts on this topic, especially in the middle of a refinishing project.  That level of thorough com is fairly rare.  Ted is thorough too. 

Your comments about refinishing remind me of the old joke about a guy who is banging his head against the side of a building.  A woman walks up to him and says, "Sir, why are you banging your head against the side of a building?"  The guy replies, "Because it feels so good when I stop."  Think of how good it will feel to have your newly refinished beauty ready to show off.  Will you grace us with pictures?  How about taking bets on base color.  $10 on orange for me.
Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

Offline Howard Rush

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2012, 05:20:15 PM »
Your comments about refinishing remind me of the old joke about a guy who is banging his head against the side of a building.  A woman walks up to him and says, "Sir, why are you banging your head against the side of a building?"  The guy replies, "Because it feels so good when I stop."  Think of how good it will feel to have your newly refinished beauty ready to show off.  Will you grace us with pictures?  How about taking bets on base color.  $10 on orange for me.

This morning James Aron of my airplane painters' support group recommended Isocyanate Death Paint clear coat as a way out of one problem I'm having with the finish.  If I survive spraying that, I'll eventually post a picture.  Orange is involved, although I keep sanding through the orange. 

I still haven't answered your original question.
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Offline Kim Mortimore

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2012, 06:23:44 PM »
This morning James Aron of my airplane painters' support group recommended Isocyanate Death Paint clear coat as a way out of one problem I'm having with the finish.  If I survive spraying that, I'll eventually post a picture.  Orange is involved, although I keep sanding through the orange.

I still haven't answered your original question.

Perhaps that is Mr. Aron's ever-so-cunning method for eliminating some of his Nats competition.  Did he perchance offer to sell you a special respirator designed for Death Paint at an incredible bargain price? 

The original question can wait. 
Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

Offline phil c

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2012, 04:53:35 PM »
Now that the fur seems to have settled I thought I'd add a few things, having done my share of flapless wing design.

I think Howard's last big post sums things up pretty well.

From a hands on, experimental point of view, in our Reynold's number range(-500K) the corrected NACA reports seem to work.  The airfoil efficiency seems to peak at 18-21%, about 15% more lift/drag than at 12-15% thick airfoil.  These things are kinda fuzzy though, so you can't really calculate rock solid numbers from them.

More importantly, two other factors play at least as big a role.  One thing I've found over the years that the quickest, lightest, easiest way to improve performance is to add 10-15% to the span.  Putting 3 in wide tips on a 48 in. plane will make a dramatic difference in performance.  With a fairly highly tapered wing the motor doesn't even notice the extra area, but the plane does everything better.

The second item is the airfoil.  The old NACA 00XX series are pretty good, but as Howard pointed out in his Nemesis design, moving the  high point 25% or even 20% produces a much better flying wing.  A couple of others scientifically(Gary James) and artistically(Phil Granderson) also came up with airfoils that had 10% or so better lift at useable wingloadings.  So the final trick is to keep the wing loading low enough that the wing doesn't have to go over 7 deg. or so angle of attack.  Almost every symmetrical airfoil has a low drag bucket in the L/D vs AOA.  Keep the wing flying in that range and it will perform well.  Push the AOA too much and it will start to fall out of the air from excess drag.  The Ringmaster is a classic example of this.  Keep the weight low(<20 oz) and it can fly very well.  Pork it up just a few ounces and try and do a tighter pattern and it will start staggering around unless flown extremely carefully.
phil Cartier

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2012, 07:38:13 PM »

.....More importantly, two other factors play at least as big a role.  One thing I've found over the years that the quickest, lightest, easiest way to improve performance is to add 10-15% to the span.  Putting 3 in wide tips on a 48 in. plane will make a dramatic difference in performance.  With a fairly highly tapered wing the motor doesn't even notice the extra area, but the plane does everything better.....

Is this improvement simply a function of increased wing area?

BTW, I notice that you're flying Expert.  Just out of curiosity, what is your weapon of choice?  I/C or electric?
Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2012, 05:43:22 PM »
the foam wings I use can take a 3-4 in. tip addition with no spars, so the improvement is both improved wing loading(more wing area for very little weight) and improved span loading(higher aspect ratio).

