General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: Robertc on March 03, 2019, 05:22:05 PM

Title: How many planes?
Post by: Robertc on March 03, 2019, 05:22:05 PM
How many planes do you own that are flyable:
1)  That have engines
2) that are flyable, but  need engine

I have 16 ready to fly
18 more that need engine installed
plus another plane in Florida ready to go

Why am I starting a new plane?
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: GERALD WIMMER on March 03, 2019, 05:49:03 PM
77 with engines 'mostly' ready to go but includes every control line model like combat wings and profile trainers and would be a lot more if I added incomplete/unfinished or needing engines . FF and RC lots more again but started the model plane thing back in the 1970's.
I don't often bin or burn them (but my youngest son added to that list yesterday...crunch....,I think goodbye old friend and my son says  "The wing in that model was not very strong")

Regards Gerald
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: 944_Jim on March 03, 2019, 05:57:11 PM
You asked.

Because, need an intervention!

With engine-flyable: 3
Without engine flyable: 2
On the table: 2
In the box awaiting table: 7
Digitized or printed waiting table: Too many!

With engine: 2

I suggested to my wife that this is best for both of is cheaper than a girlfriend on the side, and beats heavy-drinking.
Anyone have any better reasons? My arguments are starting to loose traction with my wife!
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: GERALD WIMMER on March 03, 2019, 06:33:43 PM
You asked.

Because, need an intervention!

With engine-flyable: 3
Without engine flyable: 2
On the table: 2
In the box awaiting table: 7
Digitized or printed waiting table: Too many!

With engine: 2

I suggested to my wife that this is best for both of is cheaper than a girlfriend on the side, and beats heavy-drinking.
Anyone have any better reasons? My arguments are starting to loose traction with my wife!

I was lucky I had a good mother in-law who told my wife that my hobbies are good safe ones that keep me out of trouble and encouraged my wife to support me (and to fly too) also out of my '77' a good number are really 'family' models built by my sons and wife. Only problem is they keep spreading out from the modelling room (not in the bedrooms yet!) and I feel slightly guilty when non modellers visit.

Regards Gerald
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Mike Griffin on March 03, 2019, 06:41:21 PM
Where do you guys put all these planes.  I have 3 flyable.  4 that need engines.  I think I have 6 kits here at the house.  My wife gives me the stare with this many.  I could not imagine some of the numbers you guys are talking about . 

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: GERALD WIMMER on March 03, 2019, 06:58:12 PM
Hello Mike

The largest room in the house is our modelling room and those that watch Rusty's Hangouts would have seen me with some of them in the background. We do seem to keep a similar number as replacements often replace the crashed or fuel soaked models over time.
Regards Gerald
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Robertc on March 03, 2019, 06:58:23 PM
I have a double garage, one side is oversized.  14 planes on that side are in racks.  Also another 5 R/C planes and 6 helis  are on that side.
Other side has 5 planes hanging on the wall, plus a 35cc R/C plane on a narrow table in front of my car.
O also have a garage size storage unit on the side of the house with another 11 planes in it.
Another two R/C planes in the living room.
I still have room for more!
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: 944_Jim on March 03, 2019, 06:58:29 PM
My wife gives me the stare with this many.

When I started back in a couple years ago, the boys' planes took up the kitchen table for a few.days. The new hobby was manageable, and snuck in like the camel's nose....all 1/2A and "cute."
Then "it" spread to the living room...until company came to visit.
Then "it" crept into the master bedroom.
Wife let it slide for a few months, but "it" spread and morphed a little bigger from week to week.
When "it" got moved to a dedicated book case in the living room, "it" appeared contained,.caged and tightly packed. Until one broke out of the box for all to see. To make matters worse, this last one is a 32" Big One (the BHM Challenger)-oh, my!

That was the final straw! All of "it" got moved to the storage closet in the garage-her answer, not mine. As soon as the weather breaks, the "Hobby Closet" will be equipped with a 6k through the wall, vented AC unit, the walls will be insulated, and better lighting installed. While cramped, it IS cozy! And big enough to sleep in if (when) I'm in the doghouse.

