I had a Magnum 36 in a 48 ounce Gieseke Nobler. Great combination. More than enough power. And, fuel consumption is very low. I needed only 3 ounces of 5% nitro to do the pattern. All I did to the engine was remove the carb and get a needle and venturi from Randy Smith. Although it was designed as an RC engine, it runs just fine for CL use. It does not need to be re-timed. Leave that alone.
The Magnum 36 is a good stunt engine. If you prefer glow power and you can get your hands on one, do it.
The only negative aspect about the Magnum 36 is that is has some of that Fox "outside burp" when mounted sideways.
I never had the ASP 36 version, but I do have the ASP 46 and 52. They appear identical to the Magnum 52. The 46 is a bit heavy so you are probably better off with the 52.
For what it is worth, I have a Magnum 52 in a 64 ounce plane. Again, plenty of power, very good running. It reminds me of the ST 51 but with a softer break into 2 cycle during maneuvers. Five ounces of 5% nitro fuel is enough for the pattern. In cool, dry air, I can cut the nitro content and still have plenty of power.
I never ran any Magnum/ASP on a pipe. Only muffler, so I can't provide any information if you want to run a pipe.