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Author Topic: News from Northwest Regionals?  (Read 11095 times)

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2012, 05:59:15 PM »
Oh and yeah, I still have a couple carcasses for ya when you are ready to move into flapped stuff, they need work, but then, even if they didnt you would still do it anyway,, ( yeah I know you,, )

Cool.  I have some shipping tape and some crusty old motors to fix them up with.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Heman Lee

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The Burning of Gordon Delaney
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2012, 08:16:36 PM »
Lee is a friend of mine that I use to fly with and he told me this stories at the NW Regional.  He did not tell me it was Gordon Delaney.  He just said "Some old geezy came down to the combat circle with an old combat model from the 60's and   ......."
After that, I went back to the Stunt Pit and just happen to sit down next to Gordon to eat my lunch. Gordon who is an very open and friendly person started a conversation with me and it some how lead me into telling this stories to him.  After I said something about "some old geezy came over with at old combat plane and nearly caught Lee and himself on fire"  he quickly replied:  "That was me!".

Here is the stories written by Ken Burdick that has been passed around the bay area combat pilots group:

The Burning Of Gordon Delaney
By ken Burdick

Gordon Delaney caught on fire last weekend, and then he set Lee Letchworth on fire…….then he set the field on fire……..then he set his airplane on fire……..
Buzz ran away and was spared.

The button sat on the arcat battery with nothing to do but wait; it could see what was going on.
It waited while Jeff Rein walked to the handle of a beautiful Challenger built by Gordon Delaney.  It waited while the bladder was filled and the overly opened needle valve watched in horror as it was connected to the silicone fuel line.
The engine, a gift from Howard Rush, knew but wouldn’t say, that it was over primed and flooded.
 The glow plug that was hand crafted by Henry Nelson was quietly biding its time.
 And thus began the burning of Gordon Delaney.

Gordon Delaney needs no introduction and is an excellent designer and stunt flyer. But there was a time when Gordon was an excellent combat flyer and designer.  Every twenty years or so, Gordon get’s the itch to build one of his old combat designs, bring it to the North West Regional’s and wow the crowd by letting Jeffery Rein fly the wings off of it for all to see. The last time was in 1995 and so it was that this year Gordon brought a flawless Challenger dressed in translucent yellow mono-coat with the cleanest looking Nelson .36 I have ever seen. The engine pod and fuselage/tail boom was black and showed as only a master finish can produce. Letters in black on the yellow wing announced the name of the airplane; it was nothing short of perfection.

Lee Letchworth, quiet and unassuming was designated to hold and launch, Jeff Rein was to be the pilot while Gordon did the engine preparation and starting duties. Buzz Wilson was on standby when the whole thing happened.
 Gordon was wearing a summer like outfit that would be presentable to the stunt judges for his flights in PA. Clean Dockers, a blue shirt and small but stylish dark glasses. It’s possible that dark glasses tinted blue prevents one from seeing an alcohol fire.

After filling the fuel tank and priming the shiny Nelson, Gordon began flipping the ill fated contraption with no indication that it would start. Not a bump or sputter. More prime was added to the already silent motor with vigorous prop flipping. A voice, not heard at first, but later acknowledged, was trying to signal the gaggle of flyers involved in the endeavor.

“push the button”
From sixty feet away, it can be difficult to be heard, but the words came again.
“push the button”

Lee heard and reached down pushing the still waiting button, the arcat battery sprang to life waking up the well soaked Nelson glow plug. The resulting “poof” was not heard by anyone but as the pilot observed, Gordon threw the finger guard about ten feet all the while yelling “oww, oww, oww!”
 Gordon had let go of the fuel line spraying lee’s pants like a flame thrower. To the Reinman, some sixty feet away, it looked like they were fighting bees as both were jumping up and down hollering “oww, oww, oww”  Jeff heard Lee say he was going to take off his pants.
 Gordon, meanwhile, was yelling “THROW ME A RAG!” , Buzz said there was one in his back pocket, but it turned out to be a paper towel.  The burning paper towel was dropped by Gordon and fuel was starting small grass fires that Gordon was dancing on trying to stomp out. Buzz was now heading for the hills to get as far from this mêlée as possible. The airplane which had been dropped by the two human torches, had caught on fire and was burning on at their feet.

