General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: Bill Little on May 23, 2016, 08:04:53 AM

Title: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Bill Little on May 23, 2016, 08:04:53 AM
Hi my family and friends.  My little dog Max died in my arms this morning.  I will tell some about him later but he was the best and most unusual dog I ever had.

Thanks, my friends
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Bill Morell on May 23, 2016, 08:07:11 AM
Always a tough thing to deal with. Sorry for your loss Bill. Losing part of the family isn't easy.
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Bill Little on May 23, 2016, 08:58:53 AM
Thanks, Bill.  It was doubly hard because of the dog he was......
And today is my 65th birthday, great way to start the day.......
Thank, again!
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Will Hinton on May 23, 2016, 09:15:24 AM
Hey Big Bear,
That stinks, my friend, I pray for you to be blessed as your little buddy blessed you.  I know the pain, and as a friend told me after I lost Donna - grief never ends, it just changes.
So...feel free to openly grieve for him and treasure the memories he has left you with.  Many of us will be holding you up in prayer.
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Bill Little on May 23, 2016, 09:46:22 AM
Hey Big Bear,
That stinks, my friend, I pray for you to be blessed as your little buddy blessed you.  I know the pain, and as a friend told me after I lost Donna - grief never ends, it just changes.
So...feel free to openly grieve for him and treasure the memories he has left you with.  Many of us will be holding you up in prayer.

Thanks, Brother Will,
He was the most unique dog I had ever seen.  He had no real training, we rescued him.  There is so much I could say.  The Lord really blessed us with the most wonderful dog for a short time.  He was such a survivor that I thought he might make it through this also, but it was not to be.  Just before he died he stood up on his front legs and looked back up at me...... saying good bye and thank you.......  Then it was over.......
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: pat king on May 23, 2016, 12:00:14 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. We know that we will probably outlive them, but that doesn't make it any easier when they pass.
I hope the rest of your birthday is MUCH better.

Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Randy Cuberly on May 23, 2016, 12:04:17 PM
Hi Bill,

I'm very sorry you lost your friend.  I know it hurts.  I've had many dogs come and pass over the years and each was special in some way.  Each one brought a special joy to the family.

I try to dwell on the special moments each brought and it seems to make it easier.  You also have my prayers.

Get another dog soon.  I truly believe they are special gifts to mankind from God and we should never be without several in our family!

Randy Cuberly
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Tim Wescott on May 23, 2016, 12:16:11 PM
All my sympathy, Bill.  We've had a pretty serious scare with one of ours, and still aren't sure that she's not going to relapse.
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Avaiojet on May 23, 2016, 12:16:57 PM

Sorry to hear about Max.

Took us a year and a month to replace Dirk our wonder dog.

Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Fredvon4 on May 23, 2016, 02:38:33 PM

Tears as I write this, did not know of your Max, but have had several 4 legged family members pass in my arms and know that pain very well

Many folks in this position tend to say "never again" and in the past, I too, had that sentiment....but along the way the Lord put another helpless creature in my path and I have NEVER regretted providing a healthy, safe, and loving home--- Now up to five extended "children" with our recently rescued Gus.  A very sad sack French Bull dog who was much abused and very sickly a mere three weeks on the mend and a cherished addition---- off to hospital in a few days to kill the nasty worms in his heart

I related your story to my wife and we both have you in our prayers as you deal with the pain and longing

I hope you open you heart again to another

Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: gene poremba on May 23, 2016, 02:44:26 PM

 I don't know you or Max, but I feel your pain. I been there with several of my own. It is never easy. ......Gene
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Lyle Spiegel on May 23, 2016, 03:33:09 PM
Bill, sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you heal quickly. Did u read the PM I sent you few,weeks ago? Best regards, Lyle
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: john e. holliday on May 23, 2016, 05:59:03 PM
Big Bear sad to hear of your loss.  I don't know what to really say. :(
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Jim Kraft on May 27, 2016, 02:41:14 PM
So sorry to hear Bill. Like some one once said, "I wish I was as good a person as my dog thinks I am". Dogs can be very loyal friends and do not care what you do as long as you love them. Hope your birthday goes well in spite of your loss. I did not know your dog Max, but I can weep with you my friend.
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: Shug Emery on May 27, 2016, 03:06:05 PM
Pains me to hear of the passing of Max.
We took in a cat years ago and I was very saddened when a coyote killed him. They really do become part of the family.
Title: Re: Off Topic: MAX......
Post by: BYU on May 27, 2016, 09:25:03 PM
Hi Bill

Very sad for your loss, having a dog myself I know how much they make your day and are unreplaceable.