I fly stunt purely to see how much better I think I can do than the last time.  A few years ago I flew in a contest and won intermediate by half a point.  The contest management said I had to fly in advanced next time, which on the basis of one win is ridiculous, so I just moved up to expert.

I recently moved up from an LA 40 to an LA 46 in the same plane.  I use a weird setup, but it works for me.  10/4 Zinger prop, 10,500 rpm or so at launch, 10/10/10 fuel.  Venturi is about .260 with a side spigot needle valve.  +Stock muffler.  40 to 46 gave a big improvement in performance.  The 46 just loafs along where the 40 had to work hard.  The plane is the same old G-VI,  700 squares, 48 oz. 65 in. span.

I've run into the same problem Bob Baron did with the Humbug.  One's reflexes simply aren't fast enough to fly through a sharp corner, so I'm going to try some sort of exponential bellcrank to soften the controls around neutral and make it easier to hit.
phil Cartier

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2012, 09:36:36 PM »

How would the performance of the G-VI change if you switched to an 11" prop?

Kim Mortimore
Santa Clara, CA

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2012, 08:02:42 AM »
an 11 inch prop slows the plane down too much, and makes the motor run hotter so it doesn't do any 4-2 break.  I, at least, only tried it on a couple flights and didn't see anything to warrant making a change.
phil Cartier

Offline Chuck_Smith

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2012, 10:58:17 AM »
If you have two flapless wings that both produce the same maximum lift (I assume that would be in a square corner), one has an 18% airfoil and less wing area, the other a 14% airfoil (same approximate shape, just thinner) and more wing area, would they both generate the same total drag (including all categories of drag that apply to a wing), or would one produce more drag than the other?


Well, given a symmetrical section on a flapless wing, the wing area would be the same. You'll find the slope of the Cl vs AoA for the 0014 and 0018 airfoils are essentially the same. So for a given angle of attack the thickness won't affect the lift coefficient, and thus the required area would be unchanged.

Now, if the airfoil was cambered, that's a whole 'nuther deal. The camber line IS important. Look at an indoor microfilm model. The thickness is effectively zero. But the camber line is what's important when calculating required wing area since it ( camber ) shifts the lift curve to the left on a plot of Cl cs AoA.

Next, compare the curve of drag coefficient vs AoA for the two airfoils and you'll see there is no discernible drag penalty for the thicker wing. But it's easier to build, so go for it. You will only pay a small weight penalty.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 04:47:53 AM by Chuck_Smith »
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2012, 06:04:30 PM »
This is from Ted Fancher and does at least address some of the questions here:

As I mentioned in the Doctor article in Stunt News, flaps pretty much only do a few things. First and most importantly, by changing the airfoil from an uncambered section to a cambered one they inherently increase the lift per unit of total area (assuming the gap between the main plane and the flap isn't so excessive as to allow the value of the flaps to be largely defeated); second, they increase the induced drag and, therefore, the total drag (induced plus all others ); third, they produce a negative pitching moment (the cambered wing which results from deflected flaps has a natural desire to rotate about itself in the direction opposite to the camber).

 ( Redacted for brevity) CS


While I appreciate the thoughtful analysis, with due respect I propose an alternate viewpoint.

First, let me predicate with a couple of key concepts:

To start off, we don't fly wings, we fly airplanes. The effects of a control surface deflection on an entire airplane is different than that of just an airfoil section in a wind tunnel - often substantially so.

Second, when we talk about an aircraft's stability about the longitudinal axis, we are need to differentiate between static stability and dynamic stability. Same with its response to a control input. (We're talking about the stability derivatives here.)

So when we deflect the flap on a symmetrical wing, we do indeed as you indicate, change the moment coefficient of the wing (note I said "wing" and not "airfoil".)
But, in doing so we shed a vortex off the TE and change the flow field around the wing. This has a key effect that comes into play on a complete wing:

We changed the downwash angle from the wing.

This change in downwash angle is proportional to the change in Lift Coefficient/Aspect Ratio.  

And... it's important.

