I am Chilean and been away from control line for many, many years..... In fact, I have been (and still am) an rc glider guy. Now, I would like to try (aerobatic) control line flying.... as soon as I have some time. I have been buying some kits (electro P40 and electro Tercel from RSM Distribution, Jetco Shark (ebay)) and am a little doubtful about the finishing method. On one side, I would really like to try the traditional dope and paint finish..... on the other side, I think I should go for the more economical Monokote finish.... particularly considering that most likely (or "surely") I will crash the model regardless of my very best efforts.
Question: Is the traditional silkspan + paint finish covering stronger and more resilient (ie. to punctures) than Monokote? Certainly Monokote is much more practical and probably "the way to go" at the beginning. However, at some point I do want to try the traditional silk and dope finish. I do have top-notch painting equipment and I do want to use it. Besides, I have the impression that painting the model allows for a much nicer finish than Monokote.
Sorry if this topic has already been raised by the other forum members….. If so, please just point me to the right thread.
PS: Does anybody knows when RSM Distribution will come back? I am considering building a Thunder Gazer or Trivial Pursuit model (electro). Eric used to sell these kits and I do not know if he will coming back….. As a glider guy, I would prefer a take apart model like the Thunder Gazer.
Christian Patrickson