What Buzz saw:
Nelson with Mejlik prop given to him by Howard
Gordan starting, Lee holding, Buzz standing behind Gordan watching, Jeff at Handle
No drip test, Needle way open.
Gordan connects glow plug and starts flipping. Nothing happens, prime, flip nothing happens
Jeff yells in OH you have to press the button on the RCATS.
Lee bends down pushes button.
Gordon flips, feels hot on plane, like a good combat flyer starts to spank the bottom of the baby
Hand starts to burn. Sets plane on ground. Lets go of fuel line.
Fuel gets on Lees pants leg, Lee starts to run away, Fuel from bladder become Flame thrower, Lee heard yelling I am on fire, Buzz looks towards the sound of the voice and sees patches of fire and then has a Viet Nam Flash back and looks for the jet dropping Napalm. Gordan yells has anyone got a rag, Buzz says you have one in your back pocket, (it looked like a rag), Gordan applies rag, actually it was a paper towel, adding fuel to the fire. Plane continues to burn creating what looked to be  a burnt scrambled egg (the plane was covered in yellow monocoat. Jeff thought they had been attacked by bees.
Gordan won the best finish award for his stunt plane and when he went to the prize table Buzz yelled see if they have a fire extinguisher.

What Jeff saw:
I go to the handle as the pit crew works
Gorden primes and flips, no go
Primes and flips again.
I yell push the button
Lee pushes the button
One or too flips later, Gorden's finger guard fly's ten feet backwards to the ground
Gorden starts looking to the left, then right, then fidgets, then sets the plane down.
Gorden lets the fuel line lets go, (because by now his hand is on fire) and sprays fuel all over Lee.
The flames followed the fuel
Lee is now on fire andstarts dancing like a hip hop star. I thought he was swatting a bee.
I come back to the pits.
I here the word fire, look down, and proceed to stomp on the grass.
Fire spread, more stomping.
I hear Lee say something about taking his pants off.
I see Gordens beautiful, virgen Challenger half burned up.
I get alcohol to spray on Gordens burned hand.

Offline Gordan Delaney

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2012, 09:25:52 PM »
I didn`t realize how entertaining I was. I just wanted to hang out where all the fun was. It sounds alot better the way you had everyones view points of what they saw. It was alot more fun reading about it than when it was happening. If you know what I mean. I really enjoyed hanging out with all of you. Will have to do it again some time.  And by the way the Challenger is all repaired and ready for battle.  y1 y1 VD~ VD~ ???

« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 06:39:40 AM by Gordan Delaney »

Offline PJ Rowland

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2012, 11:30:51 PM »
So we can say in regards to your flying...  " Gordon is on fire" and mean it...
If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee.

 I Yearn for a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

Offline Gerald Schamp

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #54 on: May 31, 2012, 12:42:52 AM »
Uncle Jimby, aren't all those motors (6), timers and other electric gizmos going into one airplane  #^ #^ #^ #^. By the way, thanks for taking the foamy stuff home with you, I know your room was cramped. I'm sure the person who gets it will make it right with you.  H^^ H^^

Offline Doug Knoyle

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #55 on: May 31, 2012, 02:21:21 AM »
Now assume that you can do that well through the complete pattern.  There's 15 maneuvers instead of eight, so that's 440.625 points -- round that to 440.5, just for chuckles.  Now take your 25 pattern points -- that's 465.5 points if you didn't build the plane, and you would have taken home 3rd place trophy in Intermediate (and 1st place in Sportsman Profile, or 3rd place in Expert profile).

