General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: Jerry Leuty on December 22, 2010, 07:25:30 PM

Title: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Jerry Leuty on December 22, 2010, 07:25:30 PM
    Back in the mid 70s I was in a great model club in Ft. Worth, Texas. Of course we were all in our late 20s and early 30s age range back then. It was a 25 mile drive for me one way but nearly every Sunday I made the trip with my 3 year old son to the flying field. My wife would come by after her work. We did fun flying every Sunday. We hosted one large contest and a couple of small contests each year. We also went to the flying field, that was supplied by the city, on Christmas day to teach new dads and their sons how to fly those Cox planes that they had gotten from the toy store.  It was all great fun. I spoke recently with a younger club member of DMAA that I had not seen in a couple of years. I asked him why he had not been around in a while. He is young enough to be my son. He really seemed to enjoy all aspects of the hobby. He told me that he had quit the club and totally gone R/C. He went on the explain; his fellow R/C fliers are more his age, enjoy a beer, laughing, cooking  out at the field, and general flying for fun. It instantly reminded me of the bygone days. Combat was king back then. Stunt was much smaller in those days. He went on to say about our Dallas club that unless you fly stunt then you are out. Besides no one in that club wants to have fun. I had to think about that one. When was the last time I actually had fun flying these airplanes? I don't mean enjoying the hobby. I do that by just working in my own hobby shop. But; when was the last time I really left a flying field with a giggle in my spirit? It was the spring of '08 at the Ring Master Round Up. I had more fun with that little RM and those events that Dee has come up with. Now I have a dozen or so stunt planes and I do try and fly by myself each week as I can. But to have fun. Now that is rare. I  was pleased recently to read in our DMAA club newsletter that we are having our annual New Years Day fun fly and another in Feb. in place of the profile contest we use to do. Normally we would of had a great fun fly at Dale and Linda Gleason's home in far north Texas last Oct. but Linda's health postponed that for awhile. Now even if we had a monthly fun fly in Garland, Texas I would not be able to attend as I now live 100 miles from our club flying field. It was fun to think about how it use to be. But that was then and this is now. Good fortunes to my young friend as he fly R/C.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Heher on December 22, 2010, 07:35:16 PM
Well Jery - for me it is!  Was out yesterday with my buddy Tom and his 2 boys Joel 10 an Matt 6. A 1/2 A Dewey Bird was flown and creshed by both boys, plus Joel flw a .15 powered Akrommaster and did quite well.  Tom Flw the Akromaster and I put up flights on a CG Shoestring and a TF Score ARF.

WE had a blast- laughing with the kids when the Dewey Bird crashed, cheering the good flights, and just having fun!
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: LARRY RICE on December 22, 2010, 07:58:05 PM
     The most fun I have had lately, and watched others rolling on the ground just laughing, was at a Musciano Contest.  Flying 1/2A models is just pure fun.  For the most part the contestants show up without test flying or even starting their engines.  Flying these little models makes you feel like a kid again .. pure enjoyment.  Building the planes is a hoot too.  I get letters all of the time on how just opening one of our kits causes a flood of memories and good feelings "took me right back to my childhood again".  Most of the fliers leave all of their fancy equipment at home and bring out simple tools ... just like the old days.  H^^
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on December 22, 2010, 11:23:28 PM
Hi Jerry,

I am heading back to the "pure" fun of the hobby, more and more each day.  Flying in competition is enjoyable, but not what I classify as "FUN".  Heck, I had more competition in my life than the vast majority of people, and that "competition" was "work".  It didn't start out that way, but it soon became that way.  Heck, I was playing on a school tackle football team when I was 8.  Playing on a men's league semi-pro traveling baseball team when I was 14.  Getting "paid" to do it was what made it a job.  C/L stunt contests were starting to get that way.  If I were 30-40 years younger, I would say "Bring it on", but I ain't going to threaten anyone at the NATS.  That possibility has long ago slipped by.  Mother Nature starts to put restraints on our bodies after a while! LOL!!