And I've got only a small collection!
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Peter Grabenstein on March 03, 2019, 06:59:09 PM
You asked.

Because, need an intervention!

With engine-flyable: 3
Without engine flyable: 2
On the table: 2
In the box awaiting table: 7
Digitized or printed waiting table: Too many!

With engine: 2

I suggested to my wife that this is best for both of is cheaper than a girlfriend on the side, and beats heavy-drinking.
Anyone have any better reasons? My arguments are starting to loose traction with my wife!

once I told my ex to be lucky having one CL nerd as boyfriend.
3 places she can always find me.
1th at my workshop,
2th at my favorite LHS
3th at my favorite flying field.
I don't waste my time in strip clubs and beer joints.

8 F2B ready to fly +
8 CL Racers (3 COX  Mouse Racing, 4 Indy Racing .15 + 1 Club .30 Racing ready to fly.

Next built will be a SIG BUSTER + OS FP 15 to compete in Limes-Racing class inspired by this video.


Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Jim Kraft on March 03, 2019, 07:24:56 PM
These pictures were taken about 10 years ago. I have a few more now. But I only have 6 old time stunt planes with old ignition engines. I have more engines than planes because I always by engines first, and then decide what I will build for it. I have quit flying anything but ignition. Sparkers are just way to much fun.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Dan McEntee on March 03, 2019, 07:30:34 PM
   I'm not sure and would have to count them. My flight bag that I keep lines and handles in for airplanes that are flown semi regularly has about 20 sets in it I think. Two car garage full, and basement full. Sean's old room has about 7 or 8 hanging in it. That doesn't include free flight models (indoor and outdoor) that are packed away in boxes, or hanging in the garage. A bunch of R/C  sailplanes in the attic. The kit collection, (both flying models and plastic models) is almost uncountable at present. engines are divided between an old dresser drawer that was my late Uncle Joe's in my building room, a footlocker in the basement "family "room, and three foot lockers of engines in the attic. The magazine collection and my library share room in the basement with models and kits, and that includes a stack of flat file cabinets with 36" by 48" drawers, 2 " deep about 5 foot high that is full of plans. Balsa, dope covering materials are stashed among all of this. All I really need to build something is glue.  Some full scale collectibles and memorabilia is thrown in. Just ask anyone that has been to my house recently and viewed the McEntee aviation estate.
    I'm ready and armed for retirement!
   Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee

   PS: Oh, forgot to add Cox models. Lots and lots of Cox RTF models and such. I have an understanding wife. I just told her a long time ago I had much of this stuff before I had her, and it's cheaper than heroine! Or girls on the side and hanging out at bars and casinos, as already been mentioned.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Dan McEntee on March 03, 2019, 08:06:57 PM
  Hey Ty;
    I have GREAT respect for quilters. My Mom, Grandma, and her ancient aunts were all master quilters, and Grandma would often spend time at our house when we were kids quilting in our basement. The only place large enough to set up her quilting frames. Many fond memories of watching those magic fingers make those stitches like lightning. She made quilts for all of us grandkids. I work on commercial CNC embroidery sewing machines now and often think of her and my Mom watching them run after making adjustments. My Mom would tell me stories of her playing under a quilt that was in the frame with her Mom and ancient aunts all around sewing away. If she got into any mischief, she said they would curse her out in German and she would get a rap on the noggin with a thimbled finger! If my wife were to ever give me a serious hint that she would actually like to do something like that, I would gut the basement in a heartbeat to make space for her. That is a real craft and art.
   Type at you later,
    Dan McEntee
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Gary Dowler on March 03, 2019, 10:30:47 PM
Of all types, including 2 unproven ones and one rubber power freeflight, I have 7 flyable planes, and 2 underway.

