Building Tips and technical articles. => Paint and finishing => Topic started by: Michael Reed on March 02, 2011, 04:13:43 PM

Title: Rejuvenator
Post by: Michael Reed on March 02, 2011, 04:13:43 PM
From what I understand, Brodak no longer sells rejuvenator. Is there anything I can use instead? I bought several older planes that mostly just hung from the ceiling. The covering and overall finish is nice enough that I'd like to make repairs instead of pull everything off and refinish them. But the covering is preeeeetttty tight. There is cracking in some areas like around the canopy lines. A bay or two will need the covering replaced. Was hoping I could "loosen" the paint up a bit or maybe I'm putting too much stock in what rejuvenator does.

Title: Re: Rejuvenator
Post by: wwwarbird on March 02, 2011, 09:02:07 PM
 Thanks for bringing this up. I've always wondered if this would work...

 Kind of like above, you have an old model that is in good shape other than having a very dried and brittle dope finish, especially the open bay areas. You could easily get it ready fly it again, but if you do the covering will likely pop and crack from vibration or even a minor bump. Could you mix up a batch of rejuvenator, spray it over the entire airplane, and 'bring it back to life"?
Title: Re: Rejuvenator
Post by: Bill Little on March 03, 2011, 12:59:25 AM
I might be wrong, but I seem to remember rejuvenator being listed at the Aircraft Spruce site.  Possibly under the Randolph products. 

Wayne, that seems to be the purpose that it is intended for.  I got a bottle of Brodak a long time ago, but have never tested it out.  Ty seems to use it a lot if he's making his own! LL~ LL~  Maybe he will chime in on his experiences with it.

Big Bear
Title: Re: Rejuvenator
Post by: Will Hinton on March 03, 2011, 06:55:33 AM
Randolph used to make rejuvenator when I was covering full scale stuff.  I'm not sure just what makes it rejuvenate, Ty is probably right, he's done it before.  Also, I use a product called lacquer melt on old, cracked finish guitars in an effort to try and keep from stripping them.  It works well.  Now, is it fuel proof?  Dunno, would be a bit skeptical about it without trying it on a scrap first.  Plus, a little goes a REALLY, REALLY long way!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Rejuvenator
Post by: Michael Reed on March 03, 2011, 10:32:17 AM
HI Michael.  As I understand it it is nothing more than  clear dope with lots and lots of plasticizeer in it. IOn other words a very, very low shrink dope or non taughtening.  Go to  They carry plasticizer and you can then make your own rejuvenator.
I have two 4 oz jars left, so now I make my own. H^^.

Thanks for the reply Ty,

I went to the link but did not see the plasticizer. Maybe I'm missing something.

Title: Re: Rejuvenator
Post by: Jim Thomerson on March 03, 2011, 05:39:57 PM
I tried the Brodak rejuvenator on Aerogloss which had cracked.  It had no effect.