Building Tips and technical articles. > Paint and finishing

Clear coating canopies

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James Mills:
Do I need to sand the canopy before I put on any clear?



Mark Scarborough:
I always do, generally with 600 grit of finer. Are you clearing with dope or something else?

john e. holliday:
I usually just makes sure the canopy is clean.  Using Windex or any window cleaner to make sure there is no oil residue from the hands.  The wife also thinks I am loony when I was my hands before working on the finish of a plane. #^ H^^

Randy Powell:
Yea, this is one of the ways that you get that no line look along the canopy edge. Sand down the canopy and edges to get a smooth transition from the plastic to the paint, then shoot clear over the whole thing. If you shoot dope over the canopy, go easy since the solvent can warp the canopy. Several light coats is a lot better than one heavy one.

Scott B. Riese:
One more thing....Don't use to much retarder in the clear. H^^


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