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Gordon Van Tighem on March 03, 2019, 11:42:12 PM
When I was into everything (c/l, r/c and ff) I peaked out at 186 planes, most with motors. When I moved last I did a reduction but packed a few away for retirement. A couple of years ago I started looking in the boxes and with other recent additions I fear the numbers are creeping up again.
Not going to count them in case I get cornered, but I know there are also about 120 full size F2B plans and about 20 ‘short kits’ that I just have to build, some day!
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: EddyR on March 04, 2019, 06:10:32 AM
 I have two classic planes ready to fly. Not building any more models. My models seem to last a long time. Both are high time models but I have rebuilt them several times over the years.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Dwayne on March 04, 2019, 06:37:38 AM
No idea, including my little foamie indoor stuff, R/C and C/L at least 50 and I just sold some off at our annual  n~ n~ n~
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Ken Culbertson on March 04, 2019, 07:54:41 AM
I find that if I have more than two (I always try and take two to the field) somebody never gets flown.  I now have four.  A PA, a classic and 2 profiles.  From here on out building is on an enhancement/replacement schedule in my little shop detached from the "Airplane Free Zone" called the house.   I have seen at least three marriages fail over the years when party "A" got tired of party "B" stinking up the house.

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Jim Carter on March 04, 2019, 11:04:53 AM
 LL~ LL~ LL~  Robert, lets just say, I could easily sell you a dozen, ready-to-fly, and I'd still have some counting to do  %^@!!   LL~ LL~ LL~
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Joe Yau on March 04, 2019, 11:27:22 AM
I used to have 6 PA planes,  sold off two.. just 4 now. 2 Electrics and 2 IC.   :)
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: john e. holliday on March 04, 2019, 12:18:31 PM
Every time I start to organize the shop I get side tracked.  I have several boxes of nothing but engines.   Stacks of kits.  No counting how many plans I have, but most are in tubes above the spreader bars of the roof.   Ready to fly at least a dozen.  Then I have more than that with out engines in need of repair.

My wife and daughters complained about the dope smell until one day they came home and started complaining.  I pointed out to them that some one left the finger nail polish open.   No more complaints.  I have got rid of most of the magazines, some in bad shape.  But I will keep adding to the mess.  Keep telling wife and family they better learn how to do the Ebay when I'm gone. D>K

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Ken Culbertson on March 04, 2019, 02:27:13 PM
Every time I start to organize the shop I get side tracked.  I have several boxes of nothing but engines.   Stacks of kits.  No counting how many plans I have, but most are in tubes above the spreader bars of the roof.   Ready to fly at least a dozen.  Then I have more than that with out engines in need of repair.

My wife and daughters complained about the dope smell until one day they came home and started complaining.  I pointed out to them that some one left the finger nail polish open.   No more complaints.  I have got rid of most of the magazines, some in bad shape.  But I will keep adding to the mess.  Keep telling wife and family they better learn how to do the Ebay when I'm gone. D>K
I am just hoping that one of my grandkids will show enough interest that I can leave the fruits of my hobby to him/her.  If not then I am going to do the same thing.  I am 72 and I am willing to bet that within my generation +- 10 years there are enough quality PA ships to give every remaining stunt flier in the county two or three when we pass on.  They could add an event just for them "OPPS" (Other Person's Plane Stunt).  Or "Obama Stunt" with the only rule being "You didn't build that....".  There are so many engines out there that people will be flying under a dome on Mars before the last 46LA wears out.  Does the FAA require you to register if you fly on Mars?


Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: 944_Jim on March 04, 2019, 07:48:18 PM
I have seen at least three marriages fail over the years when party "A" got tired of party "B" stinking up the house.