It increases the incidence of the tail. It also creates a pitching moment contribution from the fuselage as show by Munk and later work by Multhropp. Further, it reduces the apparent mass effects of the displaced air as the aircraft rotates. This change in downwash angle can be remarkably high. So given the tail volume coefficient and horizontal tail efficiency ( which can be greater than unity on a stunt ship due to the propeller slipstream) the flap deflection's effect on the tail's  positive contribution to the aircrafts overall pitching moment combined with the introduction of a positive pitching moment from the fuselage - can be higher than the wing's increase in negative moment due to the increase in camber.

Net result... the aircraft rotates around the pitch axis faster as a result of the flap deflection.

And it gets better. As the flap deflects, we change effective the angle of incidence of the wing...and the downwash angle. This further increases the incidence of the horizontal tail WRT the wing. More positive moment!

So what this tells us is that the optimum condition may in fact be to have not full-span flaps, but only equal to the span of the horizontal tail. We will lose some efficiency due to vorticity at the outboard edge of the flap, but lift is in abundance in a stunt ship - so we can live with that. Or, we taper the flaps such that the ratio of flap chord to the wing chord decreases as we move outboard from the fuselage such that outboard section of the wing's contribution to negative moment is lessened, further increasing the net positive pitching moment.

Once again, notice that when we move from an airfoil section's qualities to a complete airplane's qualities, it's the aspect ratio that plays a major role in how the ship flies.




« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 06:46:37 PM by Chuck_Smith »
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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2012, 06:39:24 PM »
Well, given a symmetrical section on a flapless wing, the wing area would be the same. You'll find the slope of the Cl vs AoA for the 0014 and 0018 airfoils are essentially the same. So for a given angle of attack the thickness won't affect the lift coefficient, and thus the required area would be unchanged.

I can't be sure exactly what Kim meant, but I think he meant to start out with two wings, of different thickness, with area adjusted so that the lift right at the onset of stall is the same.  Not (I hope) that he thinks that the CL vs. pitch slope is different from one to the other.

If that's the case then the thicker wing could have less area.  And then his question kind of makes sense, except for the part where he's ignoring everything else that's going on.
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2012, 06:57:15 PM »
I can't be sure exactly what Kim meant, but I think he meant to start out with two wings, of different thickness, with area adjusted so that the lift right at the onset of stall is the same.  Not (I hope) that he thinks that the CL vs. pitch slope is different from one to the other.

If that's the case then the thicker wing could have less area.  And then his question kind of makes sense, except for the part where he's ignoring everything else that's going on.

Maybe, but at that part of the flight envelope you're in what we airplane scientists call "supermanuverabilty" and trust me,  you don't want to be there in a stunt ship! The thrust vector starts to become the major factor, the drag goes through the roof and the moment coefficient goes haywire. Bad things man, bad things.
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2012, 11:49:24 PM »
It increases the incidence of the tail. It also creates a pitching moment contribution from the fuselage as show by Munk and later work by Multhropp. Further, it reduces the apparent mass effects of the displaced air as the aircraft rotates. This change in downwash angle can be remarkably high. So given the tail volume coefficient and horizontal tail efficiency ( which can be greater than unity on a stunt ship due to the propeller slipstream) the flap deflection's effect on the tail's  positive contribution to the aircrafts overall pitching moment combined with the introduction of a positive pitching moment from the fuselage - can be higher than the wing's increase in negative moment due to the increase in camber.

For a stunt plane, the sign of pitching moment from flaps (for the whole airplane) depends on the configuration.  A local guy told me that his elevator linkage disconnected during a wingover.  He attempted to recover by giving full control, first one way and then the other.  The airplane went straight into the ground.  A change in CG or tail geometry could have caused it to turn either the same direction the elevator would have turned or the other direction. 
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2012, 06:07:04 AM »
For a stunt plane, the sign of pitching moment from flaps (for the whole airplane) depends on the configuration.  A local guy told me that his elevator linkage disconnected during a wingover.  He attempted to recover by giving full control, first one way and then the other.  The airplane went straight into the ground.  A change in CG or tail geometry could have caused it to turn either the same direction the elevator would have turned or the other direction. 

Ahhh, but now we are in "stick free response" which differs from ""stick fixed response". Different things. 

