General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: RC Storick on February 26, 2006, 01:26:53 PM

Title: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: RC Storick on February 26, 2006, 01:26:53 PM
The Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest went smooth today I was going to fly the T-Bot but could not make the engine run some kind of tank problem. Instead Gary Hajek and I judged Expert. Allen Goff took top honors. I will post totals when I get them.
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: the original Steve Smith on February 26, 2006, 08:24:57 PM
Sorry about your difficulties Bob but the event gained a good judge right where we needed one!

I had a blast!  Was the only flyer in Intermediate so I won - not even finishing a complete pattern - either I run long or I run short, gotta figure out that duration thing.  Hope they don't try and move me to Advanced - not even ready for that class yet.

I did volunteer and judged Advanced and P-40.  I think I was more generous than the other judges - I gotta learn how to be more picky....

Thanks again for helping out and post those scores when you get them.

Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: RC Storick on February 27, 2006, 03:21:00 PM
Yeah you got a judge at least Crist Let me fly the Hamburger! It was fun!
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: Allen Goff on February 27, 2006, 03:32:52 PM
Great contest. Good weather, light winds, and good people. We all had some winter bugs to work out. Hanging on the wall all winter takes its toll, but this contest is more about renewing old friedships than competition. What fun. Thanks Bob Arata and your staff too. See ya all in Iowa (Lord will'en).

Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: richardhfcl on February 27, 2006, 03:35:45 PM
So who won what? 

And it must have been quite a contest with "Christ" in attendance.

     Best regards,

     Richard Ferrell
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: Randy Powell on February 27, 2006, 03:57:18 PM

I sympathize. The last two contests last year, I had tank problems. Had problems, thought I had fixed it, then had tank problems. So, now it has a new tank and works fine. Sheesh!
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: Crist Rigotti on February 27, 2006, 06:51:03 PM
Thanks again for judging along with Gary Hajek.  Hope you get the bugs worked out on the P-47.
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: RC Storick on February 27, 2006, 06:56:00 PM
That airplane is yesterdays news. I will not be flying that in the upcoming season. The Thunderbolt is 3rd in line. The reason I was to fly that one was if I was going to crash it should be a plane I wasn't going to use in the up coming season. But only time will tell.
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: john e. holliday on March 03, 2006, 08:49:28 PM
Robert, my thanks also to you and all the guys that took time to judge so we could play.  My grandaughter slept all the way home with the trophy she picked.  I was told she even took it to church and school to show it off.  Myself I had fun even tho I may not have shown it, getting to see people I had not seen in a while.  I know its not stunt, but, Melvin Schuette wants me to go with them to the May Speed and Racing meet.  Topclass meet is Memorial Day weekend which is probably 300+ miles for you guys.  Anyway be sure and tell all involved that the old DOC Holliday say thanks for a wonderful contest.
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: Dennis Vander Kuur on March 04, 2006, 10:57:50 PM
It was a fun contest. Mike Schmitt and I froze our butts off Saturday trying to get in some practice flights. For the first time in 2 years I couldn't get a good engine run on my OS .40LA powered Pathfinder. Finally traced the problem to a "Crap-Trap" fuel filter that was leaking air. On Sunday my biggest problem, besides my rusty flying, was trying to convince the EXPERT judge, our forum host Mr. Robert, that my Pathfinder was NOT an ARF.

After getting out-scored in P-40 by a Twister I was shocked to find out that the Twister was made of PINE and weighed 64 ounces!!! By watching it fly you would never guess it weighed anywhere near that much.

Best part of the contest was getting to visit with a great bunch of flyers. Hope to do this again next year.
Title: Re: Ice-O-Lated Stunt Contest
Post by: Chris McMillin on March 09, 2006, 10:44:54 AM
And this is why it is most important to have a straight, trimmed, model with a reliable, good running engine. The pine probably made for a stiff fuse. A huge benefit on a profile and a major contributor to a reliable engine run.
64 oz is pretty heavy, though!