Building Tips and technical articles. => Paint and finishing => Topic started by: Walter Hicks on October 21, 2015, 09:16:50 PM

Title: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Walter Hicks on October 21, 2015, 09:16:50 PM
Hi All this is a rephrased question from a previous post. Richard Oliver stated in some of  Windy U Video that he finishes his
planes with Auto Paint from the wood up. From the best I can tell from video he puts a coat of auto clear directly on the wood.
Lets it dry and lightly sands, Then applies glass cloth with Auto clear. I have been told from a reliable source that the best clear to
use is Intercoat or blending Auto clear that does not have Catalyst to do this . Upon reviewing Windy U tape I believe Richard Oliver
says he uses two part clear to do this . On Another Windy U tape Richard says he applies the glass cloth with Auto clear and Zinc Stearate. I have not gotten a response from my previous post so I thought I would re phrase the question.

#1 Does anyone ACTUALLY use this method to apply and fill glass cloth. ( please only respond if you use this method)

#2 Does the Auto Clear fill the glass well with out the Zinc Stearate( I am almost out of it)

#3 How many coats of Auto Clear to fill the Glass Cloth?

Yes I am doing a test piece of wood with Intercoat Clear( Blending clear no catalyst)

#4 When filled do you go directly to Auto Primer ?

This really seems to be an excellent method of finishing, I would like more information though.

Thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Mark Scarborough on October 22, 2015, 08:29:11 AM
I hve dabbled with the catalyzed clear for a base.
one issue, it is VERY easy to soak a lot of clear into the wood,, making it heavy

It is cool because it doesnt shrink out..
the next time I try it I am going to do like the old pattern RC days,, spray or brush the clear on,, then wipe it off as thouroughly as I can,, let it cure,, then nib it with 320,, I will probably use CF veil and then spray a very light coat of catalyzed clear on,, just enough to make it sticky,, lay the veil down, let it cure, then spray another coat of clear light and overthinned to stick it down,, then use catalyzed primer on that,, then sand.
the biggest thing I ran into was that if you use to much clear when sticking the veil down( or glass) it will "float" the veil off the surface and make it wavy. hence the light spray out to stick it down..

I would not use glass cloth personally becausae I beleive it is thicker than the veil and would require more clear/primer to fill..
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Richard Oliver on November 11, 2015, 07:14:37 PM
Hi Walter, Yes I do it the way you described. I use catalyzed cheap PPG Shop Line spot/ panel repair clear. It is low on urethane and high on acrylic. This means if flows out well and is happy being used thinner than high content urethane.
I brush the first coat on full strength.
Give it a a lite sanding with 220 and spay a very thin coat on. Option 2 is use light cloth and brush on first coat. You will find that primer is almost not needed, almost... You will definitely sand 98% off.  I find I can spray base coat color and work the imperfections with the color.
Base color is primer like and light. Also dries in a few minutes but should not be sanded for a couple of hours or apply heat with heat gun and sand in 10 min.
 An alternative is PPG Blender, works like acrylic/dope. Is somewhat lighter but is not fuel proof.
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Serge_Krauss on November 12, 2015, 10:36:23 AM
I would not use glass cloth personally because I believe it is thicker than the veil and would require more clear/primer to fill..

Mark, I have found this not to be true with .56 ox glass Vs. CF veil. My glass laminates have proved marginally lighter.

Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Walter Hicks on December 17, 2015, 08:15:36 PM
I want to thank Richard Oliver for taking the time to respond to my question. And please note his airplanes are not heavy so this method works
pretty good. I have a profile ready for primes except for some minor sanding . I used the following to prep the wood.

1. Omni Spot Clear two part - not thinned brushed on fuse , sanded with 220, another coat sanded again pretty much fills wood. The nice thing is that
you sand until the shiny parts are gone very smooth. NOTE there is no shrinkage to this method, what you see is what you get. The Spot clear
sand very , very easy powders off. ( Yes this is two part Auto Clear) Richard has stated that it has more Acrylic than Urethane so that is why
it sands well.

2. Rudder and Nose have .5 oz Volan glass cloth. The Volan conforms to curves very easy, very nice stuff. Same deal put in on with Spot clear
Sand with 220 then put another coat on sand again then finish with 320, 400 paper.

3. I really like this method, Weather does not matter and you do not have to worry about all the shrinkage, and continued shrinkage. I have had
    problems with applying glass cloth with epoxy turning yellow before this will not be an issue. And it will not be heavy as you use very
    little to apply and then you sand most of it off. I used 1/4 oz hardener and 1/2 oz clear and did not use hardly any of that on the surface.

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2nd picture is of profile with .5 OZ glass cloth note shiny part not sanded and other part is dull which has been sanded

3rd picture is of fuse no glass cloth sanded filled ready for primer. very smooth

4th picture is of rudder with .5 oz glass cloth sanded ready for primer.
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Walter Hicks on March 01, 2016, 10:59:49 AM
Fancher Twister painted using this method very happy with the finish, plane has Ultracote with base coat clear coat on wings,flaps and stab,elevator
glass cloth on nose and tail  no grain showing not too heavy .

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Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Tim Wescott on March 01, 2016, 11:15:14 AM
I tried looking up an MSDS on the PPG web site and got tangled up in malfunctioning java scripts.

Keeping in mind that H2O is deadly, where is this stuff on the range of "go ahead and drink it" to "wear safety equipment before picking up a sealed can"?
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Walter Hicks on March 01, 2016, 10:25:21 PM
Don't know your answer but I do wear paint respirator that is approved for this type of paint . I put it on before I open the can.
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Walter Hicks on March 05, 2016, 01:53:21 PM
( ( Fancherized Twister , LA .46 with Tom Lay
Muffler with baffles removed ,Thunder Tiger 11x4.5 Prop, 6 oz Hayes tank, Home made Landing Gear Aluminum ,wing was really heavy in wood
so that in combination with 9 oz LA .46 the weight will be OK with lots of power. I will be using R Oliver finishing method from now on.
I did not sand or buff the Auto clear which would make it much nicer but no Appearance points in P 40 stunt anyway. I have (5)  6 oz tanks run
through the brand new LA 46 with 6mm venture and PA NVA. No flights as of yet hopefully next week if the rain stops.
Final weight around 46 oz +- ALL paint was applied using an cheap Badger Airbrush!,(Base Coat Clear Coat ,Omni )
Title: Re: Applying .5 oz Volan Glass cloth using Auto Clear
Post by: Mark Scarborough on March 05, 2016, 10:57:58 PM
should be a good one for You,,

look forward to seeing you at some contests this year