All that info is great, but useless if you cant provide a source of where to get it.
I am not sure what that means. I quoted my source, the RC sites. I also posed the question of your specific brand to the Bing AI and it's research said it was not suited for foam. I also read all of the negative reviews for the product listing and quite a few of the positive. All had one common theme, it doesn't stick without excessive heat. I assume that was outside of the laminating press for which it is designed. One of them was particularly enlightening - the roll came with the 1st foot wrinkled and not in factory packaging. They said that the add said that packaging may not be standard. Simply put they bought a return and they must have a lot of them to put that in the listing. I couldn't find that in the listing but that might have been removed after the review. Another red flag was that on the 500' roll they would only allow you to view the 5 star reviews. 31% were negative.
My point is similar to yours. You want to save money which is fine.
Mine is to trust the findings of the experts in our community, and I include RC in that.
I appologize for not explaining my search criteria in my original post, it might have saved all of this but there was one other. I am using Mod Podge to avoid getting kicked out of the building for stinking it up. Mod Podge will bubble up if you use too much heat. Even MonoKote has to be put on gently. Duculam adhered perfectly at a temperature that would barely stick MonoKote and zero bubbles.