General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: RC Storick on August 24, 2009, 09:16:12 AM

Title: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: RC Storick on August 24, 2009, 09:16:12 AM
I have been toying around with the idea that all modelers are created equal. After attending the FCM this week and seeing all the modeling facets together. I thought back on the speed,racing,combat and scale forums. Some people thought this would be a disaster but guess what it was not. Stunt hanger helps keep all facets of control line in close communication.

The way I have structured this site its like you have different channels to watch. If you don't like the program you don't click on that link.

My goals are lofty and sketchy at this time but the idea was to include all facets of modeling on one site. Who wouldn't want to see what the boaters are doing in construction and the train guys along with RC -Pattern-scale-combat etc.. If you open your mind you just might learn something from them.

So lets hear it what do you think of adding more channels to view?

Oh by the way if there is anyone who is reading that is qualified in these fields let me know so if its a go I have the manpower.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: George on August 24, 2009, 09:19:20 AM
Go for it! If the interest is there, it will grow.

Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Matt Colan on August 25, 2009, 04:10:45 PM
No Robert don't, you may get me back into RC again LL~  Just kidding, go ahead
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: phil c on August 25, 2009, 04:23:20 PM
The current channel line up is pretty good Bob.  You could add one for RC pattern, which relates pretty closely to CL stunt.  I always read Dean Pappas' columns in Flying Models.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Frank Sheridan on August 25, 2009, 04:50:19 PM
Beware the DARK (R/C) side of the force, Robert.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Bill Hodges on August 25, 2009, 05:45:57 PM
Go for it Robert.  I fly both CL and RC and enjoy one just as much as the other and would be glad to to see an area for RC here in Stunt Hangar. 

Bill Hodges
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Richard Grogan on August 25, 2009, 05:52:29 PM
I can't think of a better place for RC retreads to be bitten by the CL bug! Lets do it!
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Wynn Robins on August 25, 2009, 06:09:02 PM
might work if you changed the "open forum" to Control line forum - otherwise we will be wading through eons of RC post on the main forum.....other than that- it is always good to have more info available in one place

Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: RC Storick on August 25, 2009, 06:18:51 PM
My idea is to set a place for other disciplines. So yes it all would be separate. I am thinking on design as I don't jump into things without careful thought.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Balsa Butcher on August 25, 2009, 06:24:01 PM
Just my 2 cents - there are other forums dedicated to R/C on the net, only two full service C/L forums. Let's keep this forum one of them...if it ain't broken, (and it ain't) don't fix it. 8)
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: RC Storick on August 25, 2009, 06:29:17 PM
Humm I believe I heard this when Speed ,Carrier,combat and scale was added. There is a man here that we all could learn something from but he has no place to display his work. He builds Steam engines and they are the finest I have ever seen. Or guys like or club secretary who has spent a lifetime (sense WWII) hand fitting a turbine all with files. These are the kind of things I would like to see. Not so much RC per say. Hand built craftsmanship.

Might even get a idea or two from model railroaders. It would not even be visible from the index page. You would have to click a button to jump to another forum. We have paid for unlimited disk space and band width why not use it to bring the CRAFTSMEN together?

I know for a fact peoples TV's have more than 2 channels, don't they? Same with the radio! So if set up right we can live in our world and they in theirs. Should you want to see what they are doing it would be a click away. It would be like I set up the first rules forum only you would just click a buttom to view it. Nothing would carry over into our world.
Title: That kills that idea
Post by: RC Storick on August 25, 2009, 06:46:13 PM
After writing the last thread I did a search and found this  So I would be wasting my time doing it. Oh well it was a thought.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Frank Sheridan on August 25, 2009, 06:48:27 PM
Whew! That was close.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Richard Grogan on August 25, 2009, 06:54:22 PM
Maybe set up a catagory on the main index page and call it Non Controline. Put all the catagorys you mention as forums,and add boats and cars and helis. Thats quite a large group, and more to expose to our world.Unless we think there's enough controline flyers in the world, and we dont need anymore, I think its an excellent idea.This site is to expose others to our world.

Mileage may vary...
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: RC Storick on August 25, 2009, 06:57:32 PM
I am going to think on this move for a while so its status quo for now.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Richard Grogan on August 25, 2009, 07:03:46 PM
Maybe we could work an add swap with RC Universe...  ??? hmm  ???
Title: Re: That kills that idea
Post by: Matt Colan on August 25, 2009, 07:30:53 PM
After writing the last thread I did a search and found this  So I would be wasting my time doing it. Oh well it was a thought.

If you go way down the page, under the board listed, other exotic types of flight, CL is listed, it almost seems like they think we are from Pluto ~^  We do need to expose them to our world of CL, and maybe a few back into it or interest more guys.  Somebody told me at Lee that the RC guys can't get over how low we fly, we can and do get lower, even I had a low pullout on a triangle, and I never really ever have a high pullout >:D
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Clayton Berry on August 25, 2009, 08:04:14 PM
I like it just the way it is.

Then again, maybe a Cooking while there is an airplane on the dining room table area needs to be set up.  Laugh, but eat well.  Or, eat good. 

Damn, but this is seriously good chicken soup.  Sad for the poor chicken, but good for me.  Don't think he was gonna invent a new wheel anyway.

Broccoli.  Just as important as a RevUp 10/6 EW.  And cumin.  Whole.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Balsa Butcher on August 25, 2009, 08:12:41 PM
I wouldn't object to a free-flight forum.  Some of those guys can really build and they are not over represented on the net to my knowledge. 8)
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: Randy Ryan on August 26, 2009, 06:02:41 AM
Interesting concept, but  don't think it'll go far. Reason being is that there are already many sites in these other disciples, some of course better then others. Speaking form experience, you might get some RC participation, but I wouldn't count on much from the Free Flighters, our premier site, the NFFS (National Free Flight Society) website languishes most of the time with an occasional flurry of posts. Allot of dead time. I'm not sure what it is, but I suspect its because the average age of FFers is higher (though I don't really know what it is) then CL or RC and allot of the guys just don't do computers.
Title: Re: Strength comes in numbers
Post by: john e. holliday on August 26, 2009, 08:40:47 AM
A site I go to once in a while is,  "Hangar Flying" that is mostly R/C  and a spot for control line at the bottom.  Garf is the main poster and has a running soap opera about his flying experiences.  I enjoy reading it and post there once in a while.  I also beleive there are quite a few of us that do more than just control line.  When flying F2C we used model railroad paints as they were mucho lighter and covered better.  Very fragile until clear coat was put on.  I think we could probably benefit from some of the RC construction.  I know some have adopted some of the CL construction.  If you do add another place for posting I will tell the wife it is Sparky's fault I spend so much time on the computor.  Have fun,

PS:Free flighters spend all their time building instead of reading or browsing forums.  Look at the number of events they have.   jeh #^ #^