The most "FUN" I have is being with others who enjoy doing this hobby.  We have a good time (when someone else is flying! LOL!!) at our local meets.  And flying OTS is a BLAST!  That is one event that really makes me smile and laugh out loud!  The fact that there are 4, 5, or 6 ex NATS and/or VSC OTS members at our local meets sure points out that I will need to do something drastic if I ever even dream of a podium finish.  And I can't do anything drastic enough with a model airplane! So, it really is a BUNCH of fun.  Back over 10 years ago,  I was practicing a lot, and getting to the point I was going to move to Expert.  A job change, my son (only local flying partner) got married, and things ground to a halt.  You don't "make a comeback" at this stage.  But, I have even thought of entering Expert just so I KNOW I don't stand a gnat's chance in a tornado of ever placing.  Then I could go out there, giggle, and have fun.  But I do still "enjoy" it.  I can't catch a double header anymore, can't blow up a full back in one on one, but I can still pick up a handle and flip a prop.  And I know when I actually (usually accidentally) fly a really good maneuver while judges are actually not asleep, which DOES make me feel good.  That's one of the few things I can still do that I loved to do as a kid!  Like I've said before, we can sometimes find the field that I started seriously flying at empty and can go on it and fly.  At those times, once and a while during a flight, everything looks the way it did decades ago!  Reality is swept away and it feels good. I am 13 years old again!

So, the decision has been made to build only the planes I really WANT to build, regardless of how good the design is in modern terms, or whether or not the judges like the design, and I am going to dare anyone to stop me from having "FUN"!  (I'm still good to go at arms length or less! LL~ LL~ LL~  )

Wow, what brought THAT on............

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Howard Rush on December 22, 2010, 11:29:50 PM
I fly competition stunt and have fun.   It may not be as much fun as combat.  A combat contest is a scheme to get people into bizarrely humorous situations.  
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: louie klein on December 23, 2010, 05:45:25 AM
Fun is a balloon bust, max planes in the sky and best of all is the garbage can event! Try that one for fun.----LOUIE
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Chuck Feldman on December 23, 2010, 05:53:01 AM
FUN can be spelled BI-Slob or Slobbin.  Also fun is the chairs we bring to the field. This is where the real serious fun takes place. we always talk about the comedy of our nations politics.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: john e. holliday on December 23, 2010, 09:43:27 AM
This is a great read.  The boy is working two jobs and can't find time to fly.  Someone has convinced the grand kids they don't need to be playing with toy airplanes.  The field I fly at is out where no one sees you flying unless you fly RC.   Also a 25 miles trip to fly.  I have flown at the grade school, but the kids parents are there to push soccor and other sports.  Can't convince them how much exercise there is in modeling as well as teaching them how to read and do things with their hands.
But, back to fun flying was when my oldest daughter and the older girls wanted to fly.  Pulled all six 1/2A Skyrays off the hooks.  Box of props and a quart of fuel and to the field we went.  Have a middle school up the street.  We started flying and after about six flights here comes the son, a friend and a neighbor.  They start flyig and taking turns.  When it got too dark to fly I had one Skyray still in one peice.  I was in seventh heaven and enjoying every minute of it.  As the boy took over starting the Cox engines.   The two guys that came with him had never seen a control line plane before.  The second or third flight they were on their own.  They even did loops either by accident or on purpose.  My son's two step boys were having fun learning to fly the mouse racers.  Then after attending a contest and seeing all the different planes decided contests were too much work.  Well if I can get the mowers running again as well as the old Ford, plus the old man's body I would love to get to the field every week end.  Early in the year I was out there on Saturdays even if the wind was blowing.  Anyway the RC guys get a kick out of my Bi-Slob.  Enough rambling, as the wife says I ramble too much. H^^
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Dennis Holler on December 23, 2010, 10:40:11 AM
Great thread!

As a retread that just flew for the first time in 25+ years in October, I can say it was as much fun as it ever was.  My dad is no longer with us so I can't fly with him, but Clancy and his buddies down in Indy invited me down and took care of me.  We got the doorstop Ringmaster I built this summer in the air and I got it back down in one piece.  It was a short flight due to me being foolish enough to use a 50 year old tank....but It sure fueled the fire to fly more.  The wife and three kids keep me more than busy, but I sure do aim to do some flying this coming year and some building as well since I have seven planes either halfway built or in need of repair LL~
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: larry borden on December 23, 2010, 10:42:10 AM
   I also remember those days at Z Boaz Park, we looked forward all week to Sunday, when we would all get together to fly. We drank a little beer and had a great time until dark and then we would load up and go to dinner at the local pizza place, where pizzas would be downed and more beer was drank. Great times. Combat was king, but we did fly all sorts of planes and just had fun. Seems none of us took anything to seriously in those days, if we lost a combat match, it just meant we could start drinking beer earlier. lol