With the elevator free to seek it's happy place the aircraft response is changed and the aircraft is free to find its neutral point. Think about elevator- you defelct the flaps down, the downwash will tend to push the free-floating elevator down! In a very loose sense, it acts like a trim tab for the stab in that condition. When a trim tab goes down , the hinged control surface moves in the opposite direction. Same with an airplane where  the CG is the "hinge".


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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2012, 06:20:34 AM »
Nice theory Chuck, but beside that theory I have some real experience ... and that tells me that flapped models go to corner signifficantly harder than flapeless. Also CG for flapped model must be much back  ;D

But I am open mind, you can easily convince us if you can show us well flying stunter with fixed elevator :- ))))))

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2012, 12:26:46 PM »
If you have two flapless wings that both produce the same maximum lift (I assume that would be in a square corner), one has an 18% airfoil and less wing area, the other a 14% airfoil (same approximate shape, just thinner) and more wing area, would they both generate the same total drag (including all categories of drag that apply to a wing), or would one produce more drag than the other?


One other thing to consider, the wing shape has effects at our speeds.  A rectangular wing can zoom through a 90 deg. corner tighter by converting speed into lift.  A wing tapered to give an approximately elliptical distribution doesn't seem to do this.  So it works for stunt, if the loss of speed isn't too severe and the engine and prop can accelerate the plane back to its original speed before it has to do another corner.
phil Cartier

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2012, 01:43:40 PM »
Ahhh, but now we are in "stick free response" which differs from ""stick fixed response". Different things. 

With the elevator free to seek it's happy place the aircraft response is changed and the aircraft is free to find its neutral point. Think about elevator- you defelct the flaps down, the downwash will tend to push the free-floating elevator down! In a very loose sense, it acts like a trim tab for the stab in that condition. When a trim tab goes down , the hinged control surface moves in the opposite direction. Same with an airplane where  the CG is the "hinge".

Yep, bad example.  It would be interesting to determine the net pitching moment of a stunter with fixed elevator.  I suspect we are both too lazy to calculate it.  An experiment could be conducted over tall grass if anybody wants to donate an airplane for it. 

Canards work.  They have essentially that configuration.  I wonder what happened to Bob Hunt's canard?
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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2012, 02:29:06 PM »
Some of the early CL models used flaps instead of elevator to try to dodge Jim Walker's patents.  They weren't very popular.  From that I'm going to presume that they worked, but not terribly well.
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2012, 12:44:44 AM »
Some of the early CL models used flaps instead of elevator to try to dodge Jim Walker's patents.  They weren't very popular.  From that I'm going to presume that they worked, but not terribly well.

    My Dad had one. He said it would fly, but had minimal control and you would never dream of looping it.


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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2012, 01:19:36 AM »

Howard said "Wake turbulence is a function of induced drag.  For a given speed and loop radius, a plane with a lighter span loading will have less wake turbulence, with or without flaps."

HI Howard

Paul Walker told me it is the prop that causes a huge amount of wake turbulence, do you have any info to share about  this?


Offline Igor Burger

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2012, 01:41:43 AM »

Wake turbulence is a function of induced drag.

it is the prop that causes a huge amount of wake turbulence

It is easy to extend (beside the fact that induced drag is function of lift and prop makes part of the lift and therefore directly makes wake turbulence) ... the induced drag is function of speed ^2 ... and therefore of available power ... so if the large prop can recharge energy lost in that maneuver, it is directly source of that turbulence :- ))) ... not to mention that if model slows down in that maneuver, it will come back later, when the turbulence is little slower

and if someone does not believe that statement with flaps, I recommend to try flapeless indoors with props = 1/3 of span flying in dead calm gym ... I never had problems with wake turbulence :- )))) 

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2012, 10:14:31 AM »
It is easy to extend (beside the fact that induced drag is function of lift and prop makes part of the lift and therefore directly makes wake turbulence) ... the induced drag is function of speed ^2 ... and therefore of available power ... so if the large prop can recharge energy lost in that maneuver, it is directly source of that turbulence :- ))) ... not to mention that if model slows down in that maneuver, it will come back later, when the turbulence is little slower

and if someone does not believe that statement with flaps, I recommend to try flapeless indoors with props = 1/3 of span flying in dead calm gym ... I never had problems with wake turbulence :- ))))  