I don't know if you built that plane, but it's a beauty; the only knock to it that I could see is that it's a profile.  Let's say that the judges are profile-haters and only give you 12 points (I'm good at guessing a judge's score on maneuvers, but I'm not dialed in on appearance points yet).  Consider that I got seven points on the ragged old Slight Freak that I flew, and that was pro-rated (by 75%, I think) because it was a rebuild that was judged as an ARC, so at least 12 points has got to be doable. That would put you at 477.5 points.  That's an even ten points ahead of the 1st-place finisher in Intermediate, and you would have put Mark Scarborough out of his 8th place had you flown in Advanced (sorry Mark).
Tim, You're awesome - what an inspirational dissection of the numbers!  

No, I didn't build the plane. I don't currently have time to build, so my amazing flying buddy and master craftsman Dave "Mr. Fab" Denison built it for me.  It is a ForeRunner kit I bought in the mid 90's with the thought of returning to the circle and trying PA.  It is highly modified based on some correspondence from when I bought the kit, as well as some personal design elements that either Dave and/or I wanted.  Obviously, the electric aspect being one of them.  I recall seeing what must have been one of the first articles on electric in CL, then meeting Paul Walker and watching his switch to E-stunt. It set a serious hook.  
So, while I can't say for sure that your maneuvers would have scored the same if flown in a different class (beginners judges tend to be charitable), I think I can claim to not be entirely out of the ballpark when I say that you can go places fast if you want to.

OK! It is not all me. It is time to give some big credit:
 - The CL industry is fantastic. What a great bunch of people. Tim, you are a shinning example !!!

 - Chris and "The Dragon Lady" Cox gave wonderful advice on Horizontal Eights ('centers' in general) during a surprise visit to my home circle. It made a difference.

 - Dave Denison, this time for the great critique, putting up with my constant questions, listening to my opinions, and your constant desire for figuring out a better mouse-trap. Not to mention your wonderful wife's cookin! ;)

 - to Bruce "The Coach" Hunt.  I don't think he knows I call him "Coach" - Not only can he fly, but this guy knows how to feed you only what you need to know at the given time. Absolutely fantastic! Plus, he can make everything look so easy - even with your airplane - that you may have thought wasn't capable of pulling "it" off -LOL.   ...and to Mrs. Hunt - ask Bruce how he got  back into CL.

 - to my father - "Sure we'll fly RC, but you're going to learn CL first".  When I was eight: "No, you can not try a loop until you have done 20 straight and level flights at shoulder height!".


So -- learn that pattern!  Or as much of it as you can!  I want to compete against you in Intermediate in at least one contest as you climb past me to Advanced.
You got it.  I finely did my first Triangle, Square Eight, Hour-glass and Clover-Leaf a couple days ago. Once I get them half way there individually, I'll string them together and try to get some rhythm going.

Will you be at Sunt-A-Thon on June 22 and 23?   I plan on trying Intermediate there.
AMA 60591

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #56 on: May 31, 2012, 08:17:38 AM »
I'm going to try to make it up to the Stuntathon, at least for Sunday.  I've got some work due for a customer, and it kinda depends on how far along I am on that.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

John Leidle

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #57 on: May 31, 2012, 09:21:58 AM »
  Congradulations to Paul for a big win.

Offline dirty dan

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #58 on: May 31, 2012, 01:15:24 PM »
I would like to make a small note, a rather impressive feat was accomplished in Sportsman Profile,, Heman Lee flew a 12/2 a foam wing stunter,, and WON , not only that,, but his second flight was in very blustery air,, I was extremely impressed with his performance,, quite an impressive little airplane,,

I think it's time we call Mr. Lee on his well-developed and very effective approach to low-balling first impressions and any performance-related issues!

The first time I ran into Heman was, I think, a NWR in Roseburg. I looked over and here he came from the parking area with a small model in one hand and a cardboard box with his support equipment in the other. My first thought was, "Good Lord, a local guy heard about a model aircraft contest, dug some crap out of his attic 'cos he flew for sport years ago, other plans for the weekend didn't pan out so he has elected to come here slumming around with us. God, this is going to be really ugly! I ought to save him from pity and disdain by just setting that dumb-ass cardboard box on fire, tossing the model on it when the fire is going good. He won't thank me for this act. But he should..."

