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Author Topic: Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown  (Read 5578 times)

Offline Harry Rountree

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Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown
« on: December 12, 2022, 03:47:36 PM »
Hey Why does the Circus Prince and Flying Clown go up to a .25 but the Ringmaster JR only up to a .19 when they are the same size plane? thanks 

Offline phil c

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Re: Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022, 06:55:14 PM »
I'd say it's the difference between a "first flight" beginner and a "Getting the Hang of it Learning Flyer."  Also maybe the number and skill of the flyers trying to teach.

The Jr. Ringmaster  gets to be hard to handle up around 45 deg.  The Jr. Flying Clown probably(I've never flown one) will handle more aggressive handling, more wind, and is good enough to fly all the maneuvers.

Let us know how the flights go soon!

Phil Cartier
phil Cartier

Online Dan McEntee

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Re: Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2022, 08:18:34 PM »
Hey Why does the Circus Prince and Flying Clown go up to a .25 but the Ringmaster JR only up to a .19 when they are the same size plane? thanks

    It has to do with the "Way that things were done" back when they were designed. Small bore engines didn't have much power back then, and I think the marketing departments used to give a wider range of engines to better the chance of selling another kit. Doesn't matter that the engine would be right or correct for the airplane, just sell another kit!
   Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee
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Online Brett Buck

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Re: Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2022, 11:39:11 PM »
Hey Why does the Circus Prince and Flying Clown go up to a .25 but the Ringmaster JR only up to a .19 when they are the same size plane? thanks

    You know that all "19s" are not made equal, right? When these were made, they meant the power of a McCoy 19 front-rotor - not a Veco 19BB or OS-20FP!


Online Dave_Trible

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Re: Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2022, 02:31:55 PM »
I have two Flying Clowns with Enya .19s.  The Enya .19 wants to run fast and will fly the Clowns like a bat of of haties on a 9-4 and 60 ft. lines.  I've used them successfully as trainers though they are really too fast for that.  The wings are really too small for the engines but still it maneuvers pretty well though big loops.  You have to allow plenty of ground clearance.  A lighter .15 would be better.  I have one more kit and one more toddler will get a .15.   The Junior Ringmaster has even less wing and again more than a .15 isn't my choice.  I built one for  a grandson with an Enya .15 and it is a good package.  The Sig Acromaster is a much better airplane for this class of engine.  The Clown enlarged maybe 10-12% would be good for the .19.   
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Offline Paul Smith

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Re: Circus Prince VS Ringmaster JR VS Flying CLown
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2022, 06:53:28 PM »
I have built and flown:

Circus Prince
Junior Ringmaster
Sig Acromaster
Super Clown with a 15.

I would go with a lightly built Super Clown with a good 15 or 19.

Paul Smith

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