Speed,Combat,Scale,Racing > Rat Racing and Team Racing


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The British "Barton B", with very limited engine choice and "old style" airframes is slow. The current record for the 150 lap final is about 6 minutes and 15 seconds. That works out to 2.5 second average laps - including pit stops.

Les Akre:
I think Ron Duly still owns the fastest "B" tr. I remember him saying right around 120mph for airspeed, (and about 27oz. weight). I know Bill Lee ran one right near the end and captured nearly all the records, so maybe it's a toss up between those two airspeed wise.

If I ever build another "B" Tr, I'll likely just use the Brodak .25 that I currently use for SSR. I'm thinking of an airspeed similar to SSR so I could run .015" braided lines. Might have to run a smaller carb choke size to get there, we'll see.


Air Ministry .:
They were touching 120 mph with the ST 21/29s , back around 1974 .will try & post the Aeromudler Mag kiwi T R article .

Got a pile of 21/29s , FI & RV . A Enya 29 BB round intake , the old 5224 I think, new . Ditto a russian ETA 29 clone .
Got the wings done for a classic B .Long Gone . Some details here : http://www.clamf.aerosports.net.au/newsletters/ACLN/Issue71.pdf

Dave Hull:
A little bit of progress on my "Super Slow" Veco B-TR. I managed to get the tail feathers glassed without screwing it up. I had to use a substitute for the normal plastic sheet I use in the press and didn't have a good feeling about that....but it came out ok. Have to figure out where I left off with the rest of it, now. I think I was halfway thru putting in the top hatch attach hardware. Going to try some nagmets on this one. Probably the next painful part is to thread the pushrod (already installed in the planked wing) up thru the partially sheeted fuse and trying to solder the connection inside near the tail....

Divot McSlow


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