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Author Topic: 2016 Xmas wish list  (Read 621 times)

Offline Fredvon4

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2016 Xmas wish list
« on: December 18, 2016, 11:32:02 AM »
 I want my Fellow soldier, friend, and flying buddy; Sean to make it home in time for his family; dad, mom, wife, kids-- to see him safe and well

I am looking forward to OUR year to host the grand kids...I have so much fun playing the grumpy old weird grand dad and Santa

I still.. Hear the Bell....... Polar Express ref.

Christmas is special to me, a lot because my dad and mom created a fairly large ( by today's standards) family with 5 kids ( actually 6 but we lost one early in my youth)

Dad  a junior Army officer ( when we were little) there was not a lot of excess, so matter how long the Wish List was...somehow Mom and Dad seemed to figure out what the real desired item was, and try hard to get it-- or something close

I was deeply disappointed one year, desperately wanting a Schwinn Banana seat Orange Krate 5Spd bicycle, and getting a new Red Huffy 3 Spd....  Of course my dad was once again smart...half the price and twice the bike.... I rode many sets of tires off that thing.... and each of my younger brothers got it as "hand me down" for about 15 years on the one good bike...( retrospect observation)

And of course my mom and dad never did entertain buying me a El Taco Mini Bike....still on my personal Bucket list

I do fondly remember new model airplane kits, and more importantly enough glue n dope to actually build one during the long weeks of winter

I was so stoked the year I got a new Enya 35 I nearly threw up from the excitement... and to make it real great were a couple of nice wood propellers in my stocking

Married now 33 years, my wife is just starting to understand the kid in me and she tries (usually successfully) to surprise me with items I want but balk at buying

Kids coming, grand kids coming, friends and neighbors coming... New administration on the horizon, 401K growing, year in retrospect was good
Future promising, Jesus and God in my life
Loving wife
Interesting and basically good personal and internet acquaintances

" The Moon on the Breast of the New Fallen Snow
Gave a Luster of Midday to Objects Below"
"A good scare teaches more than good advice"

Fred von Gortler IV

Offline john e. holliday

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Re: 2016 Xmas wish list
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2016, 09:27:31 AM »
When my Mother would ask What I wanted for Christmas after I had been married a while, I would tell, a pan of her cinnamon rolls would be great.  Also that she stay healthy.  In fact that the whole family stay healthy.  Mosy of all that the doctors will take good care of my sister who is going to have surgery for a brain aneurism.

But, wouldn't it be great if all of our military personal world wide could be home with their families for the Holidays,  even the foreign soldiers.

Now lets all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. H^^
John E. "DOC" Holliday
10421 West 56th Terrace
Shawnee, KANSAS  66203
AMA 23530  Have fun as I have and I am still breaking a record.

Offline Fredvon4

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Re: 2016 Xmas wish list
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2016, 12:03:34 PM »
Hey Doc, thanks....

I too, every year, pray for ALL soldiers to live in a world free of conflict and be able to be HOME for The Holidays

In fact...I actually pray for a day we do NOT need soldiers

Unfortunately ...well.... the words are not needed

Best I can pray for (from my 61 years of experience) is all of OUR soldiers, to have a safe and uneventful day, or three, as they "Man* the Line" and provide all the rest of us with safety and freedom

* Unique perspective, as I am married to an Army retired Command Sergeants Major (CSM) who was instrumental in breaking down some of the stereotypes.

Her Final assignment was as CSM 6TH Air Cavalry Brigade where she EARNED her Spurs and Saber

BUT still (She truly does) believes that USA females should NOT be in true combat roles....not because they can not...but because they SHOULD NOT

Paraphrase of Her a graduation class of Advanced Non Commissioned Officer Academy 

"A country that NEEDS women to "Man the Line" is in severe trouble.

In my many years of learning, this was only ever NECESSARY during the American Revolution... after which, we created a grand Constitution and a society that valued the worth of every citizen for their specific role contributions.

 I was somewhat ashamed about the USA history of women NOT being equal citizens, and not being allowed to VOTE...
BUT then, I am delighted that WE the PEOPLE fixed that error.

Yes.... it truly is a living CONSTITUTION, as long as WE understand that ALL changes to IT (the constitution) MUST come from WE the People, and not some Cabal of SELF serving politicians...

IMO, this is currently where WE have LOST our way

That said, I am confident...not sure when... but still confident, that once again WE the PEOPLE will raise up and demand OUR Constitutional Rights...AS WRITTEN.

I believe The Constitution, will once again, be fully restored...and I hope WE can invoke a few other, PEOPLE derived, Amendments....term limits come to mind

Let me say this...I believe the founding fathers intended the representative system to reflect the will of each collective of citizens.

Professional Politicians can NOT fulfill this mandate, as it is self evident that their focus MUST be re-election and thus be prone to promising MUCH more than they can ever deliver 

If you are just embarking on your full (military) career, or just here for a few short years;

I highly encourage you to read the CONSTITUTION and ALL the Federalist papers about how hard it was to craft this document, the debates, the compromises, and there is even history about the back office deals made.
In the end tho.... the final written words were sent to the states for RATIFICATION....please take the time to learn exactly what that means"

I remind all of you to please remember…when YOU enlisted, YOU swore an OATH before GOD and all the rest of US:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

I trust each and every one of you to go do great things for your God, country, family, and I sincerely pray each of you can one day stand here and counsel your own audience of new minds”
CSM Ret Rowena K von Gortler…

A personal hero of mine

BTW in her career she saw more evidence of females exploiting their sex (for gain) than Males using their position for sex... BUT we BOTH saw BOTH behaviors, and equally agree that this is a significant character flaw ( both female and male) and must be guarded against

"A good scare teaches more than good advice"

Fred von Gortler IV

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