General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: Rusty on June 26, 2016, 06:43:14 PM

Title: Blank
Post by: Rusty on June 26, 2016, 06:43:14 PM
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Tim Wescott on June 26, 2016, 06:55:13 PM
My sympathies, Rusty.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Target on June 26, 2016, 07:01:22 PM
Hang in there Rusty.
Things will get better for you both, I'm sending you positive thoughts.

Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: builditright on June 26, 2016, 07:04:20 PM
Hey Rusty, sorry to hear you had a heart attack, mild or severe is not, I hope you're okay and you recover quickly. I also hope your son is okay. Will be praying for both.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Roger Vizioli on June 26, 2016, 07:13:44 PM
I am joining others in offering prayers for you and your son for quick recoveries.

Roger Vizioli
Space Coast, FL
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: John Leidle on June 26, 2016, 09:01:14 PM
   Hi  Rusty,
   I had a " mild" heart attack after a Tennis match on New Years Eve Dec 2010 I felt better after they installed the stent in my artery.
             Best Wishes, John
  PS If we all want to live to 100 years we have to spend time in the repair shop..  John D. Van Dermay 1975  ( B17 Navigator 1944)
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Chancey Chorney on June 26, 2016, 09:24:41 PM
Best wishes to you from up here in Manitoba. You'll be fine in a short while. My dad just had a similar episode a few weeks ago and is doing very well after a triple bypass.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: pat king on June 26, 2016, 09:36:51 PM
Sorry to hear about you and your son. Do not ignore chest pain. I am praying that a stent will fix you right up. I had one stent after my heart attack, it took care of me. I have not had another heart attack, but 13 years later I now have 5 stents. I recognize the symptoms and get to the doctor before I have another heart attack. If your problem is a blockage, a stent should make you feel like new.
Hang in there brother, we will be praying for you and your family.

Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: john e. holliday on June 27, 2016, 08:29:02 AM
Well Rusty, be sure and follow the doctors orders and I pray that both you and your son get better.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Paul Taylor on June 27, 2016, 10:30:50 AM
Sorry to hear this Rusty.
Hope all goes well.
Keep us posted.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Russell Shaffer on June 27, 2016, 12:31:14 PM
We are all pulling for you.  I know it is really scary but you will be fine.  Attitude has a lot to do with recovery so you will make it and be flying again soon.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: John Leidle on June 27, 2016, 04:31:44 PM
   They slid me on the slab , ran the rodder into the affected area & opened the blockage with a stent,,, was home 24 hours later my wind was improved & I feel great. 6 years ago
Title: Re:
Post by: James Holford on June 27, 2016, 06:57:55 PM
Hang in there and stay strong Rusty!
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: pat king on June 28, 2016, 08:09:12 PM
You should bounce back quickly. You will be in my prayers. Hang in there.

Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Target on June 28, 2016, 11:54:01 PM
Rest up so you can get back to flying!
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: john e. holliday on June 29, 2016, 10:27:21 AM
Now Rusty rest up and take care of your self.   I do hope to meet one of these years. H^^
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Target on June 30, 2016, 08:41:43 AM
I hope you are feeling better, Rusty!
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Glenn (Gravitywell) Reach on June 30, 2016, 10:37:58 AM
Hi Rusty.  About four years ago I also had a wee heart attack.  Went to the hospital on a Wednesday, they operated (same thing as you except they went through my wrist) Thursday, and I was home Friday!  Wasn't even in long enough to make a nuisance of myself!  Haven't looked back since.  Feel better today from some healthy eating/living than I have for years.  So hang in there, the world does get better and you'll be flying in no time.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: John Leidle on June 30, 2016, 01:13:05 PM
   I for dam sure would find another Cariologist  " Today"
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Steve Helmick on June 30, 2016, 02:16:25 PM
My older (1.5 years) brother had a heart attack while hiking down into the Grand Canyon. Hiked back out, felt crappy, went to the Dr. the next week. They slammed him into an ambulance for a 80+ mile ride over the mountains to the big city (Bakersfield CA), where he got a stent and at least an overnight in the hospital. This was probably 5 years ago. Last year, he was feeling crumby, thought he needed another stent, turned himself into the Cardio guy, and they put in another stent. This time, it was a "procedure", not an "operation", which made it into an "outpatient" deal, so no hospital stay.  Cheaper, you see. Driven by big insurance companies, no doubt. The bright side is that it also lessens the chance for contracting Mrsa or Staph infections...not to mention food poisoning. ;)

So far, I've had no problems with various medical procedures, but none involved heart problems. I have just had a go-around with getting my BP med prescription renewed, because I've had a series of Doctors retire or change their employer. BP of 149/97 can't be that bad, right?  :-\ Steve
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Jim Kraft on June 30, 2016, 02:49:44 PM
When I had my heart attack I had it while helping the boyscouts fly control line. One of the boys fathers was there and is a doctor. Since I had what they call sudden death cardiac arrest, I had no pain, just keeled over when my heart stopped. But the good doctor did CPR on me for 15 minutes until the EMT's got there to hit me with the defibrillator and got my heart started again. Three days later I was getting a valve job. That was 4 years ago, and my last echo my cardiologist said my heart looks perfect. She said to just be careful crossing the street. I told her I still ride my Harley, and she said all bets are off. Now my heart is great but my back is bad. But I am thankful to just be alive after what I was through. I do not have to be on any meds as they put in a doner valve. I also had one of the best heart surgeons in the country as he just happened to be in the local hospital for a short stay.