There is so much that can be done with that...
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Larry Renger on March 04, 2019, 08:45:47 PM
Without going out to make an accurate count, 25 planes plus some catapult and rubber models. Of course the kits to be built is not within comprehension. Nor can all the engines expect to ever be used.  ~^

My wife once asked me if I needed all this stuff. I said maybe 20%, but I don’t know which 20%.  LL~
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Naomi Macklem on March 07, 2019, 10:15:00 AM
Between my husband & I, we currently have:
40 model planes ready to fly
15 models under construction at various stages of completion
38 "kits" (unassembled kits and a few built from scratch models started but not yet completed)
Total=93 different models/potential models and counting, with no sign of stopping any time soon

Our various models are for: Profile stunt, CLPA, fun/profile scale, Nostalgia 30, 1/2A scale, sport racing (LA 25 and scale LA 15 racing), sport/fun flying and 80 mph combat wings.  We are in the process of building a couple Musciano planes for future "Musciano" events and a Fury for Carrier 15 and Fun Carrier.

My husband & I share this hobby.  I had never heard of control line flying before I met him, and I had no idea there was such a thing.  He has been flying since he was about 14 years old.  In fact, it was his photo holding his Shark Attack 60" wing span CLPA stunt model that caught my interest before we even met.  I thought, wow I finally got asked out by a guy on internet dating who actually has an interest and a passion for something! He got me into it when we started dating, and I would launch his planes for him and help him keep track of how much fuel he needed for his different models. It didn't take very long before I realized that I wanted to learn how to fly and not just watch everyone else have all the fun!
I used to wonder why he needed so many different models, and then I started flying and trying a bunch of different events and now I think I have more models than he does.  We build and fly together. He flies expert level stunt, and I am still struggling to learn the beginner stunt pattern.  He knows how lucky he is to have a wife who not only supports but shares his hobby.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: john e. holliday on March 07, 2019, 11:37:02 AM
He is one of the very lucky ones.   H^^
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Ken Culbertson on March 07, 2019, 12:21:10 PM
He flies expert level stunt, and I am still struggling to learn the beginner stunt pattern.  He knows how lucky he is to have a wife who not only supports but shares his hobby.
Your husband is among the luckiest people on earth.

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Dan McEntee on March 07, 2019, 07:49:35 PM
   Heck, I think they were both lucky to find each other!

  The big questions is, do you have a sister!!!??? LL~ LL~

    Tell us more Naomi, maybe in a separate thread. There have been precious few female model airplane enthusiasts through the years with a few from the St. Louis area here. I would be interested in hearing some more of your story.

   Welcome to Stunthanger!
  Type at you later,
  Dan McEntee
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Bob Mears on March 08, 2019, 08:44:09 AM
I fly F2D, so I've got a box of 20 that I havent even opened yet, plus 20 ready to go. Also Now 8 WWII  combat planes, and 18 Nostalgia combat planes ready to go with motors. Not to mention the 85 I have in the museum with engines. Of course I dont fly those. I'm also one of the lucky ones. My wife can fly, but turns out she enjoys running contest. She CD's the big F2D events including the Nationals. She also is now an international judge for F2D. She was a judge for F2D in France world championships last year. It's really great having her involved in the hobby.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Randy Powell on March 08, 2019, 11:09:26 AM

2 ready to fly right now (though it's snowing and I wouldn't).
4 I'd need to put a motor in but could be flown.
2 that are under repair or construction.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Matt Colan on March 08, 2019, 12:15:27 PM
Here in Texas, I have three ready to fly, two PA airplanes and one classic. I got three planes under construction, one almost finished, a new PA plane and a profile. At my parents house in Vermont I have seven planes, all in various states of being ready to fly.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Will Hinton on March 08, 2019, 12:19:24 PM
Three flyable stunters, one combat with no engine and one needing repairs bipe.  I just have to comment on the quilting replies above - there's this older lady who works out at the same gym I do with a bumper sticker that says, "Quilting is cheaper than therapy."  Works for me with our goodies, too.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Ken Culbertson on March 08, 2019, 03:58:00 PM
Here in Texas, I have three ready to fly, two PA airplanes and one classic. I got three planes under construction, one almost finished, a new PA plane and a profile. At my parents house in Vermont I have seven planes, all in various states of being ready to fly.
Beware of leaving things with your parents!  I had three classics (well they were Open Stunters then) one Old Time and two under construction when I got a personalized invitation from the President of the United States to an event they were holding on the other side of the Pacific ocean.  When I got back, my parents had moved to Florida and totally forgot about my hobby stuff that was in the basement in an old boiler room I had converted.  I lost everything including my special Fox 35 given to me by George Aldrich at the '65 Nats and my 4 finger bowling ball...but that is another story.