Look, I will admit it: Heman's act--and we really need to call it what it is!--suckered me in completely. Didn't even consider welcoming him to the group. After all, I'm on a first-name basis with The Stars so the choice to hang out with them was logical.

Next time I took notice of Heman he was well into a practice flight. How stupid I had been! He was flying quite well. Okay, The Stars in my orbit were not in serious danger; in fact I wasn't either even not being a star (note lower-case "s").

I have since gotten to know Heman better and we got to talk during the 2011 NWR.

I am considering gifting him a decent tool box.


Dan Rutherford

Offline Brian Massey

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #59 on: May 31, 2012, 03:31:37 PM »
I recently read a very interesting article in Scientific American which stated that there is a direct correlation between the size of a man's stunt engine and his  . . .  LL~  LL~

Actually, Heman's flying with that little bugger was really something. The "big boys" have nothing to fear, but us bottom & middle feeders need to be aware.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 08:29:45 AM by Brian Massey »
While flying the pattern, my incompetence always exceeds my expectations.

AMA 55421
Madera, CA

Offline Howard Rush

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #60 on: May 31, 2012, 08:34:24 PM »
I recently read a very interesting article in Scientific American which stated that there is a direct correlation between the size of a man's stunt engine and his  . . .

Is that the article that mentioned the electric substitute?
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Offline Heman Lee

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #61 on: May 31, 2012, 08:56:54 PM »

I think it's time we call Mr. Lee on his well-developed and very effective approach to low-balling first impressions and any performance-related issues!

The first time I ran into Heman was, I think, a NWR in Roseburg. .....
I am considering gifting him a decent tool box.


Dan,  That was NW 2003 and I thank you for your humorous impression write up in Stunt New -July/August 2003.

 I do have a better tool box, but I still put my 1/2a models in a cardboard box.  I just did not bring it out because I did not want to look like a hack or bump into you again.


Offline Bruce Perry

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2012, 11:41:16 PM »
Is that the article that mentioned the electric substitute?

Yup!  The product is made by "Fizzer"......

Offline PJ Rowland

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #63 on: June 01, 2012, 12:03:53 AM »
Bruce - Well done on your place ! - And to Chris..
If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee.

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Offline dirty dan

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2012, 11:24:55 AM »

Never again will you look like a hack to me. You could sleep in your car, wear trashy clothes, fly something like Dirtmobile II (which was correct under the hood, intentionally finished as a rat rod), carry your support equipment in a plastic bag, bum entry money by standing on a freeway off-ramp and I would advise one and all to watch out for ya...!

My best,

Dan Rutherford

Offline Heman Lee

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #65 on: June 01, 2012, 09:07:36 PM »
Dan, After my 1/2a win back in 2003; I was considering bringing out a Cox PT19 trainer a the next Regionals just as a joke...

On another subject,

Did Roy DeCamera misspell Cavalier on the wing of his model or is it Cavailer as painted on the inboard wing?

Offline PJ Rowland

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #66 on: June 01, 2012, 09:23:15 PM »
HAHAH checkout Mark in the background ,trying to get some more Print time...

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee.

 I Yearn for a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

Offline Mark Scarborough

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #67 on: June 01, 2012, 09:51:47 PM »
HAHAH checkout Mark in the background ,trying to get some more Print time...

I am innocent I tell ya,, innocent,, I did not know,,
by the way that Cavalier is a very nicely done model,,
For years the rat race had me going around in circles, Now I do it for fun!
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Offline PJ Rowland

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #68 on: June 01, 2012, 10:00:39 PM »
I just happen to be holding my plane...... :) looking at a guy with a camera.

As innocent as the Virgin Mary.
If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee.

 I Yearn for a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

Offline Tim Wescott

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #69 on: June 01, 2012, 10:22:33 PM »
As innocent as the Virgin Mary.

Taller, wider, and considerably more plaid, though.
AMA 64232

The problem with electric is that once you get the smoke generator and sound system installed, the plane is too heavy.

Offline Mark Scarborough

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #70 on: June 01, 2012, 10:59:44 PM »
I just happen to be holding my plane...... :) looking at a guy with a camera.