  I know build what I want and its all fun to me again. Don't need the competition, just the comradarie and thats where events like the Roundup come in. Just flying for fun and swapping stories.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Will Hinton on December 23, 2010, 01:58:58 PM
Well, I guess I'm a rebel.  I have the most fun flying at stunt contests!  Just being around the great folks that show up to compete for a day or so is more fun than I can relate.  The crazy things we pull on each other, the laughter and kidding around, the good-natured camaraderie, it's all wonderful fun to me.  And, as Howard said earlier, the combat is also a blast.  Even though I quit flying it a couple of years ago, I still yearn for the crazies that went on!
This is a great hobby/sport and everything I do with it is FUN-FUN-FUN!!!
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Jim Thomerson on December 23, 2010, 02:12:16 PM
Flying in competition is my idea of fun.  If you are getting bored with flying stunt, build an airplane flying the other way and fly it with the handle upside down. Take it easy at first and work up to flying the pattern, then work on getting your pattern flying the same flying ether way.   
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: dennis lipsett on December 23, 2010, 03:53:08 PM
Flying takes many forms. The guys that are armchair pilots, the too serious stunt flyer, the hack, the overachiever, the underachiever, et al. In spite of it all I've anticipated going to the field more then most other of my persuits in my life.
However, if I want to do what I want to do I've found it best to have a steady flying partner of somewhat similar disposition and go fly. In my case I travel a fair distance both ways to fly and I want to maximize the experience. Being retired has made it easier to do that and not get bored or peeved in the process.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on December 23, 2010, 04:17:14 PM
Well, I guess I'm a rebel.  I have the most fun flying at stunt contests!  Just being around the great folks that show up to compete for a day or so is more fun than I can relate.  The crazy things we pull on each other, the laughter and kidding around, the good-natured camaraderie, it's all wonderful fun to me.  And, as Howard said earlier, the combat is also a blast.  Even though I quit flying it a couple of years ago, I still yearn for the crazies that went on!
This is a great hobby/sport and everything I do with it is FUN-FUN-FUN!!!

Hi Will,

I have a lot of FUN when I am at a meet, be it local or National.  For the reasons you give of what occurs when I am not actually the one flying a model in an event.

The actual flight in a contest is not what meets my definition of "FUN".  It is, however, immensely "enjoyable".  Competition is not now, nor was it ever, FUN for me.   It was always "enjoyable".  I did it out of some inner need.  To be the best at that activity that day.  But even if I was accidentally the best that day, it wasn't "fun", it did make me feel good, though.  Ego, maybe?  probably, it can be a nasty thing.  And usually is.  

From Wikipedia: "The distinction between enjoyment and fun is difficult to articulate but real,[2] fun being a more spontaneous, playful, and active event."

Competition, to me, is not a "spontaneous, playful" event.  Competition is preparation, dedication, determination, and desire.  So, to me, competition is not "FUN" but "enjoyment".  Otherwise I would never have done anything competitive, and I'm sure my life would be greatly different today, if I was even still around!

Now being at a flying field with friends and trying to make up a maneuver that isn't done, or just "playing around", that's fun.  To each his own, and I know my personal background has a great influence on it. ;D

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: John Stiles on December 23, 2010, 04:40:40 PM
I remember when I was a that was the fun days....we'd all fly our plastic cox models bought from the hardware store and found under the Christmas tree. All the boys my age nearly; had one. We flew them at our school on the asphalt, and everyone came to see what cat had it's tail caught in the gate with that whining noise starting and stopping then starting up again and again. Till we ran slap outta fuel. I remember flying some more after that....I shortened my lines to about 15' and took off running in an arc till the lines tightened and the plane was rolling...then one more sling of my arm and the little brown mustang was in the centrifugal force and the force of my desire! In those days there was nary a soul who complained or told us we couldn't do it there! That was the fun days! H^^
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Phil Coopy on December 23, 2010, 05:03:45 PM
Weather permitting, I usually fly three days a week. Tuesday and Friday its C/L and Sunday I fly RC.  I have flown a lot of different venues in the last 60 years.  I flew  lot of control line even when I was in the Navy, but got trapped in RC in the middle seventies. I flew pattern and IMAC in competition... finally ended up flying Giant Scale in RC.  A few years back I fixed up an old Buster, with Fox 35 that was gathering dust in the attic, and brought it out to the field.  The first couple of flights were kind of nervous but after a few more, I got my legs back and it all came ridin' a bicycle.  I am now competing in CLPA, and though I will never make the world team, I really enjoy the practice, even though I am normally the only guy at the field doing C/L.  I've been Pit Boss at the last two NATS and really enjoy watching the top guys go at it.  I really enjoy building, and that is why I am still into RC giant scale.  But flying those monsters is no great accomplishment for me especially the WW1 stuff.  For pure flying pleasure, I am always happiest when I walk away from the C/L circle and know that I did a little better than the last time, and may score just a little better at the next contest.

Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Joe Just on December 23, 2010, 05:50:07 PM
By it's nature, flying control line planes lends itself to competition.  Over the years, and there have been many, my interest and desire was to be competitive in CL.  Desire eventually fades when skill never quite stays around.  After successful goes at College football and Semi-pro Lacrosse I thought CL competition would be easily obtained.  NOT TO BE!

Then, after loosing aood friend in the CL hobby through my own fault I was forced to realize that competition wasn't any fun anymore.  Now, I drive over 60 miles to fly with some real fun guys that don't have much more skill than myself.  We laugh a lot, and I guess that says it all.  The first picture is a typical shot of how we react to each other.  Then after several hours I reach the 'too tired" spot to continue, so I drive home.  On the way I pass what I call the "Eastern Washington Memorial Forest" . Another chance to just laugh at myself and remember what life is realy abolut.

Joe Just
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Will Hinton on December 23, 2010, 06:26:59 PM
eastern Washington Memorial forest - I love your sense of humor Joe! LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Joe Mig on December 23, 2010, 07:16:42 PM
This is a great subject !
It is funny because the other night I had a convection with a fellow slot car racer / friend at the slot car track.
I was saying that I do not enjoy racing the slot car's like I use to because it got to serious and it is very competitive and I'm just not having fun like I use to when racing. It's kind of aggravating and stressfull to me now. HB~>
Then I started talking how I enjoy the control line flying and I think it is because I'm not in any competition and I'm just doing it for the fun and enjoyment of it .  If you don't know I recently got back into U control after 36 years of being out of the circle.   My Dad use to take me flying when I was a young kid , to bad he is not around to enjoy it with me just about 1 1/2 years to late
Moral of the story is I think once you take a hobby to the competitive level and want to win you have to spend the time and money to be competitive and it kind of takes the fun out of the hobby .
So time will tell after my son and improve if we do any competition  witch I do not think I will be doing.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Dennis Saydak on December 23, 2010, 08:37:03 PM
It's winter time where I live so I "retire" to the cellar and enjoy building. I have a couple of building buddies who come out to my place (in the country) regularly on weekends and we have lots of fun reminicing about old times & old friends, and we get a lot more done by building together than we would if we built strictly alone. Can't beat that for fun in the winter. So yes the fun is still in C/L for me.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Juan Valentin on December 23, 2010, 08:58:53 PM
                      I travel 160 miles on sundays to fly with my buddies at the Puerto Rico Prop Busters field.I enjoy flying stunt but we also have some fun flying slow rat and 1/2A airplanes. Flying stunt for me has been fun since I came back a few years back. I start by getting up at 5AM to be ready to go by 5:30Am  since is a long ride I stop halfway at a restaurant to have breakfast and the best coffee I have ever tasted. Then I make my way to the flying field and at 1 PM we go for pizza and beer. I don`t drink to many since I have to drive back  80 miles. The guy`s wanted to know how it felt so I secured a baseball park for sunday Dec 12 and we had a good time. We flew from 7am to 1pm the day was perfect sunshine and very little wind. here are a few pics.
                                                                                                              Juan Valentin
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Roger Vizioli on December 24, 2010, 07:29:05 AM
FUN can be spelled BI-Slob or Slobbin.  Also fun is the chairs we bring to the field. This is where the real serious fun takes place. we always talk about the comedy of our nations politics.

Still have to build my "new" Slob. The old one needs a day of TLC which will be done after the holidays.
We can have a day of flying and Slobbin' at the IRKS field, and then go to the B-B-Q place for some Hangar Flying. y1
Take care, Merry Christmas.
Roger V.
Merritt Island
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Hodges on December 24, 2010, 08:17:47 AM

Let me know when you and Chuck will be Slobbin.  I just might be able to come down and join in the fun.

Bill Hodges
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Chuck Feldman on December 25, 2010, 04:51:42 PM
Roger,  Sorry I missed you message. My Slob is still not ready to go either. So I think I better put aside some of my projects and get the Slob ready to go.  I'll let you know.

Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Roger Vizioli on December 25, 2010, 08:09:39 PM

Let me know when you and Chuck will be Slobbin.  I just might be able to come down and join in the fun.

Bill Hodges

That would be great!
Hopefully we can discuss at the KOI. Have a conflict that weekend (K-9 Competition) that I am working to resolve.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
Roger V.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Randy Powell on December 25, 2010, 10:05:16 PM
>>Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you?<<

Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Steve Helmick on December 25, 2010, 11:45:23 PM
When I "just go flying", I'm often trying some sort of trimming on whatever plane I'm flying, adjusting something, or trying a different prop, or something. And always trying to improve my flying. It's a challenge, and it's fun, especially if I feel I did some of the pattern better than usual. I enjoy being out with the other guys, enjoy getting out of the house, and maybe lunch out afterwards.

