General control line discussion => Open Forum => Topic started by: RC Storick on February 11, 2021, 03:00:16 PM

Title: Here is the deal.
Post by: RC Storick on February 11, 2021, 03:00:16 PM
I can't monitor every post and if you get your panties in a wad and want to leave don't post you leaving Just do it. If you wish to go to facebook please do so without fan fare.
Title: Re: Here is the deal.
Post by: Gerald Arana on February 11, 2021, 06:53:44 PM
I can't monitor every post and if you get your panties in a wad and want to leave don't post you leaving Just do it. If you wish to go to facebook please do so without fan fare.

Robert: Here's the deal, if you don't like a subject; DON'T READ IT!!!! And for gosh sakes don't post an answer! n1


Title: Re: Here is the deal.
Post by: wwwarbird on February 11, 2021, 09:19:05 PM

 Here's The Deal...

 Nowadays, people that have "no life" simply resort to whining and finger-pointing as their means of gaining attention. When any level of attention is gained as a result they take it as their confirmation of self worth and importance. For years now it's gradually been becoming the norm, mainly because politicians and lawmakers (primarily from the left) are caving in to it on a regular basis as their means of gaining votes. One big reason this has become the case is because this path of "getting your way" is essentially being taught in schools. Think about it, remember the first time you ever heard of a "Participation Award"? This is all just part of the systematic brainwashing that's been going on and, after the 2020 elections, is set to progress with an even greater snowball effect. So, "turning the channel" never even crosses the minds of these people, because they have to prove to the rest of us that, well, who knows.  D>K
Title: Re: Here is the deal.
Post by: FLOYD CARTER on February 12, 2021, 11:36:20 AM
I have put several posts here on Stunt Hanger chastising those who just rant and rave about their political opponent.  If I have somehow indicated my own personal political bias, I apologize for that.  I have never called out anyone by name to complain.

I would like to keep this site focused on stunt models and associated topics.
Title: Re: Here is the deal.
Post by: Dennis Moritz on February 13, 2021, 04:07:19 AM
I have too many lives
Title: Re: Here is the deal.
Post by: Dennis Toth on February 13, 2021, 10:13:45 AM
I agree with Floyd, keep this site focused on control line models and associated topics.

Best,   DennisT
Title: Re: Here is the deal.
Post by: jim gilmore on February 16, 2021, 02:31:00 AM
The Only Problem I have with this site is that I would love a simple way to agree with some things people say. I just really come here to see what you all build I love airplanes. I am moving hopefully into a small home soon and should finally have enough space to build some models again. #^ #^ #^