As innocent as the Virgin Mary.

Hey I was in the Que to weigh the beast,, ( the plane not me,, pretty sure the scales would have blown a gasket trying toweigh me)

Tim,, remember where your bread is buttered my good man,, I am still holding slightly spare airframes for you,, MAYBE,,

( however, that was a cute quip on your part,, more plaid indeed,, )
For years the rat race had me going around in circles, Now I do it for fun!
AMA 842137

Offline john e. holliday

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #71 on: June 02, 2012, 08:38:07 AM »
Maybe that is the way he spells it.      Like the kid in school when the teacher asked him  to spell cat.  He spelled it kat.    The said that was wrong, it should be cat.   He stated, you asked me to spell kat and that is the way I spell it. LL~ LL~
John E. "DOC" Holliday
10421 West 56th Terrace
Shawnee, KANSAS  66203
AMA 23530  Have fun as I have and I am still breaking a record.

Offline Heman Lee

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #72 on: June 02, 2012, 09:34:43 AM »
HAHAH checkout Mark in the background ,trying to get some more Print time...

OK Mark is innocent!  That was the weigh-in line, so everyone was holding their model.

Offline Leo Mehl

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #73 on: June 02, 2012, 11:38:18 AM »
A passing fad.  I remember a Salem contest a few years ago when more than half the guys had four strokes.
. Howard. I think this will be more than just a fad. After flying my electric Nobler These are the things I was most impressed about the system. Mine runs a eflight 15 motor with a RSM controller and 3300 Thunder Power batteries and arming switch. !st flight on May 30, My birthday. Here is my observations about electric flight. Bear with me because I am new to this after running ic for so many years.
1. Don't have to trim motor run except with prop for speed and it runs same every time. It flew lape times of 4.9 every time
2. Excellent line tension and i my cace I can reverse rotation for touque. Seeing I fly clockwise I can now get a feel about flying.counter clockwise whic may or may not  change some of the line tension problems I have with flying the other way.
3. Motor speed runs are constant and predictable and you don't have to trim for inverted flight.
4. Batteries recharge at a resonable period at the field..
5. They run quite which may help save flying fields-If we could just stop the building of new golf courses
6. Not much vibration and no oily mess. Can also use other paints so they are wife friendly.

All in All I like the whole idea of a plane thaty has a steady engine run, good line tension and not much noise. I also got to charge my batteries at the feild which was painless and I have an 18 amp motorcycle battery that doesnt weight a ton to take to the field. I just like this system a lot and next year I hope to be at the regionals  wearing a three peice suit and hat and just bend over and hit the switch to fly my eclectric masterpeice. Who said you can't teach old guys new tricks?

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #74 on: June 03, 2012, 06:39:52 AM »
I think Leo has almost convinced me to start getting serious about going electric. H^^
John E. "DOC" Holliday
10421 West 56th Terrace
Shawnee, KANSAS  66203
AMA 23530  Have fun as I have and I am still breaking a record.

Offline Mark Scarborough

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #75 on: June 03, 2012, 10:01:18 AM »
Leo missed the most important part about electric,,
when old guys like Leo are out flying, ( and you to Doc)
we can use the batteries to slop together a defibulator in case you guys have an "event" while your flying,,

muah ha ha ha LL~ LL~

mostly for Leo when I do one of my infamous super low pullouts,, LOL
For years the rat race had me going around in circles, Now I do it for fun!
AMA 842137

Offline Leo Mehl

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #76 on: June 03, 2012, 10:42:51 AM »
Actualy I am more affraid when he pulls out too high which happens a lot and Doc I'm tellin ya electric has a lot of advantages Over IC. HB~> HB~>

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Re: The Burning of Gordon Delaney
« Reply #77 on: June 11, 2012, 02:47:46 PM »
Lee is a friend of mine that I use to fly with and he told me this stories at the NW Regional.  He did not tell me it was Gordon Delaney.  He just said "Some old geezy came down to the combat circle with an old combat model from the 60's and   ......."
After that, I went back to the Stunt Pit and just happen to sit down next to Gordon to eat my lunch. Gordon who is an very open and friendly person started a conversation with me and it some how lead me into telling this stories to him.  After I said something about "some old geezy came over with at old combat plane and nearly caught Lee and himself on fire"  he quickly replied:  "That was me!".

