Extend the tail moment 3" and add a couple of inches t the stab and elevator and go for it. Dave Fitzgerald did this many years ago. I built one this way 46oz with ST .46 flew very well. Stock wood is heavy for stab, elevator, rudder.
LA46 would be perfect....
Just a few minutes ago...I went out and measured my old busted Super Chip that started out the with OS 40 and then later switched to the ST-46 up front.
This is that old vintage model that I had been flying since waaaaay back in 1976 that was good enough in those old daze-days to steal a few trophies as well as best finish silver plates at the OLD IMPLODED SEATTLE KINGDOME Model Fair 78 after over a year of constant flying.
Since those early daze...I have gone through 2 motor mounts...3 cowlings...and 4 or more sets of slim line rubber O ring tires.
Over the years...I have given away many of my old stunt models...but somehow always enjoyed flying this modified SuperChip...that always seem to avoid contact with the tarmac (that is until last year)
Best of all...the price was right on this kit as I had won this Super Chipmunk as a prize drawing and after looking over the kit....thought it would be a good winter project.
I kept the canopy for a fiberglass mold.....and all of the wing ribs. I dumped the rest of the kit into my excess balsa wood storage bin and replaced the balsa with my bundles of choice graded balsa that I had been hording since the early 60's.
I did get a bit carried away with some design modifications.....
I kept the nose length bout' the same...
but flap hinge line to the elevator hinge line was stretched out to 15.5
The wing has an added rib to each side...and the tips on both the wing and elevator outline also changed
(I didn't didn't care for the original more rounded tips with those tip ribs)
I then fattened up the elevator thickness and lengthed the stab and elevator to 25 inches.
Its been sooooooooooo many years......
I don't have the plans or the chances that I made from the plans..but after reading the changes that Fitzee did on his model,
It would appear at first thought...that perhaps our Super-Chip models must have been pretty close in measurements, exception for the longer aspect wing...(due to the extra rib on each wing panel?
With the OS 40...that model weighed in at tad over 47 ounces and LUCKED OUT WITHOUT ADDING ANY TAIL WEIGHT...(until I switched to The ST-46)