I sincerely hope you have better luck!

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Chris_Rud on March 09, 2019, 07:41:14 PM
I have 1.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: bob whitney on March 09, 2019, 07:56:44 PM
I have ONE less than I had this morning HB~> which was 51 including stunt, racers, speed ships, combat and carrier stuff with some FF thrown in
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Fredvon4 on March 10, 2019, 10:46:34 AM
Ty mentioned but Bob Mears did not

So I add:
My wife also Machine Quilter and the costs of her tools and toys greatly exceeds my piddly sport flying Model airplane hobby....she (my wife) attends the Houston Quilting Expose ever year with a girl friend of her's we fly in from Fort Bragg NC...not at all unusual for she to call and ask permission to BUY a new 6 needle embroidery Machine  (( $16K))...we can afford it so my self serving answer is always YES!

I have visited Bob Mears home and Combat museum a few times.... and his lady Arlene is a very accomplished Machine Quilter with a super envious "Shop"

OP asks about AirPlane inventories....what is alsoo cool is all the other more or less importanet other hobbies
Ham Radio
Plastic models
Real Hot rods, OLD cars, or new or vintage Motorcycles...BTW Bob Mears has some real cool bikes
Real full sized airplanes
old geezer computer geeks that still play with Trash 80s or Commodor 64s....grin
Air plane sub hobby or business... some Make propellers, some make ARF kits and a lot of every thing in between because the major suppliers have all went through bankruptcy and no longer fill our needs

Back on topic

I no longer can fly and my son is only jazzed about my Fire

13 flyable right now
3 that need a engine mounted
5 ARFs unbuilt
30 Kits (mostly combat old school like Big Iron or Nemesis II or VooDoo)

RV parking cover conversion to giant Shop conversion in Year two of construction ( as funds available) final 15 foot tall, 15 foot wide, and 39 feet, doors, HVAC, foam insulation (Texas can get a little hot)...

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Jim Carter on March 10, 2019, 03:25:01 PM
I have ONE less than I had this morning HB~> which was 51 including stunt, racers, speed ships, combat and carrier stuff with some FF thrown in
;D LL~  Yo Bob, I believe that was what we heard up here!! Didn't it register on the Richter Scale!!  LL~ LL~
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: mccoy40 on March 12, 2019, 12:05:24 PM
WOW!! You guys are making me feel so much better! I thought I was the only only one with enormous amounts of stuff.

I have about

38 planes that are ready to fly
34 in some form of construction
140 some odd kits
140 some odd engines

My construction count can jump by a factor of 8 - I have 4 adjusto jigs they are 72" long and I can build two 36" span wings per each adjusto jig.

I typically use a kit to copy the parts from and create a series of my own designs

 ~^ #^ H^^ 
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: mccoy40 on March 12, 2019, 12:06:33 PM
Oh - and I am open to being adopted by anyone with model airplane equipment
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Peter in Fairfax, VA on March 12, 2019, 12:19:51 PM
At present, two ready to fly.

#1 - Profile stunter w/ flaps, O.S. LA-46
#2 - Profile Sterling Navion, Fox .35

Did not build either one.  One is from a downsizing / estate.  The other was built by another club member here in Northern Virginia.  The Navion actually flies pretty well, and I am told by the builder of the other one that it is good.  We'll see when our weather breaks.

Looking to acquire another stunter or even an entire downsizing / estate.  Will likely attend Brodak's, either early in the week and/or at the end of the week.

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: john e. holliday on March 12, 2019, 12:59:17 PM
Peter you had better go for the week if you can.   Family, health and things have kept me away since the first time I attended.    H^^
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Joe Ed Pederson on March 12, 2019, 03:09:04 PM
WOW!! You guys are making me feel so much better! I thought I was the only only one with enormous amounts of stuff.