Here is the stories written by Ken Burdick that has been passed around the bay area combat pilots group:

The Burning Of Gordon Delaney
By ken Burdick

Gordon Delaney caught on fire last weekend, and then he set Lee Letchworth on fire…….then he set the field on fire……..then he set his airplane on fire……..
Buzz ran away and was spared.

The button sat on the arcat battery with nothing to do but wait; it could see what was going on.
It waited while Jeff Rein walked to the handle of a beautiful Challenger built by Gordon Delaney.  It waited while the bladder was filled and the overly opened needle valve watched in horror as it was connected to the silicone fuel line.
The engine, a gift from Howard Rush, knew but wouldn’t say, that it was over primed and flooded.
 The glow plug that was hand crafted by Henry Nelson was quietly biding its time.
 And thus began the burning of Gordon Delaney.

Gordon Delaney needs no introduction and is an excellent designer and stunt flyer. But there was a time when Gordon was an excellent combat flyer and designer.  Every twenty years or so, Gordon get’s the itch to build one of his old combat designs, bring it to the North West Regional’s and wow the crowd by letting Jeffery Rein fly the wings off of it for all to see. The last time was in 1995 and so it was that this year Gordon brought a flawless Challenger dressed in translucent yellow mono-coat with the cleanest looking Nelson .36 I have ever seen. The engine pod and fuselage/tail boom was black and showed as only a master finish can produce. Letters in black on the yellow wing announced the name of the airplane; it was nothing short of perfection.

Lee Letchworth, quiet and unassuming was designated to hold and launch, Jeff Rein was to be the pilot while Gordon did the engine preparation and starting duties. Buzz Wilson was on standby when the whole thing happened.
 Gordon was wearing a summer like outfit that would be presentable to the stunt judges for his flights in PA. Clean Dockers, a blue shirt and small but stylish dark glasses. It’s possible that dark glasses tinted blue prevents one from seeing an alcohol fire.

After filling the fuel tank and priming the shiny Nelson, Gordon began flipping the ill fated contraption with no indication that it would start. Not a bump or sputter. More prime was added to the already silent motor with vigorous prop flipping. A voice, not heard at first, but later acknowledged, was trying to signal the gaggle of flyers involved in the endeavor.

“push the button”
From sixty feet away, it can be difficult to be heard, but the words came again.
“push the button”

Lee heard and reached down pushing the still waiting button, the arcat battery sprang to life waking up the well soaked Nelson glow plug. The resulting “poof” was not heard by anyone but as the pilot observed, Gordon threw the finger guard about ten feet all the while yelling “oww, oww, oww!”
 Gordon had let go of the fuel line spraying lee’s pants like a flame thrower. To the Reinman, some sixty feet away, it looked like they were fighting bees as both were jumping up and down hollering “oww, oww, oww”  Jeff heard Lee say he was going to take off his pants.
 Gordon, meanwhile, was yelling “THROW ME A RAG!” , Buzz said there was one in his back pocket, but it turned out to be a paper towel.  The burning paper towel was dropped by Gordon and fuel was starting small grass fires that Gordon was dancing on trying to stomp out. Buzz was now heading for the hills to get as far from this mêlée as possible. The airplane which had been dropped by the two human torches, had caught on fire and was burning on at their feet.