I like a "road trip", especially if I can see some new roads and scenery. So, Contests are a good excuse for taking a day off work (maybe two), so I can avoid Friday night traffic. I'm not terribly serious about the contest itself, because I've flown in contests pretty much since I was 17.  While I like to place well, if I fly well, that's good enough. If I don't fly well, yet place well, I'm not happy with that. Seldom do I take a test/practise flight at a contest, unless I need to figure out the fuel load or launch rpm for some being unprepared! Even switching from the old profile to the SV-11 doesn't seem to bother me much, tho I'm braver with the profile and generally get better scores with it. I know it doesn't fly as well, so it tells me to work on the SV-11 more, and get better with it. This results in learning more and getting to be a better flier. That's a good thing, and a fun thing. Probably will keep doing it as long as I can, physically and financially.  y1 Steve
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Doug Morris on December 26, 2010, 11:05:57 AM
    Thanks for the topic Jerry, some folks are so serious I wonder sometimes if they are really having fun anymore. I know I'm having fun, I have to agree
 with Chuck and the guys since I've started Slobin thats about all I want to fly. I have four ready to go . About a month ago our friend , Kevin Morgan was here from the UK, he and I had a dogfight it was a blast. He flew the Slobwith Pup and I flew the Black Baron, we had some really close near misses, but the Brit finally won out. He'll be back in October and were gonna do it again.
 In the mean time I've built another plane mostly with used parts from wrecked Slobs, The cowl is from the bottom of a doggie snack jar. I hope it flys.
 So if your not having as much fun as you would like to , Get a BiSlob.
   Happy New Year,
        Doug M.
  Here are a few pics,
   No Plans
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on December 26, 2010, 11:33:35 AM
Ho Doug.

Now that's a great looking Trislob!  I love it!

Big Bear
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: john e. holliday on December 26, 2010, 01:12:41 PM
I too love it.  Just the ticket to get the peoples attention.   H^^
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Doug Morris on December 30, 2010, 01:34:35 PM
  Thanks for the good comments on the Trislob, Doc and Big Bear.
  I just wanted to let you guys know it flew very well. The first flight wasn't great I had too much prop but the plane was balanced good.
 I cracked the cowl on landing. So the second flight was better I put a 11.5 masterairscrew on it, a little more tweeking and it'll be good.
 I got a few inside and outside loops and some lazy eights, It will sure turn fast 3 sets of flaps it ought to.. Its gonna hover
 Here is a link if youall want to see it fly, hope to catch  youall at the KOI.
  Flying for the fun of it,
  Doug M.863718
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on December 30, 2010, 03:06:19 PM
Fun to watch it fly!


Big Bear
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Tom Niebuhr on December 30, 2010, 04:17:24 PM
It looks like the disease that Ron Pavloer and I started has mutated!

Great job, I hope that you have a lot of fun with the TriSlob.

Did you know that Ron also had a "StaggerBi"? It had negative Stagger ala Beech, and wheel pants.  I have a picture, but haven't shown it to any one.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Doug Morris on December 30, 2010, 04:18:33 PM
  I don't have an excuse, He just walked out there while I was taking off  and sat down fooling with his lines,Thats JIM he knows better
  That never happened before. What can I say . We know thats a NO NO...
   NO harm done Can I be forgiven?
  Doug M.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on December 30, 2010, 04:33:51 PM
 I don't have an excuse, He just walked out there while I was taking off  and sat down fooling with his lines,Thats JIM he knows better
  That never happened before. What can I say . We know thats a NO NO...
   NO harm done Can I be forgiven?
  Doug M.

LOL!!!!  No harm done, you are "forgiven"! LOL!!  (but next time "Tazer Him"!! ) LL~ LL~

Looks like that "Tri Slob" will be more fun than is legally allowed! LOL!!

Big Bear

Big Bear
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Doug Morris on December 30, 2010, 04:40:20 PM
    Thanks Tom,
  Some of the X47 guys said they met youall awhile back and they said maybe you can come up for the KOI and give us some DEMO's
 I'd like to meet you and Ron. That staggerbi sounds cool I'd like to see the pics. Hope to see you all at the KOI.
  Doug M.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Doug Morris on December 30, 2010, 04:48:57 PM
      Thank you for the forgiveness BIG GUY mw
  I also stuck my hand in the prop today mw~
     HB~> Good thing this year is almost over!
   Doug  n~
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: don Burke on December 31, 2010, 08:46:05 AM
The FUN is definitely still there for me in CL.  I came back to it after a 35 year lapse.,  Back then I had progressed to competing on the international level but got disgusted with the petty national/international politics.  So I went on to shooting, racing go-karts, motorcycles, sports cars and sprint cars, mostly staying out of the political side of them.