I will be praying that you find the right doctor who can fix what you have without invasive surgery. I am confident it can be done when you find the right one. My heart goes out to you in the mean time as I know how frustrating it can be.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: John Leidle on June 30, 2016, 10:26:10 PM
  Steve , I take it you are kidding that is pretty high. I stay away from DR.s old enough to retire .
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Steve Helmick on June 30, 2016, 11:20:54 PM
 Steve , I take it you are kidding that is pretty high. I stay away from DR.s old enough to retire .

John, that's what it was on the Bartell's Drugstore public BP testing chair thing. Can't say if that's accurate or not. I was trying to get Bartell's people to talk to UW Medicine and build a fire under them.  H^^ Steve

Edit: Regarding "old" doctors...They make enough money that they can retire young, like Mr. Leidle did!!! The one I had for a long time went into "concierge"  medicine. That meant that he didn't take Medicare patients and if you wanted to have him as your Dr., it cost you $200 a month, just to have his 24/7 availability...unless he was on vacation in Bend, Oregon. He's about 62 now, I think, so he's trying to reduce his patient load and cut down his office hours from 12 hr. days. Pretty good doctor, tho.

The second guy was young, but got hired onto the staff at one of the hospitals, so became unavailable to me. I was going to sign on with a Dr. nearby, but found out he wasn't taking patients, because he was retiring. So, when I popped a rib (or something) in May, I went to UW Medical Clinic in Covington, to see a Doctor with an E. Indian name...fairly young, no accent, seems like a good guy and good doctor. I can understand what he says and he can understand what I sez. Can't ask for more than that. But I can get in at a good Veterinarian on short notice...
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: john e. holliday on July 01, 2016, 10:52:26 AM
Well this old man was going to go mow the flying circle last week.  Hooked up the trailer and loaded the mower.  Ready to pull out of the yard and trailer has a flat tire.  Do digging out all the tools jack trailer up and pulled the tire/wheel.   Would not take air.  Air hose had a leak.   Unhooked trailer and went got another air hose.  Then fittings started leaking which meant another trip for fittings.  Should have taken tire to local tire repair I usually go to.   So I am getting disgusted and ready to say a few words.   I'm dripping wet with sweat and sat down at the computer.  Should have stayed outside until I cooled off.   Needless to say I got chilled and was freezing so back out side to warm up.  Nothing like a chest cold this time of year.  Yesterday finally got tire fixed and back on the trailer.  Put jack stands under the trailer so I could unload mower.   To heavy to hook back up to the Suburban by my self.  Took numerous breaks as I couldn't get my breath.   Finally got that done.   Went in to get a glass of water and the house was like a freezer, so I go sit on front porch to cool off and dry a little.   I sweat like every thing and people worry about me.  I tell them to worry when I stopped sweating.  Have been there and don't want to do it again.   

After I cooled off and got dry took my blood pressure and was not as high as last winter, but pulse was up at 100.   This AM took it again,   134/77,  pulse 78.  Anyway the circle got mowed courtesy of Dave Trible.   Also I think I made it through the cycle of a cold.  By the way I've had a heart murmer all my life.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Jim Kraft on July 01, 2016, 02:13:37 PM
That was my trouble Doc. I have had a bad heart valve since birth. I had heart pain when over exerting for about 10 years before my heart attack. My heart doctors kept telling me to just not over exert and I would be OK as my heart sounded strong. Needless to say I fired all the doctors that I had before my heart attack. I had tried to get them to do a cardiac cath to see how my heart was, but no go unless the Doctor has already committed to surgery. After my heart attack it was the first thing they did to find out what needed to be done.

Good doctors are getting hard to find. Most are just pill pushers it seems to me. I know there are some good ones and some really great surgeons. But you have to search them out, and most are so busy they can take no more patients. Surgeons actually do something to fix the problem that doctors are supposed to find.

Rusty, I hope they give you some good news. With the technology they have now there is almost no reason to have a bad heart. If you need open heart go for it. I have had tooth aches that hurt worse than I did after surgery. I think I took one pain pill the first night. Wife says they were giving me a little morphine that I did not know about though.
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Target on July 01, 2016, 05:31:38 PM
That guy sounds promising, Rusty!
Stick with him, I think you have a winner.

Seems like the general direction the health care organizations are headed these days. Why be proactive when it costs them extra? It's a ridiculous way to look at things, in my opinion.....

Happy Fourth to you all.

Very Respectfully,
Title: Re: Request for Pity Party
Post by: Shug Emery on July 01, 2016, 09:56:06 PM
Best to you Rusty.
My Dad was taken away fro a heart attack in 1975 so I have a grudge with heart attacks. Glad to hear you better news.