I have about

38 planes that are ready to fly
34 in some form of construction
140 some odd kits
140 some odd engines

 ~^ #^ H^^

Wow!   This and several other posts explains a few things.   I was astonished to read somewhere recently that Brodak has sold some 2,000 Brodak .40s.   My first thought at reading that 2,000 Brodak .40s have sold was, "There aren't enough CL guys left to buy that many of just one type/brand of motors out of the many, many other motors available new or used."  Well I guess there's more CL guys left than I thought, and some of the few that are left, buy far more kits and engines than they could ever possibly build or use. 

The bright side of such large inventories is that it keeps Brodak and the other cottage industries alive for everyone: those who only buy a little and those who can't resist buying in large quantities (at least large quantities over time).

A part of me is envious of such large inventories, but it hit me in my twenties (1970s - 1980s) when my passion was free flight, that I don't have the time to build all the models that appeal to me, even if I could afford the monetary cost.  Same goes now with flying/practicing.  No matter how many planes I might have ready to fly there's only so much daylight on the days when (a) the weather is suitable and (b) I'm not obligated to do something else, or (c) there isn't something else I would rather be doing.

I'm grateful for the two practice planes that were freely handed down to me and the one I bought complete with an engine ready to fly, and the two 1/2A models I've built.  And because I enjoy building, I'm in the process of building a Sig Akromaster, a Baby Barnstormer from plans, a Top Flite Tutor, and a Medic.  I'll fairly soon have more models ready to fly than I can get around to flying.  And yet I look at the kits in my Brodak catalog and the RSM on-line catalog every other day thinking every other page, "Wouldn't that be an ideal/fun/beautiful/great flying model to build!"   So, I too am a kid in the candy shop drooling over all the goodies.  I, too, am constantly having to slap my hand and say "You don't really need that.  You've already got plenty.  Work with what you have."

Too large an appetite!  Too little time!

Joe Ed Pederson
Cuba, MO

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Ken Culbertson on March 12, 2019, 04:06:55 PM

...or (c) there isn't something else I would rather be doing. ??? ~^


Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Ken Culbertson on March 12, 2019, 04:11:05 PM
WOW!! You guys are making me feel so much better! I thought I was the only only one with enormous amounts of stuff.

I have about

38 planes that are ready to fly
34 in some form of construction
140 some odd kits
140 some odd engines

My construction count can jump by a factor of 8 - I have 4 adjusto jigs they are 72" long and I can build two 36" span wings per each adjusto jig.

I typically use a kit to copy the parts from and create a series of my own designs

 ~^ #^ H^^

My wife would have me committed.

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Don Chandler on March 12, 2019, 04:54:07 PM
12 ready to fly. Three more that if I put an engine in them today could fly tomorrow. Also have 5 scale planes that I haven't flown in a couple years now that with a day to prepare could get in the air. Also have 13 older ones that will probably never get back into the air. have maybe 15 or so kits and one on the table that I just today put the first coat of color on. I have a 20ft x 20ft detached shop with an interior work room on 5 acres so plenty of room.
Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Peter in Fairfax, VA on March 17, 2019, 06:32:53 PM
Boxing an item starts with the cardboard.  For large items, three sources come to mind:

1. Sheets of cardboard from a box making business.  In my area, that's Diamond Container, and I buy cardboard pieces 54" x 79" for about $5 each.

2. Cardboard from a furniture or appliance store.

3. Cardboard from a bicycle store.

I'd say build the box sturdy enough to serve as a park bench, voids filled with crumpled newspaper, landing gear potentially secured to the box, optional anti-crush pillars inside the box.  Depends on who the carrier will be.

Title: Re: How many planes?
Post by: Avaiojet on March 17, 2019, 06:58:38 PM

Thanks for the reply on this, I'll keep your information in mind.

BTW. My Post was placed here by accident, it should be removed.

Possibly I can do it?