Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing > Rat Racing and Team Racing


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Is it true that if you store pure ether for too long it becomes shock sensitive?

Dave Hull:

The answer is Maybe.

It is listed as a "shock sensitive" material as is nitromethane.


But how it is stored would seem to be a factor. I have seen pure dimethyl ether stored 10+ years in a stainless steel container and it had not degraded in any observable way.



--- Quote from: Motorman on January 21, 2024, 09:21:12 AM ---Is it true that if you store pure ether for too long it becomes shock sensitive?

--- End quote ---

Our club bought a 20 Litre drum of Di-Ethyl-Ether (aka DEE) in 1994. We decanted it to various individuals and finally there was 5 Litres left. My friend Dave filled a 5-Litre tin plated Motor Mower fuel can with it and I watched as he stored it under the sink in his workshop. Twenty Years later he died and some of us cleared out his shed. I took the 5-Litre can opened it and it still smelt fresh. I used the Ether over the next few years with perfect satisfaction.

It didn't leak away over 20 years despite the lack of storage precautions. It didn't form any dangerous Peroxides. I was talking to the local person who supplied most of the DEE to modellers in Australia recently. In decades of supplying it he's never heard of anyone ever having nasty experiences with it.


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