The most fun I have now is designing and building new stuff for CL racing and flying carrier.  I chose racing and carrier 'cause it's MOSTLY only against the clock with personal opinions not part of the equation.  After all as my model building mentor used to say, "It's only a hobby!" 
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Chuck Feldman on December 31, 2010, 03:19:50 PM
Tri Slobs WW 1 combat. Now this could be fun!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Hodges on December 31, 2010, 04:30:28 PM
I am definitely still having fun building/flying CL as well as RC and have no plans to change anything.

Bill Hodges
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Clancy Arnold on December 31, 2010, 11:01:21 PM
The fun is back!!
I have spent the last few years building my electronics for other fliers and have not entered competition for a few years.  That has ended.  I have had more fun this fall building a model of an early airplane than I have had in years.  I guess the fliers that say they enjoy building more than flying understand what I feel.  I plan on taking it to the Brodak Fly-In and to the NATS.  It weighs 9 1/4 lbs.  I am 5 Ft 8 In and the Taube is 7 Ft 4 In.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on December 31, 2010, 11:25:06 PM
HI Clancy,

As I have said in other places, that is an awesome display of workmanship and a really striking model!

I can see where that would leave you having fun. ;D
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Dennis Moritz on January 01, 2011, 04:19:19 AM
I fly with the Philly Fliers. Enough said. Always a gas.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: John Stiles on January 01, 2011, 07:32:54 AM
The fun is back!!
I have spent the last few years building my electronics for other fliers and have not entered competition for a few years.  That has ended.  I have had more fun this fall building a model of an early airplane than I have had in years.  I guess the fliers that say they enjoy building more than flying understand what I feel.  I plan on taking it to the Brodak Fly-In and to the NATS.  It weighs 9 1/4 lbs.  I am 5 Ft 8 In and the Taube is 7 Ft 4 In.
That's gonna be hard to top, Clancy! ;D
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: bob werle on January 01, 2011, 01:14:51 PM
C/L is still as much fun for me as ever.  As a 65+ retread with 2 years back I have gone back to my childhood.  Just the smell of caster in the morning is great,  I joined a club that is Mosley stunt and I even have a 2nd place in beginner but that isn't all the fun.  For me it is everything,building,reading the various forums,working at the contests(I love being a pit boss),being around others enjoying themsaeves,&picking up the pieces of my latest idea that didn't work.  I guess I just enjoy being in the hobby no matter what I do.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Jim Kraft on January 01, 2011, 02:37:56 PM
Gee! I hope so.  LL~. I do love building and flying C/L, but I take a break once in a while and do something different. Sometimes I get out my old MK Joker, just to see if I can still fly the R/C pattern. Or, I take out my old timer R/C Playboy or Lanzo Bomber with sparkers for a very relaxed afternoon of flying. These things are a great change of pace. I also enjoy flying my Lazy Ace Bipe, or my little Dakota free flight. But it seems I am always building something, or doing repairs, or just trying new things on old ships. All in all, this has to be one of the greatest hobbies out there. I have been doing this in one form or another for 60 plus years with very few breaks. I hope to continue as long as I'm able. I am old school, and love old engines, dope, silk, and scratch build 95 percent of all my planes. After I came back to C/L, about 18 years ago, I find after flying my R/C stuff a time or two, I am ready to get back in the circle. So, yes, the fun is still there after 60 plus years.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on January 01, 2011, 02:59:48 PM
Thinking back, it would appear that some of my thoughts on this thread would lead to the conclusion that flying C/L isn't FUN for me.  Quite the contrary!  I just have a real distinction in my life of enjoyment and FUN.  Enjoyment comes more from accomplishing "something" such as a good build, good flight, or that sort of thing.  It's a passion.  Fun, on the other hand, does NOT require ANY "accomplishment"!  It is the "play" side of things.  Being around friends, meeting new people, hanging out with my son, and soon my Grandson, at the field are all a "play" side of things.

If you have read my post in the time goes by section, you will see that flying C/L is one of the most fun things I have ever done, and I have been blessed by getting to do a LOT of things.  More than I am deserving of.

And I am having as much fun now as ever!

