Mufflers and Venturis
Our Tongue Mufflers are manufactured by CNC machine from aluminum and weigh only 2/10 oz.
TMUF fits Fox .35, OS 35-40 FP, LA.46, McCoy .35….$19.99
TMUFOS fits OS35S & LA.25……………$21.99
TMUFST fits Super Tigre .46,.51 & .60………$21.99
TMUFB fits Bordak .25 & .40 ………………..$21.99
RSM offers delrin venturis for the following engine
VENOS fits OS35, 40 FP & LA .25……… $9.99
VENLA46 fits LA 46……………………..$ 11.99
VENST46 fits Super Tigre .46…………….$16.99
VENST60 fits Super Tigre .60 ………….. $16.99
VENXLS fits Magnum .15 XLS…………. $19.99
VENAP fits AP Wasp .061………………. $19.99
TO order go to our web site and look in the Engines Section.