Hi Igor

I realize the spinning prop make turbulence, What I would like to see is more info about this, Paul talks about flying a plane with 2 sizes of props that fly the airplane about the same, The 11 inch prop turning faster and unloading more to keep the plane speed up will make much less turbulence than say a 13 inch prop flying the plane the same way.
I have watched this very closely and it seems that the turbulence coming off of the wing in corners go in a  " V " direction of angling  outwards , away from the tips , and the prop wash turbulence goes more or less straight out or the rear of the plane.
I have also stood very close to a plane with the engine out, but was wind flying and still doing loops and squares, it had a large amount of turbulence coming from the ship, you could feel the wind hit you as the plane made the bottom corner.
I have no doubt about the different turbulence coming from a stuntship, I just would like to know more about the dynamics of exactly what is happening with the different types of turbulence.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 10:43:03 AM by RandySmith »

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2012, 11:13:57 AM »
Howard said "Wake turbulence is a function of induced drag.  For a given speed and loop radius, a plane with a lighter span loading will have less wake turbulence, with or without flaps."

I forgot about the prop when I said that.  I reckon the prop wake could be calculated-- at least how much energy it puts into the air in a corner. 

HI Howard

Paul Walker told me it is the prop that causes a huge amount of wake turbulence, do you have any info to share about  this?

He has said that he has less problem with an 11.3"-diameter prop in still air than with a bigger prop.  My guess as to the mechanism was that the higher speed of the small prop's wake blows its wake toward the outside of the maneuver.  This wouldn't affect me, but may be of benefit to you guys who put your consecutive maneuvers in the same place.  Igor probably has a better explanation.  I wonder if prop size has the same effect with electric power.

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2012, 12:23:22 PM »
I forgot about the prop when I said that.  I reckon the prop wake could be calculated-- at least how much energy it puts into the air in a corner. 

He has said that he has less problem with an 11.3"-diameter prop in still air than with a bigger prop.  My guess as to the mechanism was that the higher speed of the small prop's wake blows its wake toward the outside of the maneuver.  This wouldn't affect me, but may be of benefit to you guys who put your consecutive maneuvers in the same place.  Igor probably has a better explanation.  I wonder if prop size has the same effect with electric power.

It is interesting, We had a talk about this once ,and Paul said that he flew his ship with a very tiny prop one time, maybe a 9 or 10 inch diameter in dead calm, he said that he could just stand flat footed and do consecutive maneuvers, over and over without any problems from turbulence, this is one thing that convinced him to go to the smaller props, of course that is seemingly out the window now, he is using much larger diameter ones.


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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2012, 03:07:13 PM »
It is interesting, We had a talk about this once ,and Paul said that he flew his ship with a very tiny prop one time, maybe a 9 or 10 inch diameter in dead calm, he said that he could just stand flat footed and do consecutive maneuvers, over and over without any problems from turbulence, this is one thing that convinced him to go to the smaller props, of course that is seemingly out the window now, he is using much larger diameter ones.


  I think that was a 9-4 on a 45FSR at around 15000 rpm, at Reno.


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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2012, 06:36:34 AM »
Interesting.... sitting here in the airport hotel I did a quick back of the napkin look at the wake velocity. Given a fixed thrust, ratio of the propwash velocity turns out to be the inverse of the squares of the diameters.  So say we go from a 10 inch to an 11 inch diameter prop we get a 17% reduction in the slipstream velocity. More than I expected.

Plus, the higher diameter will be more efficient for a given thrust so I would expect a further reduction in turbulence due to the reduced vorticity in the slipstream. That means less roll input from the vertical stab and rudder, so another bonus.

We may be on to something.
Calcs attached. 