Heading back to the Fortress of Solitude after the dinner of black eyed peas, collards and pork chops, to finish up an Enterprise Sure Thing for my Grandson's first flights.  Same "Trainer" kit that I flew on bigger than an .049.  Only difference will be the use of an OS .10FP instead of the McCoy .19 i the original!!  (gotta use those pesky mufflers now, ya know..... LOL!!)  ;D

Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Jim Kraft on January 01, 2011, 03:30:45 PM
That is great Bill. I had the time of my life teaching my grandsons to fly controline. The oldest built his own Skyray with very little help, and it flew well. It is a great way to bond with them. I agree with your fun verses enjoyment. I enjoyed building my two Bislobs, and I have fun flying them. My Over Easy is another fun to fly plane, because I sure don't accomplish anything when I fly it.  LL~
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on January 01, 2011, 03:35:57 PM
That is great Bill. I had the time of my life teaching my grandsons to fly controline. The oldest built his own Skyray with very little help, and it flew well. It is a great way to bond with them. I agree with your fun verses enjoyment. I enjoyed building my two Bislobs, and I have fun flying them. My Over Easy is another fun to fly plane, because I sure don't accomplish anything when I fly it.  LL~

Hi Jim,

Gabe just turned 6.  He is all over "Daddy's and Ta Ta's" planes!  He is already very mechanical minded, and I ain't saying that because he's "mine", it is because of what he can actually "do" in building stuff, etc..  He's not going to have a good go of it once he hits Grammar School.....  "Yes, Ms. Jones, I got all that, can we move on??"  LL~ LL~

Of course, he has already asked if it can "loop".... ;D

Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: john e. holliday on January 03, 2011, 08:20:52 AM
Gee! I hope so.  LL~. I do love building and flying C/L, but I take a break once in a while and do something different. Sometimes I get out my old MK Joker, just to see if I can still fly the R/C pattern. Or, I take out my old timer R/C Playboy or Lanzo Bomber with sparkers for a very relaxed afternoon of flying. These things are a great change of pace. I also enjoy flying my Lazy Ace Bipe, or my little Dakota free flight. But it seems I am always building something, or doing repairs, or just trying new things on old ships. All in all, this has to be one of the greatest hobbies out there. I have been doing this in one form or another for 60 plus years with very few breaks. I hope to continue as long as I'm able. I am old school, and love old engines, dope, silk, and scratch build 95 percent of all my planes. After I came back to C/L, about 18 years ago, I find after flying my R/C stuff a time or two, I am ready to get back in the circle. So, yes, the fun is still there after 60 plus years.

Jim, you are going to have to do something about that shop.  It is just toooo neat and clean.  Every time I would get my shop that clean, then I couldn't find anything.  Then I would go buy another one.  Anyway I hope to do more flying this year.   H^^
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on January 03, 2011, 08:24:31 AM
Yeah, Jim, what Doc said.  And you don't have enough planes......


Big Bear
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Will Hinton on January 03, 2011, 04:59:47 PM
Quote from Coach Little - "Fun, on the other hand, does NOT require ANY "accomplishment"!  It is the "play" side of things."
Boy, Coach, does this ever describe my competition flying!!!!!!  Especially the first part!!!!!  I guess that's why I have so much fun at contests. LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~ LL~
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Chuck Feldman on January 04, 2011, 04:55:07 AM
Oh Wow  Check out Mr. Kraft's hobby room. All those rafters to hang stuff from and the heating ducts, the whole thing. Once when I lived in Southern NJ I had a house that had a basement. We called it the cellar however. It was divided into two sections and one part was where the heater was along with the laundry and water heater. The other half was mine!!!!!!! I miss it. Concrete slab house's are nice but there is no room. There also is no attic. Alas I am just to old now to move or build again. Flying will be more fun shortly as I am on the Bi-slob today.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: PJ Rowland on January 04, 2011, 05:03:14 AM
Honestly I have alot of fun Flying stunt. = But i know what you mean
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: john e. holliday on January 04, 2011, 08:46:24 AM
In some areas of this great country you can't find a home with a cellar/basement.  I think the desert areas is one.    H^^
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Andrew Borgogna on January 04, 2011, 10:26:19 AM
Here is my take on the hobby lately.  I am either building a plane to fly in a contest, or trimming/practising for a contest, or flying in a contest, or finally judging in a contest.  I like to build, but the rest is beginning to be a test my ability to have fun.  I like the VSC contest very much, but I like if for the fun of seeing friends that I only get to see once a year.  The flying at VSC is something I do, but don't always enjoy.  When I flew R/C we had fun fly, and yes they were fun, control line stunt does not seem to lend itself to fun fly.  The club I belong to is trying to add some fun fly to our schedule, but truth is not many people show up.  At least not compared to the contests.  The last contest I attended I left quite down, I lost a plane that was intended for VSC.  The reason I lost it was fatigue.  I had stood in the son all day judging while trying to get some contest flights in.  I had total brain fade while flying and a plane was lost. 

