Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing => Scale Models => Topic started by: Paul Smith on May 16, 2012, 06:23:36 AM

Title: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on May 16, 2012, 06:23:36 AM
I started a second thread because the old one was getting long.  After living with project in natural wood so long, it seems like a whole new thing in color.

Two coats of Lakeland Blue.  Then sanding out the bad spots, then two more.  It came out better than I had expected.

Then simple masking before shooting the white.  Unlike some people, I don't try to do all the masking before shooting color.  I find that trying to do that makes the masking a tedious job.  Better to eat the elephant a piece at a time.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on May 16, 2012, 06:29:36 AM
This thing eats a lot of tape.  I reuse the old tape for overspray in the big areas.  I need to use good new tape in the spray areas or else the airbrush blows it off.  The red needs to always be over white because it's transparent.  All the widths are cut free hand.  I don't have any dimesions, just a couple photos from web sites.

The top is basically complete except for the number "62" and some detail touchup.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Chris McMillin on May 16, 2012, 09:32:39 PM
Looks good, Paul.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: john e. holliday on May 18, 2012, 09:48:13 AM
Still looking great. H^^
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on May 28, 2012, 01:42:57 PM
I guessed wrong on the size of the number 62 and had to ask for a bigger mask from Charles of AVIOJET.

While I was waiting, I did a match check with all the parts thus far.  I'm knocking on the door of two pounds, and I still lack a fuel tank, leadout guide, gear door mounts, and the final Klass Kote clear coat.

Note the Joe Just stacked bellcrank.  Using this on such a labor intensive project is something of a leap of faith, but it's not the only one on this project.  I used on of these on 25-size sport 3-line model without issues.  On thing I do is build in a backstop to keep the bellcranks for "folding-in" at high speed.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Douglas Ames on May 31, 2012, 10:24:20 PM
I like your window shading, looks good.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on June 01, 2012, 05:54:38 AM
I fell off the modeling wagon and missed my target of flying it in Toronto tomorrow.

Monday - Memorial Day parade.
Tuesday - Back in the chop.
Wednesday - Test flying - found issues with other planes that demanded attention.
Thursday - Rare tour of The GM Heritage Museum, never open to the public.  I was on a mission to get a fresh picture of myself with the Firebird III.  I have a baby picture with me in the drive seat when the car was new.  Nobody at the museum was willing/able to open the canopy for me.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on June 01, 2012, 06:10:55 AM
A bit more on the GM Heritage Museum.  It's less than a mile from my house, but never open to the public.  This was a rare special event associated with the Hot Rod Power Tour and the Detroit Grand Prix.

They have over 400 cars, of which only 135 are on display at any one time.

That's Ralph Kuenz, former CL'er and current FF scale judge and sport RC flyer, trying to get an old Chevy running.  He claims that this might be his old car which was stolen when it was new.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on June 13, 2012, 09:46:07 PM
I test flew it at The Brodak today.  The first flight ever - in front of a BIG audience.  It went PERFECTLY.  No problems.

The only issue is competiton.  I see about a dozen multi-engine planes. Two- and four-engine bombers four times the wingsapn and weight of mine.  The rules don't actually say "big is better".  We'll see soon.

Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: john e. holliday on June 14, 2012, 08:40:07 AM
It's all in the details and documentation.   Hope it impresses the judges and you do good.   But, keep having fun.   Did I say I like the plane. H^^
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Will Hinton on June 14, 2012, 03:57:45 PM
Actually, Paul, the second picture looks like the scale just might be really, really close to perfect as compared to the bomber!  I imagine the two full scale ships together like that might just , weellll, look like that!
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Paul Smith on June 14, 2012, 07:20:42 PM
As a footnote, they had the annual all-up scale fun fly last night.  Five-up with a total of 13 engines running.  No major dustup, just hard landings for the B-25 and P-38.

There was mararthon static juding Thursday night.  Four flying events Friday.
Title: Re: Scientific Beech Staggerwing - color phase.
Post by: Michael Boucher on June 15, 2012, 03:58:19 PM
Hi Paul, Do you have more pictures of the P-38? Thanks, Mike