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #38 on: October 10, 2012, 06:48:04 AM »
Chck, 2 notes:

1/ what means 17% reduction? I think Paul says that smaller prop makes less turbulence, so looks like your calculations show something just opposite :- )))

2/ you say larger prop is more efficient, but if efficiency means the same what I learned in my courses of physics, mens outpup power / input power, then if the plane flies the same speed and therefore it needs the same power, and you say larger prop is more efficient, then it must need less input power right? so you mean if I replace my 11" prop by larger 12" I will need smaller battery in my model? ... great I must try it :- ))))

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2012, 08:31:29 AM »
Igor, those are great questions.   A larger prop will be (in general) more efficient due to a few reasons. It can also be less because of another, so like in all things depends.

First, the effect of tip losses are less on a larger prop ( at the same thrust as a smaller one)  because either the pitch is less or the angular velocity is reduced or a combination of both. (For example, we could go from a 10" to an 11" and reduce the pitch, or we can use an 11" at the same pitch but a lower angular velocity.) In other words, the percentage of tip loss to to total losses decreases with diameter up to a point.

Second, forget al that jazz about Bernoulli's principle and airfoils people argue about. That's not what causes lift or propeller thrust. What makes a subsonic airplane fly or a wing work is the air's viscosity.  Now, figuring in the viscosity we see how the propeller will drag the air along creating a spiral slipstream. The rotational part of the air's change in momentum consumes power but does not contribute to thrust.  So, a slower rotating  prop will lose less to rotational losses.

Up to a point. The tip speed is the angular velocity in radians times half the diameter. At some point, the propeller will get large enough in diameter that we start getting near a critical Mach number and compressibilty effects reduce the efficiency.

So like all things, it's finding the best balance for the designed operating point.

That's why electric stunt ships are so exciting. We finally can fix the biggest variable in CLPA - the engine run and start to fine-tune the aerodynamics scientifically.
Consider that we now have the technology available to make an augmented-stability stunt ship and REALLY turn the mythical 5 foot corner!!! That's why I'm getting back into the game.  
But back to your question, Notice in the calcualtions I threw all that airfoilf stuff out the window and just looked at the thrust. .  Newton's 2nd will always get you home... the change in momentum is what matters in the end, and we see the increased impeller diameter's effect in the math. Since the net result on either half of the equation is dimensionless we can apply the aerodynamicist's best friend, the Buckingham Pi Theory and assume dynamic similarity as long as we stay away from compresibility.
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2012, 09:27:17 AM »
First, the effect of tip losses are less on a larger prop ( at the same thrust as a smaller one)  because either the pitch is less or the angular velocity is reduced or a combination of both. (For example, we could go from a 10" to an 11" and reduce the pitch, or we can use an 11" at the same pitch but a lower angular velocity.) In other words, the percentage of tip loss to to total losses decreases with diameter up to a point.

Every prop has some optimum, so expression that larger prop is more efficient is someow "not so accurate" :- ))) it could be better ans also worse, depending on conditions.

My example shows you fact that since we fly our models with relatively large props prepared to make lot of thrust when necessary (when slowed), so somewhere at very high advance ratio, means on descending part in attached picture, larger prop simply works with worse efficiency becuase it will push it to even higher advance ratio.

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2012, 09:34:15 AM »
Second, forget al that jazz about Bernoulli's principle and airfoils people argue about. That's not what causes lift or propeller thrust. What makes a subsonic airplane fly or a wing work is the air's viscosity.  Now, figuring in the viscosity we see how the propeller will drag the air along creating a spiral slipstream. The rotational part of the air's change in momentum consumes power but does not contribute to thrust.  So, a slower rotating  prop will lose less to rotational losses.

Ok, I will rather use that part of aerodynamics which speaks about mass density, lift and drag and not friction, someone said that prop is more wing than screw and I belive him, so I think I will better not comment anymore :- ))))

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2012, 02:59:50 PM »
Every prop has some optimum, so expression that larger prop is more efficient is someow "not so accurate" :- ))) it could be better ans also worse, depending on conditions.

My example shows you fact that since we fly our models with relatively large props prepared to make lot of thrust when necessary (when slowed), so somewhere at very high advance ratio, means on descending part in attached picture, larger prop simply works with worse efficiency becuase it will push it to even higher advance ratio.

    The failing that we often have with this discussion is that people are used to assuming that "efficient" = "better" when in stunt it's arguably the opposite.