Don't know if I will ever fly and judge in the same day again.  :(
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: don Burke on January 04, 2011, 06:24:15 PM
In some areas of this great country you can't find a home with a cellar/basement.  I think the desert areas is one.    H^^

That's cause a pre-tensioned slab will "float" on the usual SW sandy soil when the tectonic plates shift.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: John Stiles on January 06, 2011, 06:17:13 AM
In some areas of this great country you can't find a home with a cellar/basement.  I think the desert areas is one.    H^^
I'm fixing to build a 12' by 24' shop, closer to my Flying Field....and move all my stuff out there. Including my computer, my TV, and a super single roll-away bed. I'm thinking about setting it on log skids, just in case of a flood! ;D
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Jim Kraft on January 06, 2011, 08:36:55 AM
I'm just showing you the good side. I have several more planes now, and the other side of the shop, and my back bedroom building room are a "mess". I really need to stop and clean up. Just a few more projects to get done before I do that.  LL~  The only time I clean off my building bench, is when I start a new plane, and then only enough to make room for the plans. I am a sick sick modeler. But I know there must be others like me. It is a comforting thought anyway. You will have to excuse me. I was just going through my plan stash, and found one I just have to build. Hmmm! I know my band saw is over here somwhere.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: John Stiles on January 06, 2011, 04:30:27 PM
I'm just showing you the good side. I have several more planes now, and the other side of the shop, and my back bedroom building room are a "mess". I really need to stop and clean up. Just a few more projects to get done before I do that.  LL~  The only time I clean off my building bench, is when I start a new plane, and then only enough to make room for the plans. I am a sick sick modeler. But I know there must be others like me. It is a comforting thought anyway. You will have to excuse me. I was just going through my plan stash, and found one I just have to build. Hmmm! I know my band saw is over here somwhere.
Exactly! LL~ ;D
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on January 06, 2011, 09:09:19 PM
(snip) The only time I clean off my building bench, is when I start a new plane, and then only enough to make room for the plans. I am a sick sick modeler. But I know there must be others like me. It is a comforting thought anyway. You will have to excuse me. I was just going through my plan stash, and found one I just have to build. Hmmm! I know my band saw is over here somwhere.

Hi Jim,

Were we twins separated at birth?????  LOL!!!!!!!!!

I have a full size 4'X8' pool table covered in 3/8th" thick glass as my "main" building table, 16' of counters with cabinets, a 4'X4' table built into/under the basement stairwell, and a roll out tool chest with Styrofoam foam added to the top to push pins in, to "build on".  I can easily build 3 "full size stunt" wings at *one time*.  Problem is, I only have maybe 3' of usable area at any ONE TIME! LL~

I am building the Airon, with the help of Allen B., and Jim Vornholt, the original builder, with hopes of it getting into FM's "Classic Series of articles.  The greatest cause of anxiety of the whole project, for me, has been getting the table cleaned up to take pictures! LOL!!

yes, I guess it is a sickness.......

Big Bear
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: John Stiles on January 07, 2011, 05:43:59 AM
Hi Jim,

Were we twins separated at birth?????  LOL!!!!!!!!!

I have a full size 4'X8' pool table

Big Bear
Get that mess cleaned up, I'll be on over for some 8-ball. You like bottled beer or cans! ;D
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on January 07, 2011, 07:33:48 AM
Get that mess cleaned up, I'll be on over for some 8-ball. You like bottled beer or cans! ;D

LOL!!!!!!  The table was trash, as far as plying on it.  Some NY relatives' kids that married into the Missus's family tore up the felt.....  didn't recover it.

If I break the "diabetes diet", I'll take either! LOL!!!!!!
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Don Hutchinson AMA5402 on January 07, 2011, 10:19:33 AM
I played the game with no pockets. Can't find a three cushion billiard table anywhere in Fort Worth now! Would love to try one of the heated tables.
Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: Bill Little on January 07, 2011, 10:25:47 AM
I played the game with no pockets. Can't find a three cushion billiard table anywhere in Fort Worth now! Would love to try one of the heated tables.

Hi Don,

My "billiards" participation took off while in college.  We would have to be on campus well before the "regular" students (didn't seem like we ever "left" campus! LOL!!) and the Student Union would be open with a dozen or so tables.  What time we had between sleeping, meals, meetings and practice was usually spent there. ;D

TBF is in the "planning stages"!  :o  y1  #^

Title: Re: Is the 'fun' still in C/L for you? Read on and comment.
Post by: John Stiles on January 07, 2011, 04:45:13 PM
For awhile, pool was my only income! ;D