General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: RK on August 26, 2015, 03:17:31 PM

Title: Length of control lines ?
Post by: RK on August 26, 2015, 03:17:31 PM
 ???  I am building a couple of planes (SIG Shoestring & Buster) for my older Fox 15 & a newer Enya 15 to get back into CL after several years, I am not trying to burn up the sky but just do a few loops & easy stuff for funnn! Soooo my question is what length control lines should I get 60ft. or 50 ft. ?

RK Flyer   LL~
Title: Re: Length of control lines ?
Post by: Steve Helmick on August 26, 2015, 03:49:59 PM
Those two were sort of "starter Goodyear Racers" for .15's....or trainers with an .09/.10. I have some doubts about either doing loops with any percentage of consistent completion. But I'd for sure start with .012" x 52' 7-strand braided lines.  D>K Steve
Title: Re: Length of control lines ?
Post by: Jim Carter on August 26, 2015, 05:34:33 PM
 ;D  Greetings!  I have two of the Sig Shoestrings, one with a Fox 15 and this one with a Brodak 15.  I've used them both mostly for teaching kids how to fly.  The Brodak 15 is considerably slower so that's used to introduce the flyers and once they've shown that they can fly out a full tank of fuel (1 ounce) three times then they get to "graduate" to the Fox 15 and all of this is done with 42'-1" x .015" lines.  As I write this, none of the kids want to fly them now  :-\ .... they've all graduated to .35 and .40 powered Ringmasters!!   ;D
Title: Re: Length of control lines ?
Post by: Randy Cuberly on August 26, 2015, 07:39:56 PM
Both of those engines (Fox 15, and Enya 15) will fly either of those airplanes on .012 52 Ft lines.  Shorter will likely make you a little DIZZY!  I had a Buster many, years ago with a highly modified Fox 15 that flew just under a hundred MPH on 60 ft lines.   %^@ ~^

Randy Cuberly