    I gave up trying to have sensible discussions about power, thrust, and props on SSW in about 2003! It's impossible because there are so many ingrained notions about it, and nobody likes the actual definition of power.


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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2012, 04:11:44 PM »
   The failing that we often have with this discussion is that people are used to assuming that "efficient" = "better" when in stunt it's arguably the opposite.

    I gave up trying to have sensible discussions about power, thrust, and props on SSW in about 2003! It's impossible because there are so many ingrained notions about it, and nobody likes the actual definition of power.


He he, I hear ya.

a propeller's Power Coefficient, Thrust Coefficient, Speed-Power Coefficient and Activity Factor are sometimes hard things to grasp, but essential to understanding and predicting propeller performance. When you get into dimensionless numbers with the 5th root...takes a few beers to absorb it all. That, and the formulas fall apart at low velocities, because they predict infinite thrust when the velocity is zero. We know that ain't true.
Actually, the Speed-Power Coefficient is the one that can predict how diameter affects performance, but the math is probably beyond the nerd-o-meter quotient for a forum such as this so I've stayed away from it and tried to simplify it and talk in terms of force, which Newton showed us is the time rate change of momentum.

If anyone is really interested though, a great resource is the Hamilton Standard Rept. PDB 6101A, Generalized Method of Propeller Performance Estimation

There's a famous chart within it of Power Coefficient as a function of Advance Ratio that ties it all together. Genius.  

It's from the 60's and my well-worn original copy was handed down to me by a mentor. One thing to note: when using it you need to take a step back and reduce efficiency for a model's prop by about 20 percent because of the thickness of our props compared to full-size aircraft. That, and we use fixed-pitch props which makes it a little more complicated. Not overly so, but easy to forget sometimes as you bash the equations.

Thankfully, we design jets and fans these day, making thrust calcs a lot easier! y1
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Online Brett Buck

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2012, 07:33:57 PM »
He he, I hear ya.

a propeller's Power Coefficient, Thrust Coefficient, Speed-Power Coefficient and Activity Factor are sometimes hard things to grasp, but essential to understanding and predicting propeller performance. When you get into dimensionless numbers with the 5th root...takes a few beers to absorb it all. That, and the formulas fall apart at low velocities, because they predict infinite thrust when the velocity is zero. We know that ain't true.
Actually, the Speed-Power Coefficient is the one that can predict how diameter affects performance, but the math is probably beyond the nerd-o-meter quotient for a forum such as this so I've stayed away from it and tried to simplify it and talk in terms of force, which Newton showed us is the time rate change of momentum.

If anyone is really interested though, a great resource is the Hamilton Standard Rept. PDB 6101A, Generalized Method of Propeller Performance Estimation

  There's a famous chart within it of Power Coefficient as a function of Advance Ratio that ties it all together. Genius.  

It's from the 60's and my well-worn original copy was handed down to me by a mentor. One thing to note: when using it you need to take a step back and reduce efficiency for a model's prop by about 20 percent because of the thickness of our props compared to full-size aircraft. That, and we use fixed-pitch props which makes it a little more complicated. Not overly so, but easy to forget sometimes as you bash the equations.

Thankfully, we design jets and fans these day, making thrust calcs a lot easier! y1

    The problem we always seem to run into is that even if we knew the performance and could predict it perfectly in every regard in an engineering sense, no one has ever defined why one prop is bette" than another in terms of getting better stunt scores. Plenty of obvious potential measures of goodness are demonstrably not the correct ones, but that doesn't seem to change anybody's mind. Static thrust and diameter being the two most obvious candidates.

  BTW, Chuck I was not particularly referring to you above!  Just a general comment on this sort of thread.


Offline Chuck_Smith

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2012, 04:59:48 AM »
    The problem we always seem to run into is that even if we knew the performance and could predict it perfectly in every regard in an engineering sense, no one has ever defined why one prop is bette" than another in terms of getting better stunt scores. Plenty of obvious potential measures of goodness are demonstrably not the correct ones, but that doesn't seem to change anybody's mind. Static thrust and diameter being the two most obvious candidates.

