Vendors Corner > PDK LLC Laser Cut Kits
pat king:
The MAGICIAN 200 is a 201 square inch 32” wingspan fixed flap airplane for beam mount .049 to .061 engines. Do not try to fly this airplane with a weak old .049. The airplane has adjustable leadouts, and a tip weight box. The wing uses a NACA 0018 rib profile and is 1 1/16” thick. The CAD plans for the laser cut kit show all parts full size. The kits sell for $64.00 plus Priority Mail shipping of 2 pounds from Zip code 60449. A full size .pdf file of the plans is available for $5.00 .
To avoid any confusion, this airplane has been re-named the Magician 200. It is a reduced size version of my MAGICIAN 900.
dennis lipsett:
What can I say but that model is really nice. There has never been a nicer profile designed than the Magician. Your 1/2A is a worthy addition.
pat king:
thanks for the kind words. The Magician is such a nice airplane and there was no 1/2A version. So, I did one. It should be a great little airplane.
Thanks, Pat
pat king:
Just as a clarification, this airplane is not the Baby Magician designed by Larry Renger. This is my interpretation of the Magician airplane at 200 square inches using my construction techniques. I believe that kits for the Baby Magician designed by Larry Renger can be purchased from RSM Distribution.
Pat what do you think about an Enya .09 III on this plane ?
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