What Buzz saw:
Nelson with Mejlik prop given to him by Howard
Gordan starting, Lee holding, Buzz standing behind Gordan watching, Jeff at Handle
No drip test, Needle way open.
Gordan connects glow plug and starts flipping. Nothing happens, prime, flip nothing happens
Jeff yells in OH you have to press the button on the RCATS.
Lee bends down pushes button.
Gordon flips, feels hot on plane, like a good combat flyer starts to spank the bottom of the baby
Hand starts to burn. Sets plane on ground. Lets go of fuel line.
Fuel gets on Lees pants leg, Lee starts to run away, Fuel from bladder become Flame thrower, Lee heard yelling I am on fire, Buzz looks towards the sound of the voice and sees patches of fire and then has a Viet Nam Flash back and looks for the jet dropping Napalm. Gordan yells has anyone got a rag, Buzz says you have one in your back pocket, (it looked like a rag), Gordan applies rag, actually it was a paper towel, adding fuel to the fire. Plane continues to burn creating what looked to be  a burnt scrambled egg (the plane was covered in yellow monocoat. Jeff thought they had been attacked by bees.
Gordan won the best finish award for his stunt plane and when he went to the prize table Buzz yelled see if they have a fire extinguisher.

What Jeff saw:
I go to the handle as the pit crew works
Gorden primes and flips, no go
Primes and flips again.
I yell push the button
Lee pushes the button
One or too flips later, Gorden's finger guard fly's ten feet backwards to the ground
Gorden starts looking to the left, then right, then fidgets, then sets the plane down.
Gorden lets the fuel line lets go, (because by now his hand is on fire) and sprays fuel all over Lee.
The flames followed the fuel
Lee is now on fire andstarts dancing like a hip hop star. I thought he was swatting a bee.
I come back to the pits.
I here the word fire, look down, and proceed to stomp on the grass.
Fire spread, more stomping.
I hear Lee say something about taking his pants off.
I see Gordens beautiful, virgen Challenger half burned up.
I get alcohol to spray on Gordens burned hand.


Gordy is always playing with Fire !!!    ;D ;D


Offline Steve Helmick

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #78 on: June 12, 2012, 11:16:00 AM »

Gordy is always playing with Fire !!!     


It's really "Heman", not "Herman". He's apparently one of those Super Heroes from the Comics. At least, he flies like they would, if they weren't required to fly R/C by their booking agents. "Super Gordy" comics should be out soon, if Kenny B can get the art department busy on it.

First time I saw Heman flying was at Roseburg. I didn't notice his field box, but did sit up and take notice of his flying ability. Much impaired by his plane (Ringmaster?), even then.  I want to see what he'd do with an Expert class model, because I suspect he'd be in the top of the pack very quickly. 

How's that new kidney doing, Heman?  H^^ H^^ H^^ Steve
"The United States has become a place where professional athletes and entertainers are mistaken for people of importance." - Robert Heinlein

In 1944 18-20 year old's stormed beaches, and parachuted behind enemy lines to almost certain death.  In 2015 18-20 year old's need safe zones so people don't hurt their feelings.

Offline Heman Lee

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Re: News from Northwest Regionals?
« Reply #79 on: June 12, 2012, 08:08:58 PM »
If you are from from Oregon, "Heman Lee" is actually a famous Pioneer in history, who is one of the founders of the Oregon trail (Heman Allen Lee).  The last couple of years since my transplant I have not done much in model building because I had sell my bay area home and move back to my parent home in Sacramento to recover.  I also am going back to City College to get a Web Developers Certification to update my skills even though I already have a BS in Computer Sci.  The 1/2A model is something I can build on the coffee table without have to clean out the garage.  I am still doing OK with the transplant,

Thanks are all of the support from the CL community.  I really enjoy coming back to the NW Regional.


Gordy is always playing with Fire !!!    


It's really "Heman", not "Herman". He's apparently one of those Super Heroes from the Comics. At least, he flies like they would, if they weren't required to fly R/C by their booking agents. "Super Gordy" comics should be out soon, if Kenny B can get the art department busy on it.

First time I saw Heman flying was at Roseburg. I didn't notice his field box, but did sit up and take notice of his flying ability. Much impaired by his plane (Ringmaster?), even then.  I want to see what he'd do with an Expert class model, because I suspect he'd be in the top of the pack very quickly.  

How's that new kidney doing, Heman?  H^^ H^^ H^^ Steve
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 08:45:54 PM by Heman Lee »

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