  BTW, Chuck I was not particularly referring to you above!  Just a general comment on this sort of thread.


And it's all fun to quibble over, but at the end of the day, a well-built model with a good engine run being controlled by a skilled pilot is what really matters. Straight, light, minimum control surface gaps, a sharp trailing edge and a good engine run trump all, the rest is up to the pilot.

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2012, 08:03:04 PM »
I built a model in spring without having read this discussion which I think relates directly to this discussion. The model flew extremely well(calm and windy weather) when the motor behaved so I figured I'd post my findings here.
You can see the picture of the model in this post:

Wing root chord11.00
Wing tip chord6.00
Wingspan (in.)39.50
MAC (in.)8.50
Area (sq. in.)335.75

Stab & Elevator
Stab root chord2 7/8
Stab tip chord1 1/2
Elevator root chord2 1/4
Elevator tip chord1 1/4
Elevator/Stab %44%
Stab/Wing %18%
Other dimensions
Spinner backplate to LE7  3/16
Cylinder centerline to LE5 5/8
Wing TE to Stab LE9 5/8
Motor weight (oz.)6.7

In addition, I think it is also worth noting that the leading and trailing edge have the same sweep angle.

The model started with a smaller stab(12.5" span) which gave it an area 16% of the wing area. The model flew just like a any other flapless design: soft corners and if pushed, it would slow down in corners and stall. After increasing the span of the tail to give me 18% ratio, the model became very easy to steer and it stopped stalling.This proves the point Ted made earlier:

Tails needn’t be as large as for flapped ships since they don’t need to overcome the negative pitching moment of the cambered wing (deflected flaps) in maneuvers. Fifteen percent of the wing’s area is probably a minimum and anything over 20% probably more than necessary. Either will provide adequate stability margin for an easy handling ship. I think the current practice of low aspect ratio tails for stability in turns is probably still valid. I’d start with about 4.5 to one.

Unfortunately I was not able to confirm or deny the aspect ratio statement:

Modestly higher aspect ratios (for the wing) are probably desirable, say 5.2 to 5.5 to one. The greater the aspect ratio (span/average chord) the less the angle of attack necessary for a given lift requirement. This would mean; 1. a smaller wing area is necessary for a given weight, and; 2. the reduced necessary angle of attack required in hard corners would result in less of the theoretical need for body angles in excess of the track change desired, i.e. it wouldn’t seem to have turned “inside” the desired track.

The model has a 4.65 aspect ratio and did not exhibit any unusual behavior that you describe.

The wing should be tapered so as to approximate the “ideal” elliptical lift distribution. A simple taper should suffice with probably a minimum of a 75% tip/root ratio and a minimum of 65-70%. Chords at the tip of less than nine inches or so are likely to be less effective than they should be. I’m guessing that the taper should be distributed between the leading and trailing edges so as to result in a quarter chord line perpendicular to the fuse. I’m really open on this and would be interested in divergent points of view. I doubt very much that a swept forward quarter chord is desirable but a slightly swept one could be stabilizing in roll.

My model had 55% ratio which seemed to work well in all but extreme situations such as panic yanking on controls. For my next experiment I'll shoot for 70% but am concerned that increased wing span will cause the model to wind up in high winds.

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2012, 11:52:41 AM »
... a sharp trailing edge...

Igor, who commented above, uses a very blunt trailing edge.  Perhaps this advice will enable him to become more successful at stunt.
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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2012, 12:41:18 PM »

Very sharp looking design.  Reminds me of the Super Whipsaw, which was a favor of mine back in the days of youth.
Kim Mortimore
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Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: Flapless Wing Drag
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2012, 12:54:54 PM »
... and nobody likes the actual definition of power.

What's the matter with "the ability to get people to do what you want them to do"?

Oh, wait, you were talking about the speed of energy flow, weren't you?

Even though I'm a newbie, it's pretty obvious to me that what makes a CLPA plane "good" has a lot more to do with controllability and tractability than it does with any simple measure like power or speed or available lift.  So equating "efficiency" with "good" doesn't work for us, unless that efficiency happens to make for a controllable and tractable airplane, with a reliable and consistent power system.
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The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

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