I'm not management, just a regular customer since flying for Marvin Denny in 2005.
The engines are the Fox 35 Stunt, Brodak 25 and OS LA 25.
Airplanes are the Shoestring, Buster, Cosmic Wind, Flite Streak, and Lightning Streak.
The fuel tank is a 2-ounce plastic tank filled with house 10% fuel. No shutoffs.
Laps have changed from time to time, 70 & 140 and sometimes 100 & 200. Either length works OK with 2 ounces (for me anyway).
Personally, I favor the Brodak Lightning Streak because you can build it with common off-the-shelf wood, no special LE & TE shapes. I was building a Cosmic Wind in April of 2006 when the rules change allowing Streaks was announced. I instantly abandoned the Wind and built two Streaks which I still have today.
My Streaks were originally done in plain clear dope. Then I bought an air brush and used them as my first two practice painting subjects. Not masterpieces but apprentice work.